2 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

pronouns: she/her is fine.

I am a conniving rat with plans of an international uprising against tyranny! I keep getting distracted by tasty food, gardening, gadgets, games, and books though.

Inside me are two wolves, I desperately need surgery.

Let me plug into the hive mind real quick

connecting... ... ... Error: connection refused

Damn, I guess I'll have to give my own personal opinion:

Most of the world is cishet, how could I possibly judge based on that? I will say fence sitters are the people that horrible people rely on being the majority in order to enable their horribleness.

Might want to reflect on what it is that enables you do sit out the fight, what kind of burden that places on other people, and whether it's fair to do so.

This ban will allow the Israeli state to continue murdering an entire people unchecked

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nudity is as much a mechanic as having head hair is though? it's just what humans ( and humanoid) things are?

non sexual nudity is a normal part of life.

So the research into this is hilariously terrible. The podcast maintenance phase has a pretty good couple of episodes on just how fucking garbage the data on what being fat actually does to your health is. e.g. this one

Outside of extremes by far the overwhelming factor in health outcomes is exercise

Yet when you go to the doctor how much time do they spend talking about your cardio routine vs popping you on the scales or talking about weight? Doctors also generally provide much worse care to fat people, and frequently blame unrelated medical conditions on weight. Further we have very little idea how to help people moderate their rate. It's not like tendon damage or whatever where we can prescribe a specific activity with good patient compliance and outcomes, mostly people just vaguely gesture at calorie restriction which almost nobody can sustain indefinitely.

So we really need better research and education here, and if you're worries about your health I'd say stop pinching your tummy in the mirror and start something like the couch to 5k program.

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While it is true that insane propaganda is off the charts, for example in my own country Australia we're chaining ourselves to the fading star of the usa and the UK militarily despite having:

  • different trade interests
  • different geopolitical interests
  • different cultural interests

all while the usa government tries it's hardest to undermine our economic policy, erase our culture, and distort our politics towards their own demended lines.

There is zero evidence the chinese government does not want to do the same. They have interfered in our media, our education systems, there has been stupid petty trade squabbles with both "sides" using us for their own ends.

When chinese diplomats speak to our media, even in excruciatingly fair interviews, the pattern is the same slimey deny deny deny and legal quibble that usa diplomats engage in. Their media is insanely critical of Australian life too.

There are no good guys in this power struggle and looking for one is childish thinking.

Even this article refuses to address the notion that the chinese government has ever conducted itself in a condemnable manner.

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The lengths people will go to in order to avoid eating a plant based diet are insane.

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Some freaks have a mutation while allows us to unlock a secret additional flavour that you regs just can't taste. That's what the post references.

Unfortunately that flavour is pretty much analogous to hand soap.

So it tastes nice, and also like soap. Generally soap is considered a food ruining condiment.

Also ruined are things like Thai Basil. Seriously I would cut off my left pinky to not have this wretched sense.

Drugs are great, you take them too most like (caffeine, ethanol, theanine etc). It's the power that fucked that shit head up.

Loads of people take ketamine and just like appreciate jazz or some other banal shit.

How dark do rooms need to be for them to work? Are there issues with shared spaces where someone might want a well lit workspace?

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Everyone is getting stupider except you right? Like you're not one of the dumbed down lazy people are you? or your loved ones?

People have said this shit since we have written records.The whole idea of fallen man is the foundation of the Abrahamic religions, probably others I don't know of too.

People are doing alright, actually go talk to some. Yeah yeah a lot aren't crazy educated but even the most educated intellectual titans of our age are uneducated in the overwhelming majority of things.

We do alright, there are many problems but they're not because people are getting less intelligent. We are no smarter or stupider than the first humans, or at least we have no reason to believe otherwise. We have better access to information and we're also facing some very large problems, but so did bronze age people.

Read the epic of Gilgamesh, it'll chill you out some.

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This sounds like a giant security risk?

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Also P.S. before you poke somebody over their weight or sneer or judge consider how you would feel if someone judged you as morally inferior because your resting heart rate is over 65 you sloven. What's that? you have reasons? whatever you say it's simple, just workout more.

Not a nice or useful interaction is it? we're all trying our best and generally don't appreciate unsolicited advice that comes with judgement.

