1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 2 weeks ago

Infidel defilers. They shall all drown in lakes of blood. Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night.

Money is religion now. It's scary to be rational about it. There's a dogma and that's that. Any other way and we freak out.

Movie intros must be 10 seconds or less.

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I love to be infuriated!

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The internet has become a fury delivery system. The stories that infuriate us, they are designed for exactly that. Reality is something utterly apart from the stories.

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I don't care about the details. I just want an out-group to hate on.

Ai has ideas? That's a bit of a philosophical stretch.

Democracy is clearly the only proper way to manage a society, yet we continue to use totalitarian dictators. Weird.

There are a thousand ways to spin. So yes and no. Is a half-truth a truth?

Meditation, in a nutshell, is about manipulating and cultivating your attention (the buddhists call it "awareness"). Step 1 is finding a meditation technique that works for you. Experimentation may be necessary.

Here's my favorite meditation guide. It's short, clear and has nice pictures.

It's people and society. Centralized control doesn't work. A better moderation system would let the individual manage his own filtering, instead of being involuntarily "helped".

Bruh, you must be pretty short because that's the lowest hanging fruit on the tree.

Language evolves with every generation, yes. But I offered something different from that.

I offered that the relationship between word and thing was becoming more tenuous. Like two telephones drawing further apart. The conversation breaking up.

We talk less about reality now. We talk more about talking.

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You go outside.

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Ugh. Too emotional. Too rhetorical.

It's Japan tho.

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Catholic school uniform. Yes. She prepares and serves the fish while wearing one.

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I just recently heard it used that way. To describe "conservatives". Much like "yikes" I guess. They assign a new meaning to it and thus it is so.

Words are different these days. Like, words used to have a secondhand association with reality. But now it's thirdhand.

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