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Well, the opposite might be possible as well. An AI and genetic algorithms could keep a world ever evolving making information obsolete over time and since we know data mining will happen, I'd look at making it a game mechanic somehow.

That reminds me, I haven't experienced a MMO that was successful at fostering a community since asheron's call for the reason you describe.

The game didn't have any of the "quality of life" features you can find in modern games, no fast travel, no markets, no difficulty indicator, if you wanted to travel to another region, it was a quest in itself or you'd have to beg top levels players to escort you there or open a portal for you, and since you could only hold a single portal to a location if you were a high enough level mage (I think) it wasn't that easy to find.

Death was punishing, you'd lose most of your gear and you'd have people begging for help to retrieve it on every village square and because that actually mattered, it's something you could do out of good will or for a fee.

The only way to get good gear was to get it from player who could craft, and since crafting was bitch to level up, guilds were the only one who could afford it.

Oh and that's not really a part of the game, but internet was young and games didn't yet have hords of people dissecting game and dumping every possible details on wikis or at least not as fast. So actually discussing quest, place and strategy with people mattered.

PVP was rough, no level limit, barely any zoning, a level 60 could camp your noob spawn and grief you forever, until you asked your guild for help and it turned into a week long manhunt to punish the griefer.

To be honest I don't remember if the game has quests, a few I guess, mostly forgettable, most of the good memory I have from the game were from player induced adventures.

The game did eventually end up having all the tools you'd expect a community to build including XP allocation optimiser for cookie cutter built and a large database, which fucked it up, people would race their glass canon to level 60, kill a couple of the highest level monsters and get bored.

I wonder how you could build a game like that nowadays without the community ruining it with a wiki.

1 more...

I remember when, I think, Sony was hacked because of the movie « the interview ». It created enough of a news cycle shitstorm that our corporate overlords became excessively generous with our infosec budget and made it a tier 1 priority.

It went for measly .5% to a whooping 25% of IT expenditure.

On the other hand to really show they didn't understand anything about it they recruited an experienced CISO and fired him a month later because an accountant's workstation was hit by a ransomware. The guy barely had the time to start building a plan and launch a bunch of audit but still got the full blame for decades of neglects. (He eventually sued them and settled).

Even the biggest YouTube stars represents nothing in terms of views compared to YouTube overall and they don't have any alternative places to go with the same reach to if they left YouTube.

Mrbeast does ~500M views a month, Google has 2.5 billions active users generating between ~5 and 10 billions view a day. He represents 0.002% of Google total views. Would you bother negotiating for 0.002% of your salary ?

People who made a carrier of YouTube videos are Google's prisoners, they have literally zero negotiating power.

Can't answer your question but I got a refurb corporate m715 for 60 bucks, I haven't bothered upgrading the 8Gb ram^* and it runs a full dockerized arr stack, vpn and jellyfin without any issue. I don't reencode and I don't use 4k media, so I can't talk about that either.

But if you're looking for cheap that works, it's not a bad little machine.

^* The system actually run on 6Gb since 2 are reserved for video and by the time I realized that everything has been up and running fine for a while, so I didn't even bother rebooting in the bios to change it, I just added a bigger swap 🙄