Well the judges are currently reviewing the evidence, so at best, the proof is not public yet. Suffice to say the prosecutors claim he appeared to be running a sex trafficking ring (https://www.reuters.com/world/romania-detains-ex-kickboxer-andrew-tate-human-trafficking-case-2022-12-30/). Which very often contains countless cases of rape.
He also "proudly" says he's a misogynist, woman are weak, etc (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64125045). This its not something non-rapists tend to say.
I've recently switched from Notion to Obsidian (almost anyway). But I still have to find a good way to sync. I tried nextcloud, but I couldn't get two way sync to work on mobile. I feel like €10,- a month for just sync is a bit much, and it (partly) defeats the idea of "the files are mine".
I wish the official sync software was available for self hosting (ie as a Docker container). Maybe even against a one time fee?
What solutions do others here use for syncing?