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Joined 1 years ago

Chappie (32%)

I love that movie and have seen it several times. Directed by Noel Blompkamp (District 9) and starring Die Antwoord.

It’s extremely original and entertaining sci fi.

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spoken like a true geezer

fwiw "unalive" came about to circumvent automatic censorship, It's the young people being tech savvy. Meanwhile, you're over in the corner stewing as the world passes you by.

Don't fall into the perpetual trap of thinking the current crop of young people are the worst thing ever, it'll make your hair fall out

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With that short lived bit of nostalgia for cringy old meme formats I think it's also safe to say that this platform skews old.

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Google the instagram juul ads that they got into major legal trouble over.

They made them look like a cool lifestyle product and as a result lots of not too bright kids started vaping without even realizing that they were a nicotine consumption device.

All that being said, I overall do think vapes are good and that candy flavors totally appeal to adults and shouldn’t be banned. I’m fine with limits on advertising, and mostly I really think comprehensive and honest drug education for kids will empower them to make good choices.

Yeah well the “problem” if you want to call it that is that e cigarettes don’t harm your lungs anywhere near the level of tobacco smoke.

There is no “these are your lungs on vape” bc frankly your lungs will look pretty normal.

If you’re interested in the data, look at the studies that have come out of the UK and the statements their public health officials have put out.

There is a public knowledge problem in the US regarding vaping because of reporting on the short lived emergence of so called “EVALI” (ecig/vaping associated lung injury) which hospitalized some teenagers and adults.

EVALI was determined to be caused by Vitamin E Acetate which was a flavoring additive used in some illegal THC vapes. Once the cause was determined, even the shady illegal vape makers stopped using that ingredient. But the reputational damage to ecigs remained. EVALI was a US only problem and a short lived one at that.

Data broadly shows that ecigs are a much safer alternative to combustible cigarettes for nicotine consumption.

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I switch to signal with my android friends, vanilla SMS is rough, particularly for group messages

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It depends on the medical professional involved in the process. No matter what test they may or may not use, at the end of the day diagnosis is always up to the subjective opinion of the provider.

This was my process that started at age 28 while I was in graduate school. (I'm 30 now)

It started with a friend getting diagnosed. Talking to her about her symptoms, I kinda just thought all that was just normal existence. It then lead me to suspect that maybe my struggles weren't exactly "normal". So I dug into it and starting learning about ADHD through various online resources. Eventually became entirely convinced and self-diagnosed. I so cleanly fit the pattern ever since early childhood and while I had developed some decent coping strategies, things were always on the verge or in the process of falling apart.

I started with Cerebral which has the well-earned reputation of being a pill-mill company. I didn't even finish explaining my symtomology and background before the prescribing NP said "sounds like ADHD, here's an Adderall prescription". It took like 30 minutes.

Adderall was life-changing and helped a ton, but after a while I started getting some weird emails from people not associated with the "treatment team" at Cerebral asking me to make an appointment with a doctor to get drug tested. This was because they were getting heat from the DEA. I saw the writing on the wall and decided that the best move would be to find a new provider that was local to me.

So I got an appointment with a local place that mentioned Adult-ADHD. The process with them was supposed to consist of 2 separate 2 hour screenings. In the first meeting with them, I answered questions and explained my personal and family history, symptomology, and what medication treatment had been doing for me. That meeting ended up only lasting an hour, the Doctor thought my analysis of things was legit and she offered to continue treatment without needing the other 2 hour followup. I've been seeing that provider ever since and she's been great, eventually switched to vyvanse.

So yeah, I basically self-diagnosed, got treatment through a pill-mill. Jumped ship when it seemed like the company was going down, switched to a legit provider and used the effectiveness of previous treatment as a solid piece of evidence for why it should continue. No weird test needed.

It’s a mixed bag for sure. If I hyperfocus on a project I care about then I’m at least happy about the progress, and I do enjoy the process while it's happening. But if I hyperfocus on some frustrating ass task that I thought would take 20 minutes but ends up taking all day then I feel less good.

Either way, at the end of a big hyperfocus session I feel like I squeezed all the brain juice out of myself.

I had a job interview at the end of one of those once and I felt so brain dead I was forgetting basic words. I literally apologized to the interviewer about it. Luckily she was understanding.

I think making effective use of those tools is it’s own skill. They can give you bad results if you ask things too broadly. But copilot chat has become a pretty invaluable part of my workflow.

