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She said her homeowner's insurance won't cover anything pest-related because they deem it preventable.

So the real monster was the insurance company. What a twist!

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I've never been fishing but I assume it's like a form of meditation. While they're waiting for the fish, they don't have to move around at all so their brain can engage in free thinking.

People become nose blind to their perfumes and deoderants so they put on more and more over time to smell the same (from their perspective). My mom has the same issue but claims it's all in my head.

For the lazy:

The California High-Speed Rail took another important step toward becoming reality Thursday after the governing body’s board of directors began the process of obtaining possible vendors for the state’s most ambitious transit project in history.

The High-Speed Rail Authority’s Board approved the release of a Request for Qualifications, which clears the way for the Authority to obtain and screen vendors as well as establish a pool of possible manufacturers for the project’s trainsets.

Interested companies will need to submit a statement of qualification to the Authority to attest they can meet the demands of the project if ultimately selected as the winning bid.

Statements of Qualification will be due by November and the total pool of vendors will be whittled down by the first quarter of 2024, the Authority said.

“Our action today allows us to deliver on our commitment to meet our federal grant timelines to start testing,” said Board Chair Tom Richards. “This is an important milestone for us to deliver high-speed rail service in the Central Valley and eventually into Northern and Southern California.”

The Authority is looking to obtain six trainsets that are capable of operating at speeds of 220 mph and tested at speeds as high as 242 mph. Two prototypes will need to be delivered by 2028 to allow for testing and trial runs and the additional four will need to be delivered by 2030.

“These trainsets ensure that we are procuring the latest generation of high-speed trains for this first-in-the-nation project,” said Authority CEO Brian Kelly. “We look forward to working with members of the industry as we strive to develop a market for high-speed trains in the United States.”

The manufacturer who is chosen to receive the High-Speed Rail contract will be be responsible for designing, building, integrating and commissioning the trainsets, as well as maintaining them and their spare parts for 30 years. The manufacturer will also be responsible for testing and maintaining a driving simulator.

The California High-Speed Rail is tentatively planned to open in 2030, operating in the large middle section of the Central Valley which and connecting Merced to Bakersfield along a 171-mile track.

Construction on the project officially began in Fresno in 2015 after decades of discussion and voter approval for initial funding in 2008.

The Authority said it hopes to have service going by 2030, but transportation advocates and supporters of the project have urged the governing body to accelerate that timeline, possibly having the entire track from the Bay Area to Los Angeles up and running by 2028.

Despite clamoring from advocates and overall enthusiasm for the project, the Authority stresses that there’s simply not enough funding to get the project completed any sooner.

Still, Thursday’s procedural step is an important one and continues to solidify the Authority’s confidence that the project is past the “point of no return” and will be completed in the next decade.

Construction is currently underway along 119 miles of the proposed 171-mile track across the Central Valley. There are more than 30 active construction sites in the state, and the 422 miles of the program’s design has received environmental clearance.

Open box stuff is nice. I also like buying bigger items like TVs or appliances from them since it's easier to return if I don't like it.

Also it's nice to demo stuff before buying if I'm not sure about the size, weight, screen etc.

And as some users have mentioned, Amazon has become kind of a lottery for actually getting new items

("The Story of the Wild Huntsman") is the only story not primarily focused on children. In it, a hare steals a hunter's musket and eyeglasses and begins to hunt the hunter. In the ensuing chaos, the hare's child is burned by hot coffee and the hunter jumps into a well.

lol wut?

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I'd agree with the exception of artists who sell their printed work (ex: photographers, graphic designers). They're not only making money from their prints but also printing in color frequently enough that the cartridge doesn't dry out.

Ferris Beuler's Day Off

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Portal was my first FPS on a computer. Got me to practice using mouse and keyboard and now I can't imagine playing an FPS with a controller

During its weekend convention, the Arizona GOP also passed a resolution to censure Pence and former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley for “their dereliction of duty of refusing to support President Donald J. Trump and by default supporting the democrats.”

An equally concerning, if not more concerning, move by the Arizona GOP was to punish Republicans who didn't support Trump. Neither Pence nor Haley endorsed Trump for president and that is apparently a bigger crime than trying to overturn an election or being removed from office for ethics violations.

Also depending on how heavy the leveler is, he can use painters tape. It's meant to be placed in the wall temporarily and not damage the paint on the wall.

Edit: added a very important "not"

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Reminds me of this exchange between Leslie and Ann from Parks and Rec.

You could say it would be out of this world.

I love the pranks from Just for Laughs because the prankee always ends up laughing after finding out it's a prank. Here's a compilation of some Halloween ones they've done.

Of course, some of these are not practical for you but hopefully they'll give you an idea of a fun prank.

