1 Post – 141 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yes, it was fool proof, until the world gave me a bigger fool.

I don’t care what anyone says, this product is amazing and I’m sad it’s sold out.

I work with programmers and devops people who think BitWarden is too complicated. I get it when it comes to the product team and BAs, but even then.

Stealing my time for nothing in return. Watching an ad to get content is a transaction. The door to door guy, or the guy who interrupts my shopping with “I’m not selling anything just asking you some questions” is annoying and I’m never going to use their product. The ones that persist after being told “not interested” can jump off a cliff.

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0-40 km/h (25 mi/h) in 42 seconds…. That’s 42, not 4.2 in case someone thought I missed the decimal. How did this sell almost 92k units per year up through the 80s?

Go pick up smoke and mirrors, it’s a short story collection, very easy to get into. If you love it, check out the American Gods novel and the Sandman comics. The original sandman is a bit dated at this point, but still some amazing storytelling.

As a fullstack developer I don’t appreciate you calling me out like this. Write an efficient SQL query you framework monkeys.

But also, this is very true.

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Yesterday I would have argued that with the rails framework Ruby is a great way to rapidly develop a scalable application. Today I started having an intermittent failure in one of my API instances and when searching about it the only thing I could find was one obscure blogpost that boiled down to “yeah sometimes Ruby Ave active record just screws up the character set off a string” exact same string, different results. Excuse me Ruby? How the fuck can you sometimes screw up a character set? There should be no sometimes to any thing here.

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Important facts for people that didn’t bother to read the article: it’s $2.1m each, so total is $4.2m. The coverage of the drug was cut on a schedule that was determined in January. The diagnosis of the disease was 5 days after the cut.

The cost isn’t an issue in my mind, but I think good to know how much the parents are in for. Insurance companies exist because of these costs, they should have to cover any treatment that has significantly higher success rates, especially when the lack of coverage will result in death, or other life-long consequences.

The timing and schedule are important as the headline makes it appear this decision was in response to these kids being born with the condition, when in fact, there was no diagnosis at the time of the cut and these kids were still months away from being born when the decision was made.

Final bit, though this wasn’t in the article, the drug is being covered for these kids. It took pressure from the state government apparently, or maybe just all the bad press. Shouldn’t change anyone’s opinion on POS insurers, but it’s at least good news that these kids aren’t condemned to a death sentence.

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“We cheated so hard and still lost! They had to have stolen it!”

In the dry SW US the answer is drink water when it’s 100F or worse 115F+. Having a half liter of water from the hotel for the half day mountain hike, or pounding a half gallon of ice water and throwing up five minutes later. Your body doesn’t tell you when you should drink, it tells you when you are already behind on drinking.

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“Growing tik toc trend” only gives one example that we’ve all already watched. Either it’s a lie about it being a trend or piss poor reporting.

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They’re getting desperate to find bag holders.

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One project I worked on had 10 different languages. That was rough. But even your basic full stack web application is usually 5 languages: SQL, a backend language, HTML, CSS and JS. Usually some wheel reinventing frameworks thrown in for good measure. 5 languages is light these days.

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Which is kind of dumb, because if you target Firefox you are writing to a standards compliant browser that means your code should work on all other browsers. Chrome came when IE still owned the internet and their goal was to offer a faster browser that still worked, so now chrome has a bunch of hacks coded into it.

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I think he retired during Covid, but a nearby lasik clinic was run by Dr. Biglaiser. I don’t see how that could have been his real name.

Even if he decided it was a good deal, if he cares about the legacy of his past decisions at least seeming legitimate, he has to turn it down. We all know he’s for sale, but he loses deniability if he straight up sells out.

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Lots of quoting for specific phrases. Instead of searching like I used to using what I feel are relevant key words:

react table sortable

I now have to search for something like

“Best sortable table component for react”

This will lead me to some bullshit listicle that will then give me at least a few items to review, then I take the best one and start typing the components name vs and seeing what auto completes after vs

It’s all become a game and I hate it.

Little more sympathy to the lady that got squatted on while she was on active duty though.

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Why are people going to show up for a primary that doesn’t matter? There was literally nothing else on our ballot in AZ so there wasn’t much point.

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I love how this comment covers super common misconceptions, but then throws a super specific database issue in at the end. Gotta have that cascade on delete, unless you want orphans.

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I’m only 43 so it’s not like I’m far ahead of you, but here’s what I know. You don’t have enough insurance, especially if you have a family; auto home or life. You’re not saving enough for retirement, better bump up those 401k contributions or consider an IRA. Don’t move heavy things anymore, herniated discs are more common and no joke. You aren’t seeing the doctors enough either; get your yearly and don’t skip the dentist, especially if you’re in the US. Dental care once you’re on Medicare is just not reasonable and I’m watching my retired father making some tough decisions on if he should keep his teeth or not.

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Does he want to take a budget option away? At one point he says “And they still charge $12” to me that says that’s close to what proper wired earbuds should cost. People are getting screwed buying something that should have higher sound quality and getting the cheapest Bluetooth quality instead.

