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Joined 1 years ago


  • médian salary is 280k
  • the highest paid base salary is 718k (level 7 soft. eng.)
  • most other soft. Engs are between 100k and 375k

In the article there is a graph with more of the highest base salaries in other categories but they mostly hover at 300k

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I think fediverse users are on average much older than other social medias. I often see polls on mastodon and the most prominent groups are very often the 35-45 year olds. I feel like im in the minority of my age (19) caring about free software and it makes me sad that nowadays tech has to be so dumbed down because even the young can't use computers just like my grand parents. It's crazy how my classes most people only knew how to open instagram, but they had no clue how to save a word document

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The problem in opt in telemetry is it's basically useless and is about the same as doing a poll, it over-represents a tiny minority of all users

This explains it better than I can:

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This leads me to think that Google is planning on an AR/VR product like the Vision Pro and so they want to make 3D icons and UI elements more prominent (to make the transition easier, the same reason we had 3D icons at the start of computers and smartphones as well), kind of like what Apple did in the last 2-3 years with their new Icons (like on MacOS, they added back a lot of depth with Big Sur)

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Are people this addicted to Reddit? Like to the point of jumping through hoops and whatnot just to use that shitty site that will find another way to shit on its users in 2 weeks? Really? I deleted my account(s) during the blackout and I couldn't be happier with my choice, this place was toxic as well as the users and especially volunteer moderators being treated like shit

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sideloading is a requirement for me and unlockable bootloader, otherwise, some things like an IR blaster, headphone jack, removable battery (thx EU), RGB notification LED, front facing speakers would make a "good" phone become "great"

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For Android (some of the ones in the list are cross-platform) I know of these:

  • Jerboa - Android, open source
  • Thunder - Cross-platform, open source
  • Summit - Android, closed source
  • Connect Android, closed source
  • Lemmotif - Android, closed source
  • Memmy - Cross-platform, open source (need to build it yourself for Android)
  • Liftoff - Cross-platform, open source
  • Wefwef - Cross-platform (PWA), open source

The way I learned was by setting up Minecraft or GMOD servers for me and my friends. I would say this is a very good way to learn the basics since it is a project with a concrete end product.

I also played a LOT of Minecraft, which has commands to "cheat" with the game, like setting the time of day or giving yourself items. That also helped me massively understand the way commands and arguments work.

I love how fast all those sites load

They already won this lawsuit but the court decided it has to allow apps to use 3rd party payment processors because it is anti competitive and it gives them an unfair advantage (see apple music vs spotify, apple music can be 30% cheaper while making the same amount of money)

That's a real shower though, all the time I have """genius""" ideas in the shower that turn out to be just terrible

Car loans kinda stupid. Like, if you can't afford a car now, and the only option for you get it is to finance It, then just get a used Toyota from a private seller.

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Whenever it's getting to about 30%. I also use slow charging, and since most of the time I am near a charger, it's never a problem. I often wake up with my phone at 35%, I plug it in before going and most of the time when I go I am at 70%.

PostmarketOS installed on a Oneplus 6/6T using the UBPorts installer works pretty flawlessly for me. Some animations are not 100% silky smooth, but most are. Honestly a pretty good experience, it just needs a lot of polish around the corners

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If the Zenfone 10 is not available where you live, the base S23 should also be a pretty good contender. I have pretty great battery life on mine (about 10%-15% per hour, (but more often than not its around 10-12%) on regular usage like web browsing videos etc). It will also get basically twice as many updates as the zenfone. I had imported a Zenfone 8 in Canada, and I kind of regret doing that, not only was the phone pretty expensive, but I also had no warranty at all, and the repair support is basically inexistant if you import it. The S23 with a slim case is very one handeable and even though it has a smallerbattery than the zenfone 8, it has basically twice the battery life thanks to the better SoC. I got my S23 for about 700$ CAD with taxes included, so pretty great price IMO

I saw someone running it on a Oneplus 6 in a Windows VM or whatever, it ran pretty poorly (in the seconds per frame territory) but the 8gen2 is incredibly fast (about 1050ti equivalent on the GPU side) so that makes me think it could be quite usable at low settings and low resolution

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I don't care about the 15 or 30% cut they take, that's pretty standard in retail and other software stores. What I do care about though is the fact that my freedom to install whatever I like on my phone is non existent on iOS. When I will be able to install Revanced and F-Droid equivalents on iOS I may consider it, but until that happens, it's an absolute no from me

For those who don't know, beeper is a service to have all your inboxes in one app that relies on Matrix bridges


Definitely want to try out beamng on my s23, where can I try this?

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Same, my first semester we had a course litterally about creating word and excel documents, how to format text etc... in a software engineering program. Or other example, (2nd year, 2nd semester of the year on a 3 year program) last semester, we had a semester team project that we had to give at the end. At first, I litterally had tell them how to commit changes to the github repo, because they only did it though the web UI. How they got this far into the program I honestly have no clue as we litterally had a course in the first year that had a few classes dedicated for proper git usage

Oh yeah Facebook memes let's go

The 60 year old explaining the beauty of FOSS to a someone that only cares about tiktok and thinks Google is the internet

Doesn't work right now. I think you could get it to work with droidian though, but I didnt try

Yeah, the only thing I think ill miss is some more niche communities (the ones with 100k or less members). But I just don't care enough to stay on there. They really frustrated me with the way they handled the protests and I am happy they did as I had been looking for a reason to delete my account. Even though I kind of liked it there, I didn't spend more than 2 minutes thinking if I should delete my account. I just said fuck it, ran power delete suite and called it a day lol

Anything that can hurt Nvidia without killing them (layoffs) is good

Downgraded ultrawide and selfie cameras, upgraded SoC, added 15W wireless charging, slightly better battery life, same display bezels as the ones in Zenfone 8 and 9. Pretty underwhelming release to say the least. At least they bumped the security update years to 4 years, but OS upgrades is still at 2 years.

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Cool, definitely keep us updated then!

Yeah, will be interesting to try (if it even starts lol)

IMO it's a bad thing if this doesn't get added. FOSS in general has very limited resources, knowing what to work on most urgently will help massively to tackle the most urgent issues

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