0 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Gather all the worlds subtitles under the guise of being “open” and then bait and switch when you’re the largest subtitles database out there.

The free API had a limit of 20 subs/day, you’re not going to tell me those server costs were significant.

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I don’t get what employers have to do with your health insurance in the first place. Is this some weird way to keep you working at the threat of your healthcare being taken away?

The US is weird af

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Nah, I use Siri daily for simple tasks. Turning on lights, setting timers, adding things to my groceries list. She’s simple, but perfectly fine for simple tasks.

Please leave her the fuck alone :’)

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find “$(echo $HOME > variable_holder.txt && cat variable_holder.txt)/$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “d”) $(cat alphabet.txt | grep “o”)$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “c”)$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “s”)”

This is the easiest method

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This article confirmed I’m still dyslexic

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If you tell someone “there’s a fire!” with anguish they’ll assume it’s in the building because what moron phrases it like that if it doesn’t directly impact the person you’re speaking to.

This is more im14andthisisdeep material than shouwerthought

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Linux is a lifestyle

Yeah this guy has issues

— a fellow Linux user

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I hope you find what you’re looking for, and maybe on the way some punctuation as well :’)

This is the only correct response

It’s feels like the article is intentionally vague about it but this does not seem to affect iCloud password keychain, as that requires user intervention (using your fingerprint) to fill your password, right?

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What was it again? “Don’t attribute to malice when it can be attributed to stupidity” something something?

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To put this into perspective, if you make $100k/y: this is $30

In other words: a joke

Edit: and full disclosure: I’m a full-blown Apple fan

I’ve been doing this for years as well since I once saw a calendar notification (which is at 9:00 for an all-day activity) stop my alarm after ringing for a second. Been paranoid ever since…

I want some of whatever you’re on

What a useless article. Malware as a service has existed for years and years. No information about what vulnerability is exploited (if any at all), how it is spread or if it has even actually been spotted in the wild.

Wow, this post is useless!

You’re just being pedantic for the sake of being pedantic. Everyone refers to the units used in the US as imperial units.

If you mount your phone to your motorcycle the vibrations can mess up the tiny motors that are in the camera to make it focus.

Exactly, the penalty is “losing” 10 billion moneys. It’s a high-risk/high-reward game that Apple can afford.

Oof, that’s a very obvious sign they do not understand how IPv6 is supposed to work. At all.

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What’s with you spamming this shitty website? I see you changed your name from ultra_unlimited to something less obvious but that doesn’t work when we can see your history brother

The question regarding Bluetooth and plants is the giveaway this is an r/conspiracy-level post, and that you have no idea what you’re talking about lmao.

Did I get it wrong?

Oh boy, yes. This network tracks items specifically built on this protocol. It has nothing to do with “tracking your MAC address”. That’s already done whenever you walk into a train station and goes over WiFi. Which you can disable.

MAC addresses are not unique. If you know the seed for it’s random generation you might be able to track it across WiFi networks that you own, but you’ll already know where the user is since you own the fucking network. This is not a worldwide tracking network that can follow your every move.

If that’s what you’re worried about, I suggest ditching your phone completely. Because the “worldwide tracking network” that already works is called the cellular network, no need to build another one.

Are you truly free if you can’t yeet racial slurs at minorities? 😤😤😤😤😤

Nobody said that? What imaginary argument are you having?

Using network storage to store your swapfile is one of the… um, more interesting ideas I’ve heard today

What are they gonna do, turn my lights on? Great prank mr. Tim Apple.

I’ve been fairly polite in this thread but I’m tempted to call you stupid. I won’t

That’s a lot of words to just call someone stupid and try to get away with it

Agreed. Everything in Linux is a file so let’s keep it that way.

I think extinct in this case means “not yeeting lava into the world on a regular basis”

The vulnerability seems to be that it can read content filled into a page, and since lastpass will autofill your password (usually, if enabled) it’s easy to read.

iCloud Keychain requires user intervention by default (using your fingerprint) so it can’t be autofilled in the background.

Still, many people would be vulnerable because 3rd party password managers are so popular.

I was talking about the iCloud Keychain, they are specifically not stored in the browser so malware can’t access it.

All my bricks are still USB-A because they don’t break, so if I were to come home with a C to C cable, I’d be out of luck.

But it’s just a sales tactic, people are acting like Apple is trying to start an uprising against the EU or something

It an answer a C-level exec would give when they don’t want to actually answer.

Just don’t give them access to your texts, contacts and photos? Like with any app that requests permissions it doesn’t need.

I was baffled at the amount of cockiness

I was easily the most senior person I’m rather exceptional at what I do

Your “neural configuration” is the reason you weren’t promoted?

I think you fit right in.

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