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Any guardsmen that would actually go to TX and support TX would be unlikely to follow the stand down order. I’m kind of curious how many would just follow orders going both directions.

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Betting it’s not leather. Leather doesn’t melt. It will burn, but never liquify. It clearly appears that the outer layer liquified. Also this screams prank to me, but good quality, oiled leather should also hold up ok to 350 for 15 mins.

I want to be able to search the phone numbers in maps. Searching Google sucks because of all the algorithm gaming scam sites. I just want to know if this number is a local business I might actually want to talk to.

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In the thick of the cd era I tried to use RW and there wasn’t much rewritable about them. Any attempt to change the data, even to just add a new track, turned the disk into a coaster. Better to stick to CD-R and just burn a whole new disk each update.

From 97-2000 I drove a ‘77 GMC truck that was designed for leaded gas which was not available any more. I just used unleaded. No additives or anything. Maybe the fact it was a V8 meant it could stand being a little out of tune, but I never saw any adverse affects.

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The best thing to come from Superman is Lex Luther. No villain can go toe to toe with Supes, except maybe Doomsday, but does he really count as a villain? Mindless kill machine. Anyway, Lex has to beat Superman who can punch him into mist, or roast him by looking at him too hard, or literally blow him to the moon. How do you write a villain to counter that? By making them cunning and lovable to the public so that if Superman does any of those things, the public turns against him. Superman’s weakness isn’t only kryptonite, he craves social acceptance, if he didn’t he would just punch his way into being in charge and dare anyone to stop him. Lex gets how razor thin that edge is and takes full advantage.

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It’s already got 100k more signatures than it needed to make the ballot. It will be voted on in November. Should probably still sign if you haven’t already in case the GOP shitheads start trying to challenge the signatures. Though that’s a lot of signatures they’d need to invalidate.

It’s easy to confuse high compression JPEG artifacts with AI fuckery. IMO, if it was AI the lines would be cleaner and there would be other screwed up hands.

You call no one. You buy a safe of your own. You start buying your groceries in two transactions, one with your card like always, the other in cash. Every other time you fill your gas tank you use a little of the cash. Clothes are all cash till that safe is empty. Buy all your gifts from the farmer’s markets or other “street walk” events. Who cares if it’s more than you normally spend, the point is that officially, you bought no gifts. Cash anytime you go out to eat.

Get what you can from Facebook marketplace or Craigslist, but never anything that would mean title or registration. Those all need to come with deductions from bank accounts you can point to. The point is that by “cutting” a bunch of explainable expenses, you can eventually save up for the big spend item and buy that officially.

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I built this web page because the range estimator in the F150 Lightning is dog shit. I keep adding little features here and there. Really would help any EV specifically Teslas since we know their range estimate is terrible too, but I drive a Lightning so it’s biased towards it. I have one more feature I intend to add then I’m going to start learning how to turn it into mobile apps.

I mean, engineering is really problem solving, and not do we web developers solve problems. We may have made most of them ourselves, and new ones when we solve those, but we do solve problems.

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Fucking time zones and daylight saving/summertime. I live in a place that doesn’t change my clocks twice a year, but constantly deal with people that do. The number of times I have people say EST when they mean EDT is too damn high. Worse when they say MST, cause then I have to ask “are you in Arizona?” to which they look at me confused and say no. Then I about blow a gasket cause “then you’re not in MST!” If you’re going to live in a place that always changes your clocks, get your own terminology right dammit.

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The problem is you have comp sci majors who learned .Net or Java handed react, so they do their damndest to turn react into .Net or Java.

I have seen many travesties committed in react and angular from people trying to turn them into what they know instead of letting them be good at what they are.

Umm maybe it’s stubbornly popular because devices running it can’t be updated. My OG surface book (a Microsoft flagship device for awhile) is great hardware, but can’t update to 11. My gaming laptop is even better hardware but doesn’t meet the win11 requirements. Because they are sealed devices. I literally couldn’t if I wanted to.

Dwight would be a much more loyal friend for sure, and far less likely to steal your girl. But these high intelligence low wisdom friends are exhausting. Especially when they make a mistake, because they’re so book smart they couldn’t possibly be wrong. Tons of unwanted advice on subjects they’ve only read about. But they’ll always be first to arrive when you need help moving. It’s almost impossible for you to be as good a friend in return, not that it’s required, but I feel bad when it’s not even. And then you’re just driving around one day chatting with them in the passenger seat and they pull out the ninja star they bought at the gas station and want you to think it’s as cool as they do. I just don’t know how to handle Dwight friends.

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Good God, your utility company isn’t even using lube when they fuck you with a rusty shovel. Without solar, my time off use plan would make it $0.08/kWh. With solar I don’t even bother figuring out what my cost per mile is because it’s irrelevant till I need a fast charger. I don’t even pay $0.50/kWh at a fast charger usually. I’d be going with a full off-grid solar battery system if I were you. Charging my neighbors cars for free before selling a joule back to those assholes

If we can recycle single use plastic into this, then great. Somehow I doubt that’s how it would be made.

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