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Joined 7 months ago

He is such a fucking scumbag. Fuck him and fuck the rest of Israel.

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Ironic. They did what they are there to protect against. Fucking up everyone's shit

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Winamp has announced that on 24 September 2024, the application's source code will be open to developers worldwide.

Could at least give them a framework laptop.

Its a dog

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Try fixing all the fucking subscription services and we won't want to stream or clone a copy of media which you never owned because its virtually non existent

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For millenials who have had it timed perfectly to get fucked over by the way of it all our entire life, and when the power is taken back it'll skip over and be the next generation that follows.. Sweet spot generation of pure fuck-assery after being promised an entirely different world. The revolution is coming... It had better. In my opiniom, the best you can do is focus on a more personally enriching life, and forget everyone else's bullshit.

How is the US the OG???

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The broadness of the internet.. Now its like 12 main websites and they are all time stealing scams with tedious or generic content

Not having to click some accept data mining cookie banner before I can see the site.

The lack of monetisation and the irrelevant ads that did exist were sat on the website itself..

Active forums. everything seems to be a subreddit now

There was no google. I used dogpile..

Stumbleupon and curated bookmark lists.. The fact I had hundreds of sites bookmarked and categorised.

Dodgy assed chatrooms.. Asl.. Creepy question In hindsight.

I dont miss under construction banners, color clashing sites and low resolutions

Good. Make better products and support them after you made them.

If your company sounds scammy and you say it can do things it can't, I hope your company burns before you burn customers who believed your lies

Had conversations. Went outside. Did stuff. Had real hobbies. People were much less lame. Smartphones aren't even smart. They just have The internet. If they were smart, people wouldn't spend the entire time scrolling through dumb shit

The US isn't the original coloniser. Ghengis Khan did a bloody good job 900 years ago. Alexander the Great was Over 2000 years ago. The US is just shy of 250 years old. So how the fuck is the US the OG (Original gangster)...

I guess your history knowledge is pretty pethetic.. Either that or you don't know what the terms you're using means

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I start with grit 60, working up to 120, then a 600 for the smoothest finish, then a once over with a buffing pad for a shine that really glows. Always top to bottom.

There's an app where you can have a seeing person help you. I think its meant for shopping and navigating places but I don't see why they couldn't be used as paper checkers

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Quality. YouTube audio leaves something to be desired.. Spotify though... I never heard of that tool so thanks.

Do it!!!

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He won't listen. He wants to dwell in his own self pity

You need to login to view more than the first couple of paragraphs. Another site that can fuck off

Maybe if they werent all packed full of preinstalled shit that takes up what measily space is available, didn't force ads into the menus, and actually had real smart features not the half assed bullshit they put out.. People might upgrade TVs..

Also.. The content just isn't there these days. Movies are crap and rehashes of the same old shit, series are generic and characterless and even music sounds shitter than it used to be.

Fuck all your media whether its social or propaganda you bunch of nosy data mining cunts.. The next phase is going to be worse with empty AI generated shit with zero originality.

You don't have a room for storing mud? Peasant

Sure, an assistant key.. Not a copilot key..

Its the windows key all over again..

Queue the custom keycap crew

Barry's sack'o'balls

I love how the tables have turned.

You'd be expected to rescue people or give haunted building tours

We fucked it.. Plain and simple..

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Should we tell him about Earth

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Oh shit. I think it was literally 10 years ago I 'pledged' the base game (Aurora Mr). It still has less hours than Microsoft minesweeper, which let's face it is a banging game.

What do you mean... Open??? Don't you guys just chomp on them

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I'll back up your rage buddy!!

First time surprised me my because I didn't know the car had the feature. Slammed the brakes harder than normal and hazards flashed at double time. Driving a 2010 Alfa Romeo 159.

It wasn't meant to be insulting. Just bad taste I guess

A true audiophile can tell the difference between when its wound clockwise vs anticlockwise. /s


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Its proprietary though, right?

Looks like Spain

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I've switched nearly all my computers to Linux with wayland in the past 2 years with the last device coming over in the last couple of months.

I run a headless fedora/kde /wayland gaming desktop (with a nvidia GPU) which I use exclusively over steam links dotted around the house. That took a bit of tinkering tbh but flawless operation since. Edit: Turns out its actually still on Xorg. Still some work to do here getting this moved over. I forget why I didn't stick but must've been some combination of headless and steam link streams

I use arch/hyprland on my daily driver laptop and arch/sway on my work laptop.

The wifes laptop is also fedora/KDE on wayland.

This must be the reason it was almost only ever seem in an arcade machine format.

Full throttle remastered

Your true colours and immaturity show. You don't want a relationship, you want to be debaucherous for your own self gratification. You'll never get a girl while appearing to be such a letch. That doesn't mean hide being a letch, but get a relationship for the right reason. Women deserve to be treated with respect, not as some object. And that, buddy, is why you are alone

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