37 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

lmfao good

fuck golf

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But but but IDF propagandists told me that Palestinians living in Israel are treated as equals!

And yet the mods remove posts about the Polish and Estonia PMs warning about future Russian aggression... Interesting.

Some might even say... Propaganda.

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A mod also removed an Associated Press article for "missinformation." How much more reliable of a source do you want?

The current mods are hopeless. Idk if it's a few bad apples or a bad bunch, but it's really not a good situation.

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Meanwhile the US has hit record oil extraction and natural gas exports this year. Big load of good developed nations are doing.

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There was a guy in a press vest in Lebanon with nobody else nearby

Dude got obliterated by Israeli weapons

It's interesting how much news on this comm. comes from news agencies in the same few countries. Looking through the recent few posts, this is what I see:

Israel: Haaretz, Ynet, Times of Israel, JPost

United States: NYT, AP, CNN, VOA, RFA, Newsweek, NBC, WaPo, WSJ, Axios, Semafor

United Kingdom: The Guardian, BBC, Reuters

Ukraine: Pravda, Ukrinform, Kyiv Independent, Kyiv Post

Other Europe: france24, DW, notesfrompoland, El Pais

Other (often only one article from each): straitstimes, SCMP, Al Jazeera, JapanToday, Buenos Aires Herald

This reflects a heavily American-centric lean, an Anglo-centric lean, and a Euro-centric lean. These biases are inherent based on where news is being drawn from. It's showing only one side of the picture. People like to argue that this is because the US (and the West at large) protects media freedoms, but to that I point to:

  1. The claims of Iraqi WMDs used to justify the invasion of Iraq

  2. The claims of Ukrainian/NATO-backed technical superiority allowing Ukraine to push to the Sea of Azov

  3. The "unlawful detention" of the two Canadian Michaels in China, when it was later revealed that they were participating in "security reporting operations in China" and the Canadian government is paying $3m each as compensation

Even if these media freedoms are so strong, they're still consistently failing to capture the truth... And the truth is what news should be about.

There's a real question about how much use general-purpose generative AI actually has. The jobs it's taking are mostly creative and busywork-type jobs, which benefit a service-based economy like the US. Automation and data processing instead benefit an industrial-based economy like China.

yeah that's a problem because it makes Israel look bad

Canadian immigration has been increasingly trigger-happy recently.

China is also blasting through their Paris commitments like they're nothing. It's actually absurd how much they're going to beat their Paris commitments by.

Even as China builds new supercritical coal plants, they're tanking utilization of existing coal plants to the point where peak fossil fuel use (according to the IEA) could happen THIS YEAR.

Ansar Allah has survived for this long under constant bombardment by Western weapons. What's another few bombs?

Only the US is allowed to enforce sanctions or institute a blockade. Silly Yemen.

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World War 3: Middle East proxy war

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Good to see China didn't entirely abandon Palestine. Their foreign policy in this conflict has been a disgrace.


Fuck scammers

Half the articles here are already "what does the US think about the world?"

I don't think the restriction on US internal news is actually accomplishing anything useful

RFA is literally a propaganda source.

Lol lmao even

I guess both sides really don't like Yemen lol

Dude's a greedy pig, what do you expect?

At this point, maybe the solution is to just ban US news sources and call it a day lmao

World news should be international.

Can this guy step down yet?

Haaretz is sus

jordanlund and YoBuckStopsHere are terrible mods who have a complete lack of communication with the rest of the mod team.

Because Poland is backwards

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L5? No. L4? Of course. IIRC it's even been exported to the UAE.

Edit: London has more security cameras per capita than Beijing. I'm not sure what your point is?

Why hide covert actions if nobody cares?

Good luck, I want to dunk on the racist comments but they get removed before I can.

They ban for posting SCMP

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Isn't iodine like... Extremely, absurdly common in ocean water?

Lol the number of posts the mods removed discussing this topic makes me think the mods have an agenda. Do the mods not think Russia is a threat?

Might be a reason you're no longer top mod 🤷

Ironically, if she had used a Chinese hashtag she would've been fine. The state's case hinges on #MeToo being a US-backed movement, just like #Pride.

LGBT and women's rights activists in China are restricted from using foreign iconography and foreign slogans, but not from demonstrating. It's absurd, but altogether a different issue than what the article makes it out to be.

FAFO asshole

The comment was about China arbitrarily arresting people for "espionage." In fact, China has a better track record of finding spies than the Canadian government has of recognizing that their spies were detained.

In general, a lot of "news" ends up being bullshit spun around a single organization or think tank's position under the guise of independent journalism.

Welcome to American news.

Lack of effective deployment, mostly.

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There's two rational positions on this: allow all propaganda, or block all propaganda. Selectively allowing propaganda is just exposing the mods' political opinions and pushing it on everyone else.

Fact is, nobody really knows what's going on. Fog of war is in play and everyone has an incentive to lie.

Why doesn't the US have enough Patriots themselves?