3 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I do like my water to be well-cooked. Would you recommend this water cooker?

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How are they picking restaurants where they're not absolutely certain they'll be welcomed?

I didn't propose to my (now) wife until I already knew what the answer would be. These chucklefucks are out here not even doing the bare minimum due diligence. Just showing up and hoping for the best.

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Awful lot of strings that should have been integers. It is JavaScript, though, so I guess that tracks.

A $2/mo subscription for a fucking screensaver?!

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Yup. Dude took one for the team.

There's a lot more chances to jump off your float for a sec and enjoy the scenery on a long lazy river than there is on a water slide.

I was skeptical of ligatures at first, too, it took me awhile to warm up to it. But yeah, love me some Fira Code now.

I trust NANCHANGZHENGFUYUANGUOJIMAOYIYOUXIANGONGSI for all my dangerously illegal electrical needs!

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Major League Eating, hailing him as “an American hero,”

No. Just no.

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A lot > many > several > a few > a couple > acceptable number of loose screws keeping the flying metal tube intact.

So no, not quite a lot.

I knew I'd been playing too much GTA (would have been around the VC/SA days probably) when I was out driving one day, heard sirens, and looked up in the corner of my windshield to see if I had any stars.

Me have lot money. Him have lot money. Me get more money if him can't get money no more. Money.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

I went to school with my Superman pajamas underneath my regular clothes and specifically wore a button up shirt so that I could rip it open and be Superman. If it became necessary, y'know.


I demand a recount! An audit! Another audit after the first one doesn't find anything! A lawsuit challenging the recount! A lawsuit challenging the first lawsuit because it wasn't challenging enough! Fake news, people, this election was stolen! Those six people were clearly dead, obvious voter fraud, anyone can see it!

This is what it boils down to. All this time, I kept seeing all the shit he did and kept wondering the same question. But the flurry of indictments over the past little while has answered it: they were biding their time, making sure all their ducks were in a row, so they could all collectively take one giant, perfect, swing for the fences. We can only hope they don't miss.

If some of the D's want to get rid of Menendez, and some of the R's want to get rid of Santos, can't we just do like a prisoner exchange type of thing? One vote, both heads on the chopping block, one from each side leaves the overall total basically the same. The R's can claim they only voted to kick out Menendez, and the D's can claim they only voted to kick out Santos, we get rid of the two most blatant fraudsters, and everyone's constituency is still mostly ok with it as long as the other side lost a guy too.

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Are we sure this guy isn't Mitt Romney? He's got a binder full of women.

Hell, I'd permanently lose interest in working for a measly $55 billion.

Clearly that man's tongs weren't tongy enough. And now he's got no one to blame but himself.

It's there, you have to swipe past the first picture up at the top.

He's really weird.

Damn, dude, tough crowd! I thought it was funny.

Play Integrity Fix magisk module fixes it. For now, anyway. I had PIF 15.1 previously and my RCS stopped working a few weeks ago. I just updated to 15.9.2 and now it's working again. I imagine it'll be a cat and mouse game like everything else having to do with rooted phones.

This is why I scoff every time Google takes jabs at Apple about iMessage. Pot, meet kettle. Until I can use rcs with Textra, they got no room to talk

I've noticed that about a ton of SCOTUS-related headlines lately. They rejected a challenge to a lawsuit challenging the rejection of the appeal that failed to reject the rejection of their earlier rejected appeal. Takes ten minutes to decipher which side actually won.

He said it was a family sized lasanyer. He didn't say an entire family was going to eat it.

"In like Flynn" is a slang phrase meaning "having quickly or easily achieved a goal or gained access as desired."


As someone with self-diagnosed mild depression and probably adhd, I've struggled with this.

Lots of people have suggested running or walking, can confirm, that does help. I would also add music to that. Throw on headphones, start your favorite playlist, crank it up good and loud, and go for a walk/jog/run. No one is watching you, no one is judging you. Silently lip sync sing with the songs as expressively awesome as you can (or sing out loud for real if you can, but I know this would be hard for me, for whatever reason I'm much less self conscious about my ridiculous facial gymnastics as long as I'm quiet about it). Like for real, pretend this is your song, and you're performing it live at your band's concert. Entertain the shit out of your imaginary audience. Belt it out like there's no tomorrow. To quote Straylight Run's "Existentialism on Prom Night," sing like you think no one's listening. Combined with the physical activity, you'll feel great when you get back home. For even better effect, find a bunch of songs where the tempo matches your walking speed. Then you can really get into a groove with it.

I also go on walks with my wife most evenings now, no music/headphones, just kinda small talk and enjoying each other's company, and it's helped get some things back on track with our marriage too. Better communication. Not both of us sitting on the couch silently doomscrolling and ignoring each other.