Small squeezable bottle for my mouthwash. It's a lot lighter to lift up and takes up way less space on my sink. The one I have is fairly large for a travel bottle (about 7 in tall by 2 in wide) so I only have to refill it every 1-2 weeks.

Another item I like a lot is my garlic press. It's great for adding a strong garlic flavor to sauces without adding any crunchy texture. The garlic dissolves into the sauce (for the most part). It's also super good for garlic bread too. If you're getting one, I highly recommend a metal one since I've heard the plastic ones don't last long. I have the Kuhn Rikon brand because I figured it was a "buy it for life" item but there are other cheaper steel presses too.

Do you have proof of this? I tried searching but I only get articles related to this incident. seems more like reviews for VPNs and other privacy services. They listed one service, blur that looked promising. Unfortunately, it's only available to use for US merchants.

Privacy also looked promising. However, they require users to provide their SSN and that's not something I want to give for something small like this.

Sassy adventurer speaking to BBEG

It's not out yet but Marvel Rivals looks like it may be a good fit. Hopefully they'll announce the release date soon now that the closed beta is over.

Piggybacking on this to say that if you join groups based around your hobbies you can make good friends that way too. It's really hard to make friends during class because you're too focused on schoolwork to be social.

And don't be discouraged if one group doesn't work out. I had a tough time making friends my freshman year of college and tried joining an anime club but didn't like the vibe of that club. My RA pushed me to volunteer for Resident Life and that's where I made all my closest college friends. Joining clubs, volunteer organizations, or other social groups is a great way to meet similar minded people. People in these groups tend to be friendly so they can attract more people into the group.

The sourdough ranch bacon cheeseburger from Carl's Jr was my go to burger back in the early 2000s. They brought back another sourdough sandwich a few years ago and it was also good but unfortunately that's also discontinued.

The sourdough from Jack in the Box is close but with the lack of lettuce and onions feels a little dry.

Interesting read. Never thought about how the emotions of songs have changed. I wish they discussed more on how the different ways people listen to music affects the complexity of the song lyrics.

They briefly mention how most people listen to music as background noise and that the first 10-15 seconds are crucial to whether people listen to the song or skip it.

But there are also other factors I wished they mentioned like how easily accessible songs are (you don't have to go out and buy a physical copy) or other types of audio competition (like audio books or podcasts). Since musicians have to try to appeal to as many people as possible to compete with so many other choices for people to listen to, the lyrics have gotten simpler and more repetitive/catchy.

But I guess it's not so much an explanation of why lyrics have changed but proof that it has.

Generally love that type of humor too but it's less funny if the person making the joke insults the other person. Because then it makes it seem like the joker does not get that there's two meanings in the phrase, like how the original commenter noted. It makes the joker seem condescending and oblivious.

Saying these types of jokes with a straight face would be much funnier than if the joker was mean spirited. Leslie Nielsen was a master at this.

If the person can eat spicy, I really like chicken and cheese buldak. It's basically shake and bake.

I follow Maangchi's recipe minus the rice cakes and sub chicken thigh for breast (because dark meat is always better). Marinate everything in a zip lock bag and refrigerate for one day before cooking. Makes it extra flavorful and spicy. I like to eat it with rice and a side of sliced cucumbers.

It's simple but oh so good.

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Don't worry, I'm sure at least 2 of them are RE 4 remakes

I can't speak for all mic arms but mine (the elgato LP arm) came with two adapter screws.

Also,according to the article below, your mic should have already come with an adapter as well.

Gave me folk singer vibes

Is there a nonpaywall link?

Thimbleweed Park seems to fit your criteria. One of the reviews even compares it to Twin Peaks. It's a point and click murder mystery adventure game with where you have to switch between 5 characters.

It's been years since I've played but I think the setting was in a fake Northwest Pacific town.

Fun fact, the names in the phone book and the titles/stories of the books in the library came from Kickstarter backers. Some of the books were pretty funny.

About 5 months ago I ordered this clock and it is still working fine now. It's definitely cheaper than the listed price (it's just cardboard and the clock motor) but it's absolutely silent and it makes me smile every time I see it.

I also bought a lot of cute clothes for my dog for under like $5 each outfit so that's really nice.

Hm, good advice!

There are some games that are entirely story based that fit the criteria better.

One that comes to mind is To the Moon. There's some puzzle elements to make it a game but its appeal is pretty much entirely based on its story.

It's been a while since I've seen the film, but I'd say both.

Rooney just wanted proof that Ferris was skipping school, which he was. He went about it the wrong way by entering the Bueller household but he was basically just trying to do his job. He definitely gets obsessive about it but he's not in the wrong.

Jeanie is pretty self explanatory. She also just wants Ferris to suffer the consequences of his actions.

I think this movie never sat well with me because Ferris obviously does so many wrong and criminal things but is actually rewarded for it. Sure, you should take the time to enjoy life but not at the expense of others.