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Joined 7 months ago

We could mirror your post for windows though, their only interaction with the OS is launching the browser. The vast majority of people running windows only use their pc to run the browser and the office suite, and they use windows because it's what came pre-installed.

I understand your point that india doesn't particularly care for linux, but by that same logic the world doesn't particularly care for windows either.

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Arch is designed to take up your free time by making you build everything from scratch

That's a weird take, arch provides repositories ootb and is meant to be used with pacman, you're maybe confusing with gentoo?

Sounds good to me. It's annoying that connecting to a store and a social media platform has become so normalized. I just want to play a game.

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Most phones these days allow you to set a DND schedule which you can customize to allow specific numbers for emergencies and people that don't abuse it.

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It's just a "I disagree" button for most ppl. Also windows do be that bad, you've used it so long you don't notice or know any better.

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Meanwhile they reveal 1 Billion revenue from their latest acquisition...

Familiarity breeds contempt, give it some time and I'm sure cosmic will have its share of haters too. There's hundreds of gnome devs, and all you're seeing are clickbait blogposts like these made to stir up the pot. Go check out the discussions on discourse, matrix, or even gitlab to see what they're actually like.

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If you're addicted to a game, your phone battery is the least of your problems.

You can disable the screensaver and auto-suspend just fine in the settings, caffeine lets you toggle it from the panel, I'd hardly call that a must have, if anything it'd annoy most users who prefer a clean panel.

I prefer the gnome approach of having a functioning basic DE where you can optionally install extensions that you want.

Literally never heard of it before. Please don't recommend tiny distributions to new users, they're a pain to debug due to the lack of information, and they typically have much less support.

Supposedly Windows can mess with the linux bootloader if it's on the same drive, i never had it happen back when i still dual booted. Reinstalling the bootloader isn't too hard though if it ever does happen.

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poorly written code and tight code

This is where you guys lose me, it's just code that not optimized for size and that's because most people don't give a shit about that. People want want their 4k assets, their localization, their accessibility features, their application to run on any device... All this comes at a cost. You want to change things, that's fine, but start by understanding why things are the way they are because shitting on developers won't get you anywhere.

This would only serve to advertise their ips, just look at Overwatch. If you really want to fuck with a corporation, the best way is to forget about them.

Linux only just hit 2% market share

That's steam players, linux on desktop is estimated at 4%, and 6% if you count chromeos.

That 10% is only there so that you can participate and feel involved; awards are mostly money schemes and industry people patting each other on the back.

drivers for software

That's not a thing.

theme brings drivers

Gnome and kde don't bring drivers, they bring a compositor. The drivers come from LINUX and other packages like MESA which are distro agnostic.

only working on Windows

OS compatibility is in the hands of the engineers and developers, or more accurately in the hands of corporations that will go where there's money. If you want shit to work on linux, you need to use linux.

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Botnets work as background malware, most people never realize they're infected, as opposed to in your face malware like ransomware.
Backups are only relevant for malware if you can pinpoint when the malware was installed and the backups aren't compromised.

It's new and different. It's also not really usable atm so there's plenty of hype and little disillusionment yet.
Give it a couple years and everyone will probably have forgotten about it.

Use diff patches and automate with some bash scripting.

Considering this is browser stats I doubt the steam deck has much to do with it, the steam deck is all about never opening anything other than steam.

No DRM Protection means no HD, High bit rate streaming

Is that actually a thing? Firefox has a drm button toggle and prime worked fine last time I used it.

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Does it matter where it comes from though? Do you think regular folks are like: "i'm gonna play on my WINDOWS MACHINE"? They just use whatever came pre-installed.

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There's some distributions that are windows-like, if you want that you can try Linux Mint. But some DEs like Gnome approach desktop use very differently and do away with plenty of windows designs.

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Brand new is definitely a stretch, their legal page seems to date back to 2019.

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It's really a design decision. Gnome's corners don't have infinite size because you can grab the window by clicking anywhere on the topbar including in fullscreen. It creates exceptions in the design, why should the close button expand to the corner but not the others? If the close button is too small to click on, that's another issue entirely.

Works fine here, on mutter with mesa. Looks mostly like a KDE bug.

You can still theme gtk though, whether it's simply by editing /.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css or by using a more in depth app like gradience, everyone using the same defaults actually makes it easier to further tweak.

Qt and gtk both have rust bindings though?

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Never thought about making the home folders flatcase, thanks, takes all of 2 minutes btw.
If anybody else wants to do it, remember to edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs with your new flatcase folders.

It's a good change for sure, but the cynic in me can't help but think they're doing this solely because they believe it'll make them more money this way.

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Defaults matter, most people never bother customizing.

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For the iso variant: localectl --no-convert set-keymap mod-dh-iso-us
localectl set-x11-keymap us 105 colemak_dh_iso For the ansi variant, switch to 104 and edit iso to ansi

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Gnome's ui is a couple of extensions away from being windows-like. You don't need to subscribe to the full gnome experience™ to use gnome.

Well yeah, but the problem is typically the people who you don't want you calling you in the middle of night are also the ones willing to call you a few times till you pick up.

Diablo 4 got 40% off within a few months I find AAA games are increasingly starting with a high price point to capitalize on the hype and advertising campaign, and once that peters out they quickly reduce the price.

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Between the snaps crisis and the ads in the terminal ubuntu seems to be doing its best to scare off regular users.

Firefox knows the difference though, it won't pull your passwords or login cookies. But yeah, it's very easy to fall for phishing attempts, I just never click on anything sent in a mail to be safe.

Blizzard games have always had good linux compatibility. Might change now that they've bought by microsoft though.
As for ubisoft games they probably run too, launchers are a pita but they do run, you'll need something like lutris, bottles or heroic launcher to get you started running shit outside of steam, they're not necessary but they make things simpler.

It's little grievances that eventually pile up and one day you'll just have had enough and switch.

Yeah i don't think i had an article, just some redhat documentation and the regular localectl help page, and a couple of hours.