Maybe, it depends how it works.

Memory is often unencrypted and/or contains encryption keys. Many programs rely on the assumption that it's cleared on powerdown for security.

Depending on how this memory enters the long term state it seems that a lot of legacy software might become vulnerable to a really simple attack.

Pulling the plug might no longer be something that forces someone to engage in rubber hose analysis.

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There might be but keep in mind longer arms needs more force to drive and trans women generally don't have the testosterone to grow large muscles.

Also like all sport is unfair, it's inherently the point. When a tall, muscular, woman wins a swimming contest nobody is waiting in the wings to measure her serium testosterone level and determine whether it was legitimate. We accept that people have physiological variations, different economic opportunities, and different mental capacities. We are interested in exploring what a person can do within rough approximately fair bands of competition.

Trans people generally want to transition early, so there's not a huge amount of time for puberty growth or lack thereof (remember trans men dammit!) given proper support for most people. Even later transitioners don't seem to have any significant advantage, given the lack of winning they're doing. I suspect any advantage that may exist is massively, massively, dwarfed by being wealthy enough to hire competent coaches/take the time to train + good childhood for high likelihood of positive psychological coping with stress.

Trans people generally lose on both those fronts.

Problem: farming animals is inefficienct, cruel, expensive, and destroying the earth which gives us life life

Solution 1: learn to cook dhal

eww no veggies, I am 12 and refuse to eat them

solution 2: convince the arrogant fussy and cruel hedonist that rejected 1 to eat crickets?

solution 3: keep all of the horror of farming but make it marginally more efficient?

Mmm yay, pigs screaming in terror while they die in gas chambers makes me hungries.

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I think you're seeing backlash against being involuntarily exposed to (and often pushed to see) unbridled and deranged hatred and fear on traditional socmedia.

A conservative opinion like "I'm not sure communism is practical" is something that can be engaged with pretty cordially, "I think that education should focus on marketable skills" is an opinion I think is pretty misinformed but it's not something that exhausts me.

Unfortunately a lot of online conservatism is stuff like "I think there's a conspiracy by $minority to mind control us with vaccines" or "Should we be trying to make queer people afraid?" which aren't positions you can engage with.

Lucky for me my kink is explaining awkward situations to professionals obligated to help you out >:D

Not just the USA. Here in Australia (which amusingly was seen as a weird totalitarian state in the usa?) our politicians dragged their feet, encouraged people to go out to large events, discouraged masks, insisted schools stay open because "children couldn't spread it" amongst other things.

Eventually we had action but it is still like the leading cause of death AFAIK so uhhh good job I suppose.

I am generally of pretty radical political leanings but holy shit hexbear is stupid.

Taking frustrations with the monsterous inequity and suffering of the current USA lead military hegemony to such a useless extreme that everyone who opposes the usa is an angle and anything that remotely aligns with the interests of the usa must be unredeemable evil.

eeeyyyyy baby. Want sum fuck?

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Find a sense engaging ritual and do it regularly.

For me it was having elaborate spice teas or herbal teas. I'd mix up batches and keep it in the office, when I needed some sanity taking the time to just focus on a damn good cup of tea helped me relax some.

A treat you enjoy, a stretching routine whatever you can do that is highly engaging would be a good choice. Force work out of your head even for 5 minutes. We aren't meant to work like a steam engine.

I was like 12 but it was funny as shit. I think now a lot of the humour might fall flat now the zeitgeist has moved on but that storming of the beach against the teddybears still cracks me up remembering it.

Sure of course of course but umm have you seen software?

There are still windows xp computers on the internet.

It's not insurmountable, and of course I have no idea if/how this will roll out.

Just it seems to mess with a rather deep assumption we have about how computers operate when we develop software and threat models.

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surgeons just hate everyone less compliant than a corpse :p

hey man, we exported the fascist cooker that got their fascist cookers into power.

It's an ouroboros! yaaaaaaaaaaay

I admit to being out of the game for a while but how common is RAM encryption?

wouldn't the overhead violate half the point of RAM?