No corporation is the “good guy”

Every product has trade offs and it all depends on what you personally value in your device


It’s basically a lightweight system for organizing markdown files, lots of great organization and search features and lots of available extensions

They are terrible actors but I think they were handled well. Because the characters were written for them, they really just had to be themselves.

I think their prominence in the movie is what resulted in such a bad score. Even without the personal controversies, they are polarizing artists. Few people have a neutral reaction to their stuff. At the time I was pretty into their music, so seeing them in the movie was fun for me.


It was a pretty bad idea, not only a privacy risk for users but for anyone those users interact with. You no longer get the guarantee that your iMessages are end to end encrypted since anyone using the service puts a man in the middle for everyone they communicate with.

Weirdly, the limitations of my iPhone are part of what makes it good for me. Because it lacks a lot of “power user” features like split screen multitasking, I actually end up using it less.

I appreciate that using my phone is frustrating sometimes because I put it away faster. Big plus for my adhd ass.

My other reason is the comparative privacy benefit of apple services vs google services. Apple equivalents of google things work a little less well but they harvest a lot less personal data.

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Note the part where I said “for me”.

I’ve had plenty of different smartphones over the last 15 years. Most have been android.

I happen to currently be very happy with my iPhone.

Despite that, people typically keep their iPhones much longer than they keep android phones. 3 years of software support is considered good for androids. iPhones get 6

Do you drink coffee? Because caffeine helps a ton when you’re on a med break.

Compare using a 5 year old galaxy to a 5 year old iPhone tho. Hard to beat the iPhone longevity and software support

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Have you tried using chatGPT or GitHub copilot?

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I mean considering that iPhones have ~50% market share in the US. You can just as much say iMessage is the standard.

Factor in the other messenger services and SMS is probably a pretty small slice of the current text messaging landscape

Shouldn’t conflate THC distillate vaping with nicotine vaping. They are very different things

Have you tried Welbutrin? It's not a highly controlled substance and doctors are pretty willing to prescribe it. It acts on dopamine and many people have found it helpful for ADHD.

One of the problems explained to me by my doctor is that executive dysfunction is the key symptom of ADHD, and it's not hard to diagnose executive dysfunction. The problem is that executive dysfunction can also be caused by other conditions like MDD or Bipolar, and in those cases, ADHD treatment may not actually help.

That being said, I'm sorry you're being denied the opportunity to try treatments that might help. Although I can understand providers being hesitant to give stimulants with abuse potential to someone with manic tendencies. Hopefully you can try some of the non-stimulant options and see if they help

I have many friends with nipple piercings.

You can’t tell through a shirt.

Nobody is scrutinizing the shape of your nipples through a t shirt

My blood pressure spikes with stress. In my doctors office, we took a reading and it was high. Then we took another one 5 minutes later after I intentionally relaxed myself and it was normal again.

She prescribed guanfacine to take in combination with the vyvanse. Should theoretically help. Won't know until I start it next month

But I mean also, despite right to repair concerns, apple has a large network of first party service centers that will do battery replacement for old phones at a pretty reasonable price.

Plus with modern fast charging, it never feels like much of an issue. I get basically all day battery from a 20 minute charge during my morning coffee.

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Green is what means it’s an SMS. Whereas blue is the much more modern iMessage platform.

That’s the point, SMS sucks

Rock Climbing is a sport that gives you a lot of control over risk. Once you understand the technical safety aspects, you can evaluate risks of a particular course of action.

Climbing mellow routes with a top rope is quite low risk.

It’s a longevity sport, at crags and gyms it’s pretty normal to see people over 50 still at it.

I did read the article, and I fail to see how this is different than other implementations.

“In a call with Beeper’s Eric Migicovsky, that’s exactly what I wanted to find out, and it seems the answer comes down to trust. Beeper as it stands today, where everything is running on Mac Minis, is being done “in the open.” The backend is largely open-source, and the company has aimed to be straightforward and transparent with every update along the way. Migicovsky adds that, soon, Beeper will be doing a full in-public security review.”

So the difference is “you can trust us”. Sounds like BS to me, you’re still routing your messages through an endpoint that is someone else’s Mac mini.

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Using something like this compromises e2e encryption for you and anyone that you talk to. It’s actively inviting a man-in-the-middle into all of your chats.

It’s a shitty thing to do to your friends.

Just use Signal if you care about the green bubble stuff.

Or just buy an iPhone if that kind of thing matters to you

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