I can also suggest 3d printing as another good hobby, though this one will cost you, so it comes with the caveat that you'll probably want to have at least a bit of discretionary income if you want to pick this one up. There are tons of free, ready-made models on sites like,, or Public libraries sometimes have 3d printers available for public use, and any makerspace worth their salt will have some too, if you're in an area that has something like that. So you can piddle around with it a bit before you really start laying out cash, see if it's something you'll like.

Start small, find a dinky little trinket or toy or something that can be printed quickly, and watch that mfer come into existence layer by layer. It's addicting. When the print bed slides out at the end with a physical object that didn't exist an hour ago, it's kind of fantastic.

Once you decide that you like it, you'll want to get a printer of your very own. You can find very hands-on tinkery printers (creality ender 3 series) for $100 and up, if you're good getting your hands dirty and buying more parts to "fix" some of the entry-level shortcomings. Good, ready-made "as good as your gonna get" options from Prusa or Bambu are higher priced initially ($500+) but won't require nearly as much extra money for upgrades and tweaks. Filament usually costs about $20-30/roll depending on how fancy you want. You can do toys. You can do lithophanes (cool 3d printed photographs). You can print replacement parts for random shit in your house that breaks. Guns. Action figures. You can print an entire fucking life sized Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton (Reddit link, warning to anyone who's avoiding the old site). And all the while, you'll need to read and research and tweak and change and do all kinds of little mental tasks to engage yourself and pull out of your funk.

Your thing will fail sometimes. You'll run out of filament. Your settings will be wrong. You'll end up with a big blob of plastic spaghetti. But that gives you incentive to find and fix what went wrong and try again. It'll come out right eventually, and it feels great when it does.

Once you've gotten your feet wet with models from the Internet, you can get into starting to learn modeling yourself, with Blender or FreeCAD or any number of other apps. And if you thought it felt good when your cheesy little boat or octopus from the Internet finished, let me tell you... When your own model, that you created from absolutely nothing, comes off the printer as a real honest-to-god physical object, looking exactly like it did in your head, it's sublime!

Anyway. Good luck to you. Good on you for reaching out and looking for ways to improve yourself. I hope you find something that works for you.

Damn, what kind of 15 year old broken parts are still worth $15 million?! I feel like they should have been depreciated to nothing, like, a decade ago, unless they're made of unobtanium or something.

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I feel like the keys to heaven and hell probably look different enough that you shouldn't really need labels.

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Post title matches the article headline. Headline says $9/month, article body says $99/year. In other words, buy 11 months, get one month free.

Pretty fuckin scary just how literal that word is now, after the immunity ruling.

Blizzard cinematics have always been fantastic. The fact that the stupid Warcraft movie was anything other than "let's give the cinematics team 90 minutes to show off" is a tragedy.

He's actually a Stan Lee character.

I've made lamps from liquor bottles. Easier to drill a hole in the bottom than to cut off the whole top. Not quite candles but probably the same basic premise.

Fill them with something - I've done coffee beans, crushed glass, colored beads, empty bullet casings, etc. I do usually try to find bottles that don't have labels at all, but if it's got a label I leave it there. That's part of the charm, I guess, if you want to call it that.

Find visually interesting bottles with visually interesting labels and see what you can come up with. My favorite so far have been the bullet casings in a Hotel Tango bourbon bottle (military/MRE themed, looks sorts like an army canteen) and a beach color gradient of crushed glass (sand/white/dark blue/light blue) in a Bumbu rum bottle (looks pirate-shippy).

Not everyone's cup of tea, for sure, but for me it's a fun little waste of time to put them together and to think of ideas for what kinds of fillers would go with what kind of bottles. And it's done as a "give one lamp as a gift to someone who would like/appreciate it" kind of thing, like the Hotel Tango one was for someone who used to be in the Army. I don't just fill my house with empty liquor bottle lamps as a monument to alcoholism or anything. That would be super weird.

I can't imagine people flooding Mastodon with new signups and traffic just to follow Biden. There would likely be a little bump as it gets reported and more people get curious, but most would likely be more along the lines of "oh that's nice" and go right back to Twitter/threads.

I sorta think, had this happened in the run-up to 2008, it's possible that people might have flooded it to follow Obama, but Biden doesn't have anywhere near the pull with young voters that Obama had. Back then we voted for Obama. Now we vote against Trump, and Biden just happens to be the beneficiary. No one is going to change their online presence just because he moved his soapbox.

Let's be real, though. He won't even be there, and they'll still turn it into the Trump Show.