4 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hope people know that us all having instances would always be better than anything centralized elsewhere. 1) I can delete all my posts if I want. 2) anyone can make a better app to talk to it. 3) we got so many different ways of sharing our free speech here, it's not even funny. 4) you can backup your stuff. I'm not, but you can do that if you serve your own server. 5) you can establish your own rules or land on someone else's server that you trust.

At this point you gotta be a lower form of life to conclude that going centralized is good for anyone.

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Google, YouTube, Gmail, chrome.

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Since devices that compute generate heat, it is a good way to hear your home up in the PNW. Additionally, you get to host websites. Everyone wins.

Better if you mine crypto, cuz any profit is just extra. You get the same results as if you were using a wall heater but you also get something in return.

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8gb soldered... my phone has 16gb soldered.

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I love this part right here about POSSE:

"The idea is that you, the poster, should post on a website that you own. Not an app that can go away and take all your posts with it,"

No gravity waves generated or anything. But if they dropped one on you, you won't complain about the name. Why not call it the Barbie warhead and Ken missile? Again, no one would come back " excuse me but I did not get any Barbies or Kens when this thing was dropped on my house yesterday and I would like to complain to management"

Let the shittification games begin! Meanwhile if you need us, we'll be looking for a different obscure controller to make an automated band wagon with and jump on it.

I couldn't find a complaint with a quick googling.... probably because Google is now a shitty place to find stuff. But check out the process for changing over to another browser. It's so fucking annoying.

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Bob! Did you forget to set the steam roller on park? My leg is kind of stuck, help me off will you? Ok we'll need a grinder, go turn that steam roller off dude it's rolling this way. The keys? Joe had the keys last? He's off today? Call Joe dude! C'mon!

Hey! This is Bob, your friendly NC AI assistant. I noticed all your dick pics had very small dicks so I've increased the length to a more respectable 8.5" and requested assistance from your 7 female contacts about girth size. User "your mother " preferred the 1.5 size but was ok with 400% increase "if that's what you're into". You agreed to show your privates in private with user "Neighbor" tonight at 7:30. He suggested silicone lube. All images are uploaded and available for your review on your Facebook timeline. Let me know if I should increase the size or if the color is off. User "Coworker" complained about the color and will be discussing it with your manager and you tomorrow first thing.

How may I be of assistance today?

No!!! Not when porn is so easy to get these days! I need my daily dosage. If this goes through, the we won't have access to California's greatest stars ✨🤩 in the business. Everything will be smaller and lower quality and possibly not in English. I only watch the videos for the articles. But if the articles are all in dutch or Chinese or Japanese, how am I supposed to you know? Like do my thing. You know?

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Friends of Mike Oak.


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I got banned. But between Lemmy and mastodon I haven't gone back there.

This is an incorrect assessment of the facks. I believe it to be the same people that hate reddit for banning them....and me. You know... Good people 😁. People who like and say weird shit. People who find useful ways to use reddit....and then reddit finds out it's useful and replaces you with a bot or someone else.....

Reddit's modo should be "build our communities! And get the fuck out! They're our communities!"

I am the former admin for r/keitruck and r/Seattlegay. One day I started to notice hate messages. I might have replied. Then I noticed a deluged of that until one morning I got a message saying I was banned. I spent all my fun pandemic free time building those two places. So fuck reddit.

I actually agree with you and I think I like it like that. It's like our own little language that nobody else speaks.

The smaller the community, the bigger the impact of your opinions.

For example, just on my own, I can reach a good 50% impact on anything I say unless my wife says something different.

It's time to go monopoly busting!

I got banned site wide so I can't delete my subreddits or anything I posted. That should be illegal.

They used reddit because it has corraled dumb users. Users a no longer around anywhere else in the Internet, just here on social media. And yes, what better place to find dumb users than on reddit!

I know mexico is really they drink tequila and move on.

I don't know. I was getting a ton of messages saying that I violated the terms of what ever. Like it was just raining those kind of messages. Then the next day when I woke up I was going to check out my daily news and I got presented with a message saying I was banned. Not very well explained what the heck I did. But ever since, I've been opening my horizons. I mean this place is pretty good. I haven't deployed my own server, but I figure I can actually do that.

You could defend someone in court for free!

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It's probably not necessary for it to be human readable.

This makes sense. I didn't think of it that deep to realize that.

Now this is an interesting one. Plus with all the lithium in your system trickling in you'll be sane the entire time!

You know, there was a time when people used to go to sears for the good stuff and to Kmart too. Then they screwed up big enough among their competition and now there may be like one or two of those places still open somewhere behind a MacDonalds on a refurbished MatCo truck that used to be a Taco truck too.

I can't wait for the day Microsoft is finally just some shitty ass UPS truck painted over with their logo still showing a little and three guys in it repairing the last known laptops to ever run windows. I'd adopt a dog just to walk him by and let him pee on the tires.

Microsoft, you've done everyone wrong too many times one last time.

Wow, that's annoying. I'm gonna hold off for windows 12 when the European union forces Microsoft to not be such an asshole.

From the listener perspective, I must rather listen to genuine music with advertising that they actually picked rather than listen and be fed shit like YouTube does.

Great minds think alike.

Ah. Yes that guy. The show was fun. Fun times 😄. It's all old news now.

I even went to a Digg gathering once. I got a poster of the dig guys. I forgot their names now. Dirty blonde chubby guy and black hair guy with faint mustache, last name Roses or Rosales?

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Yes, why can't Lemmy just work for that?

Just create a "City Nama, M4W/M4M/W4W/W4M.MM4W...etc"

That would work no?

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Maybe they delete our comments only to us but everyone still sees them? But yeah, if you re-did your comment like 10 times and another commentor redid theirs 5 times, how would they know what is the correct set? I can only think that maybe they go with the comments that survived the longest time. Or the first comment?

Anyone can be a woman with the right leg and penis tuck strategy LOL.

I would!

Looks old now. He will probably die anyway.

Calculus....early transcendentals.

I'm right there with you all the way. My wallet will never have a Google hole. Not for YouTube premium or music or storage or whatever else they are thinking of selling me that is not a physical product. I probably won't buy anything physical from them either such as a Chromebook or a pixel phone because they are the most evil company in the world today.