2 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I use gnome, but it's basically the worst DE, except all of the other ones that have been tried

It has the least features, so by default the least bugs.

Maybe try watching a 1080p HEVC or AV1 episode, 200MB for half an hour or 400MB for an hour and it looks amazing

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Want to get stuff for free, but you don't want to pay for it, don't want to see ads either

But suddenly you get ad-infested Reddit app on mobile or you can't see the page. Must feel dumb

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So then the next question is, how do you pirate from IPFS?

I kind of get your post, but you should seriously proof read it. I don't even know what the last sentence means

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Shit just got real, Wagner getting attacked by Russian helicopters and shooting them down

NixOS has NUR, but it's not necessary because they take everyone's pull requests in the official repo. I've been maintaining the software I use myself on the official nixpkgs, so I don't need to use the NUR.

It's not their own territory

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No position to take any territory back? How about the 300km^2 they took back already this summer?

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You can make money without being evil

They have mobilized 300,000 troops last year. It's news to Russia that they didn't contest it, since they fought for and lost Pyatyhatky, just now fighting for and losing Zherebyanky.

There are intense battles in Orikhiv area, but that could go either way. If Russia loses anything "they are not even trying"?

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It was super easy on Windows, but even easier on NixOS where I just set it up without any GUI, just enabled it and that's it

Poisoning the air or water is against the non-aggression principle of libertarianism. People who are okay with harming others are not libertarians, they are just LARPing Republicans.

Public roads is a difference of opinion. If there were private toll roads everywhere with a wireless chip for payment (to fund upkeep of the road) I would not be against that. The government has toll roads as well so I had to get the wireless chip anyway in California since I don't have exact change on me every time I drive on a bridge. If his higher cost of roads went to keeping them in better order and discouraged people from driving, that would be actually a benefit.

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Depends, for animation there's no artifacts say that size

These companies would have to buy the land from the government or from people who own the land, like everyone else. If you say that the government gets it with imminent domain and that sucks, well, that's another topic, isn't it? Since that's what it currently does. We're only discussing selling the roads to private owners that the government currently owns.

If we don’t have a monopoly in charge of a large chunk of land, turning right will cost you an extra $10 as opposed to going straight. For that matter going straight more than 5 miles may cost you an extra $10.

This is already the case, if you miss your turn you might be on your way to a toll bridge since you missed the last exit and there's no way to turn around. Of course, you would be using an app that can either optimize for driving time OR cost. This is also the case now as you can go around a toll bridge, but you'd have to go all the way around the bay to save a few dollars. This isn't something new or materially different

If they don’t place this regulation, people that live at one end of a private road and work at the other will be required to pay extortionist prices

you can stop using a road that's too expensive and take a bus from a road that is cheaper, the land owner will be forced to decrease the prices until people stop avoiding it

In the end of the day, it seems to me that people will pay more to drive, and the government will still have such a high level of control of the road system that any benefit that could be found in privatization is lost.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing if it causes cheaper public transport options to become available.

Overall, I don't know if it would be better, I'm just saying it's not as ridiculous as people might think.

Yeah, seriously, the most updated one for Linux had the last release a few years ago.

I recently bought a domain. But it's for a year, it might take the government all of a year to approve it, and by that time the domain name renewal would be more expensive.

ISPs also don't necessarily host sites

I'm in Beijing right now, last month good, but this spring was pretty bad

But then you get a shitty app

Just because you study something doesn't mean you magically know the future. Stop following "experts" and form your own opinion

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Mearsheimer is not a military expert, so he has no idea how the war will turn out. Even if we accept he's an expert on politics, the actual situation on the ground will affect the future more. I'd rather listen to what generals say

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I google things on brave search all the time

No, even if you study all your life, it won't let you predict the future. People study stocks all their lives and they still can't beat a simple stock index in the long term. So stop listening to articles that make wrong predictions.

Like Mearshimer who in 2014 predicted Putin had no further territorial ambitions in Ukraine. Yet Putin annexed further regions in Ukraine, despite this "expert" studying stuff.

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I'm questioning his expertise. Every time he says "Russia wouldn't do that" Russia does it. And he is still considered an expert despite several claims of how Russia:

  1. Wouldn't try to annex more of Ukraine after Crimea (did it)
  2. Could only have limited military aims in Ukraine (went straight for the capital)
  3. The rest of the former Soviet republics would support Russia (big oof, everyone but Belarus refused to support Russia)

At this point, you just have to say he's gotten everything wrong, but continues to double down

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I'm wondering why flatpaks don't work for command-line tools

This is all old articles. Of course, the trajectories put out there are the same, but you need to follow what's happening on the ground

What's possible and not possible will be shown this summer.

Why should I believe those people? Who made them experts?

Watch the actual developments on the ground, don't listen to propaganda. Russian telegram channels tell you how the war is going, don't need a guy to pretend to know the future

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