2 Post – 10 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Hallo ich bin die Nudel und ich pfostiere sachen im Interwebz

The noodles are just my signature. So just ignore the noodels. They have nothing todo with the meme directly. I just place them on the head of whoever in the meme is me.

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Ding ding ding You are Correct!! :D All the memes with instant noodels are from me. Its my signature. :)

Wie genau?

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I'm doing this with three other people. I just shared it here if anyone wants to help. That's all. I was part of the German organization the entire time. This is just some own lil project.

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I invented this one like 8 months ago 😁

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what do you mean

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Thanks :)

Was Zangendeutsch angeht hat es tatsächlich fast nur Kühl für Cool in meinen alttag geschaft. Da nutz ich mit einem Kumpel auch immer 🥶 diesen emoji wenn etwas cool is statt denn sonnbrillen emoji hnd keiner checkts. Das is schon lustig haha

No problem. Sadly in the last time I post less because I kinda made all of my meme ideas haha

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