
1 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So… the asshole who used reddits “unprofitability” as a fig leaf for hamstringing their user base with a garbage API policy just so happens to be the same guy that got paid 25% of the entire company revenue for the last year?

What a Fucking chode.

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Am man, can confirm.

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I seem to remember reading that domesticated dogs evolved more expressive eyebrows that proved to be a survival advantage in this process.

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Don’t seatbelt your face, obviously

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Frankly a plain topless shot is not in my opinion grounds for anything heavier than a PG rating

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Put slightly differently. Eight members of the house can cause total gridlock because the other 427 can’t even countenance taking a single step of compromise - and not even compromise on an actual law - compromise on the person who presides over the process.

The problem isn’t really the eight. The problem is that the process has gotten so fucked we can no longer work around a 1.8% nut job rate.

Edit: math

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Tim Cook of apple got paid $92 million in 2022 - a massive degree of overcompensation in my opinion, and an amount he got sued for.

If he got paid at a comparable percentage of revenue to spez last year that would have been (amusingly) a 92 Billion dollar paycheck - 1000x as much.

Regardless of how much I dislike the guy personally investors should be running away screaming from this IPO.

Some petty ass old boys network tries to strong arm local journalist nerd over some Facebook wall drama about a DUI, fails to consider the size his microphone.

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This is actually one case insurance companies would be ALL OVER a real fix. People with spinal injuries have tons of medical complications that cost throughout their entire life. An insurance company would definitely be interested in unloading persistent fiscal drains like that.

Don’t get me wrong, the medical insurance industry is a fucking terror, especially in the US with the degree of regulatory capture involved. In this one case though, a real cure would serve their interests at anything less than a massive cost on their part.

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Why wouldn’t we include a server call on every button press? We need usage data to optimize the experience!

I don’t think anyone questions that “he felt his life was in peril”. The question is why a temperamental moron that can’t control his feelings long enough to think before unloading a lethal weapon at his own car should be entrusted to “serve and protect” the public.

I can’t even imagine the kind of masochism it takes to run a website devoted exclusively to Florida politics.

It’s nice when a company just comes right out and tells you not to bother even considering the garbage they’re shoveling.

Unless of course your job is to be a ping pong ball tester, in which case you may not be getting supported with the necessary tools to perform your job successfully.

Lesser Britain?

For one simple and depressing reason - people click on it. That’s the dopamine button for modern media outlets online; those clicks are the cash register ringing.

If you want to figure out a way to elevate the discourse you have to disrupt the payment model - at the end of the day people do what gets them paid. Doubly so when the harm it causes is anonymized by operating in corporate aggregates.

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Not necessarily. He might just be greedy for a bigger job in Texas policy. If he can throw the brown shirts a little victory without it costing him reelection that could get him enough currency for them to want to support him for higher office.

Cynical exercise of power for personal gain is not illegal so far as I know.

He may not have used the term in the senate, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he committed the act.

I really want to know what the other four things are. Not enough to go look, but enough to complain here.

Don’t forget flings with Octopus Face and A Literal Demon.

These assholes will stop at nothing to get you to upgrade.

My son has a children’s book with the line “Pirates always pay their share”. Literally the opposite of what pirates do, drives me nuts.

I love you Neil Gaiman, but you’re better than that.

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“Do you know how I got these scars?”

So much for a skills-based education model.

Kind of leaping to conclusions there. 90% of what is caught is done so at legal crossings and 10% at illegal. We cannot measure what we don’t catch in either case, so there is no reason to assume a disproportionate percentage of what we don’t catch is coming through illegal crossings.

If an intern (or damn near any employee) can be in a position to single handedly take down that scale of system it’s not the intern that should be fired - it’s the architect that baked that kind of weakness in the first place.

Not for everyone, and it’s not ALL upside but having a kid. It is so much fucking fun, and it inspires me to be my best self at the same time.

I manage a decent sized team of salaried people and I am 100% behind this.

If I were to have a criticism it would be of management hiring more people than they really need, not paying good wages, and/or not recognizing when one of their people is ready for a bigger role.

It’s never happened on my team that I know of, but if I were to run into that case and my guy was getting his job done properly then zero fucks would be given.

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Ah yes. Donald Trump, Scourge of America, Sorrow of democracy, Trump the Floridian, Trump the Cruel, Trump the Torturer, Trump the Despised, Trump the Unholy.

You’re suggesting his crimes warrant execution by poison, bring shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered? Ouch.

May thy knife chip and shatter.

Aren’t they planning another one? They’ve got a chance to bring the title back home.

Personally I doubt it. While they don’t necessarily need every vote in the decision, recusal would reinforce the precedent that they have done anything inappropriate - not the tack they have been taking.

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Lol. They absolutely do listen to scholars, and just like any other political group, they act on what they say when it’s convenient.

Federalist society is covering its bets here - putting up sone legal footholds for old establishment conservatism to use if they become handy - while doing so in such a way they don’t put themselves on the outs too unforgivably if Trump and his ilk weasel this way through this mess like they have so many times before.

If governments started regulating bitcoin because it was proof of work based then people aren’t going to pump real money into another proof of work scheme to replace it - why would they take the risk of it happening again when there are alternatives? the mining profit margins would disappear and so would they.

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Batman bin Suparman

If only it could be done without being such a giant asshole that you generate an asshole-attracting gravitational field.

Also the crash test dummies

If that is “one of” and not “clearly” the dumbest thing you’ve ever done, I’d love to hear some of the others.

Better? Never. I will say it is the by far the best real multi player rpg I’ve played.

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I don’t think divvying up the booty is really the same as sharing, albeit much more fun to say.