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Joined 11 months ago

Crippled by the Pedo defending conservative corporation The Home Depot. Boycott unless you approve of it.

Dude Elon never did anything. Only people he paid with emerald slave money did.

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More of this. Also let's start holding rich people accountable of crimes also.

They should have rushed him.

I mean, felons can't even vote.

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Pretty sure it was a Roman Catholic priest that burned all the Mayan texts. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest destroyer and oppressor that ever existed.

Will literally anyone in the EU help me immigrate? ill do anything to get out of Murica.

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Capitalism and billionaires

Glass and Aluminum are the ultimate recyclables and yet we are still are based around them It's all about the profits for Corporations and the consumers that buy this trash.

Buy bar soap instead of body wash, etc.

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I'm going through it now after being terminated for having the gall to stand up after a store manager and the HR rep took advantage of an underaged girl. The Home Depot everybody. I've been essentially blacklisted in this shit city in a state that looks like a face.

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Make a new account on Instagram and see how much of it is pedo shit on a new feed. Everything is out of control.

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I'd be a cop for that. A good one that doesn't just look for reasons to murder.

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Every time I say something "extreme" I am bombarded by people who think taking the high road is the answer while the GOP would literally sell them into slavery or beat them to death with baseball bats for fun.

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How has no one just punched him in his stupid face yet?

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More of this. It's time for mass protests instead of complaining and then working a 9 to 5 and browsing Instagram.

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Good plan.

Crazy if you like ultimate inequality and hate for all people especially homeless that can't afford $3,000 in rent each month.

Fuck Corporate America and all it's Bootlicking sellout enablers.

They are cowards after all. It's time we start hunting MAGA boomers and beating them in the streets.

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Alabama should gas itself honestly.

I'd say it's the same mental gymnastics as anyone who defends billionaire corporations.

It's a cult and they all need to go to jail with him. They can share their own prison.

The last one is the one we need the most.

It's the capitalist way. I assure you America is just as bad and any "western" nation. I hate conspiracy theories but all history linked through the first world countries is slavery and exploitation and they get to write the history books.

Pirate all the things. No love for any corporation.

The Trump supporter I know is a store manager at a Home Depot and raped an underaged cashier. HR and Corporate protected him.

I have before, but I was crippled by a conservative pedo ran corporation called The Home Depot. So it's not in the budget currently. Hide yo kids if you go in there.

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METH? A few tons.


But what did Ja say? Anyone get a hold of him?

He can get hit too. They're the same.

We aren't. Facists are and they have been here the entire time. They feel empowered.

Yeah I've looked into the ketamine treatments. $2800

It's been 10,000 plus years. Let's change it, brother.

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Awwww pigs sad they can't kill people without looking like heros. All pigs should be bacon.

Yet their politicians have no problem bending over for corporations.

Let's change that then. They are the best reusables we have and we don't even have a federal system in place for recycling it all. Just trash and consume more cheap plastics.

Dang I need some of those mushrooms and ketamine microdosing.

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Cry some more GOP voters. Go beat women like the people you vote for.

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The left also allows Republicans to get into power and steal away womens rights while they sit and do nothing as always.

Her mother is just like him