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Joined 1 months ago

Love him for giving a shit. Going off source was GoT's downfall

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I recently migrated here. I did so as a precaution, and still browse reddit sometimes .

Reddit IPO'ed, and is now focused on making money. They removed the API to centralize it's power and remove 3rd party apps. They threatened subreddits who protested, and shut some down. And have made sweeping changes to accommodate to advertisers.

The straw that broke the snoo's back was the CEO hinting at subreddit paywalls. I figured I would try to learn Lemmy again, and what do you know, it's more serious, has better comments and posts, segmented even more than reddit with the distros, and fully free/open source.

It also helps that I'm a huge computer nerd, and there's a lot of that on here, but you can find your niche.

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True, but the shows writing diverged from the books before the source material ran out

This is a CEO covering his ass. Nothing to see here folks

We need more good male role models. People with tender hearts and rough hands.

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Hey! I just read this on Reddit before I made this account! 🥲

Extremely important point here. Lots of repubs have stuck their neck out to stop Trump, and they only last the one time. They get swapped with spineless weenies, and lose their jobs.

"And don't get me started on folding tables guys"

The crowd cheers and froths at the mouth

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Either The Wall by Pink Floyd or In Rainbows by Radiohead

Or The Money Store by Death Grips

Or ænemia by Tool

Or Dirt by Alice in Chains


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Not to fully disagree here, because sometimes we all need to do things we don't want, but I don't want to live a life where everyday requires unyielding discipline just to get up.

Maybe you're talking more about habits, than forcing yourself to live through another awful day.

Donald Dump is hilarious, but not a elegant attack like calling him 'weird'. The weird attack is beautiful, and actually works wonders with heart-brained conservatives.

One for you, aaaand one for meee... drip ohh that's good

Someone explain them all in a list now. Go!

I wish every judge was epic 😭

A president can do ANYTHING in an official capacity now dontcha' know

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Thank you Putin for taking out the garbage! Trump too if you please!

Lol nope, Deadlock has nothing like that in it. It's an excellent example of what we would ask for in our online multiplayer games.

I am not happy about it, but complaining about Deadlock is spitting on what we should be rewarding imo

Looks like a random Minecraft structure bodged into the land

What's a band you love that is legit difficult for others?

I might submit Death Grips. I know no others irl who love them 😂

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OR The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails

And if I did mean it, you deserved it

He will die alone

The worrying thing is it erodes faith in reality beyond what can be directly experienced. "I can't trust anything I'm told anymore because photos and organizations are compromised." And all orgs are going to drift towards using the best weapon they have to change minds, which is AI generated images. It's the best tool, and if the other guys use it and you don't then you're behind in the arms race.

That's actually new information to me! The news was pointing to a broader push to subscriptions for subreddits site wide. Definitely not doing that.

I also admit that I am deeply unhappy with reddits enshittification. I've been on reddit for over a decade and joined when I was in highschool. Moving was the last thing I wanted, but I'm more aware of the big-corp-monopoly we're all suffering under. This is part of it.

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Difference between this and helium is helium follows rules of the universe, and this fucking contract law is human-enforced.

This seems intensely useful if it was matured and solid. Compressing down complexity is usually very valuable in tech, like Markdown is.

This Brian Eno? What evil has he done?

OR Random Access Memories by Daft Punk


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God bless Douglas Adams

Women are so cute and cute and cute and cute

Ahh, okay!

Yup. I'm curious what "official capacity" means here. Does that mean anything goes if he says the magic words "official capacity"? Or is it more complicated than that

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Crooked folding tables is what I call em. And a lot of people will say they never stand up right. They'll tell you, "I never trust those folding tables". They're losers. Total losers

Or Currents by Tame Impala

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Lie down on the couch? WHADDUSTHATMEAN

When this happens again the outrage will be less, and they will be more willing to dunk on these people. Can you imagine your close family or friends killed and a ToS blocking justice for the killers?


Hey Cris! Got the invite and accepted it! Thank you so so much!

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