Ok so we can take that stance. I would disagree that these are useful semantics because of the case I mentioned where I feel like adding a turret to a sandcaste is something meaningfully distinct from reducing a sandcastle to a pile of sand, walking 100 meters down the beach, and making a new one with the turret.

Do you disagree that this is meaningfully distinct? If you do would you feel that it's equivalent to do those two things? That you feel the same way about them?

If you agree that it's meaningfully distinct then why insist on framing it in the same concepts instead of using the concept of change?

we elected a socialist in the 70s. It ended in a constitutional crisis and his successor was groomed by the CIA. rhymes with certain things no?

we had a publicly owned transport system, telephony, healthcare system, a thriving public service. Then we started getting leaned on.

We had a collectivist culture, government funding for our own media with our own values, then we started getting leaned on.

It goes on.

Even our slang is being replaced, people are pronouncing things your way, the media of the usa is replacing everything and that's intentional government policy.

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Look I'm in love but it's a very polarising game. If you enjoyed playing ds1 blind, and saw something to love in ds2 underneath the weirdness then I'd recommend it but it is not the fast and nippy ds3 onwards style. Levels are confusing if you don't figure out what the map is telling you, umbral exploration is fascinating but tense and you have to rush sections which can make you miss what you picked up.

There's a few baffling decisions like auto filling your quick bar with new consumables when empty, not marking new items in inventory, lore being state gated (it miiight be some arty you get the story from various perspectives thing but I'm unconvinced yet), and many people find the ranged pressure unpleasant. You're often being shot at till you clear an area.

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the smell of frying onions

The Israeli government is able to pursue its horrible policies because of a lack of support for palastinian people.

Preventing protest in powerful nations stops public opinion changing. Public opinion allows the political establishment to continue to avoid historical responsibility.

If western nations drop support of Israel and start using sanctions etc it would be much harder to destroy Gaza.

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It's just accurate?

You're gonna have to start by pinning down terminology a bit.

Change is a term often used which I think most people would feel is a usefully distinct word for example if I said: said:

  • "I created a sandcastle"
  • "I changed a sandcastle"
  • "I destroyed a sandcastle"

I think those would mean something different to most people despite all reductively applying to the literal rearrangement of a pile of sand.

So the obvious potential confusion here is in the case where I changed a sandcastle how would you decribe it? adding a turret could be taken as destroying the old one and creating a new one but it seems strange to me to argue for the throwing out of change as a concept since what I did seems meaningfully different from smashing a sandcastle, walking 100 meters, and building a new one.

So could you elaborate on what you take creation and destruction to entail?

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agree with all of these, although sadly liquid smoke is probably not a healthy thing to have a lot of.

That said I eat onions all the time and they make me ill. Everyone makes their own judgement on the blandness for longevity trade

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Larger scale action takes smaller scale first

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This doesn't really apply because harm to a pedestrian during an impact isn't a linear scale.

There are sharp decreases in fatalities and permanent injuries, particularly to children who are often the ones hit in neighbourhood streets, below about 30 km/h so there's a strong incentive to have drivers travelling at speeds no higher than that to avoid child murder and maiming due to inattention.

Below those speeds, and given that people do often belatedly apply the brakes when they're driving recklessly there is a much weaker case for further reduction in speed limits. At least until car geometry changes again to make them even deadlier /shrug shrug

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I'm gonna need your bingo card and your debate links. We've no room for bigotry like that on the force.

You're back to eating grass.

Kinda! I am a bit overloaded atm. Never finished elden ring due to an arthritis flare, absorbed with persona 5 atm, haven't played disco Elysium yet either.

Trying to find more time for non gaming hobbies and even so a new update for oxygen not included just game out!

There's been a glut of excellent games lately. Even stuff like Dave the diver is pretty absorbing. I'm keen to give it a go eventually though! after mechwarrior 5 proved too sloggy I've been a bit starved of mech games, so much so I'll settle for weeb samuri suit shit ;p (I kid I kid it's very silly aesthetically but we all squeeled with glee at the Pacific rim rocket punch)

I'm glad it's not multiplayer so I can enjoy it at my leisure.

My one resolve, as I enter my greying, is to never become one of those dipshits.

The kids are alright, a little straight edge for my tastes but they're alright.

I can't take this shit seriously while the authors eat flesh

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