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Joined 1 years ago

Users are free to download Threads and go lick zucc's balls if they so desire, instances are just protecting themselves and the responsability that comes with it.

It's getting tired reading so many zucc apologist, I swear they are bots or accounts created for that purpose

They still don't sell it at my country

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Yet people are going to keep using it and sharing it as it that's acceptable

Not sure now, but at the time they had 4 moderators for the whole instance, this while the big Reddit migration was happening so it was a bomb waiting to blowup, also they've stated before that they want/plan to make it a safespace so they are not exactly made for federation since they'll have to end up blocking a lot of instances to achieve that.

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Not committed, I like Lemmy so far and have no reason to go back to Reddit (I miss mexican news and memes [not the propaganda that the mods from the main sub enabled]), but if something better arises I could easily move over because why not?

There's also but it's not very active yet

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A couple of days before the reddit blackout there were some posts pointing out examples of the main lemmy instance mods/devs banning people and censoring news/comments that tried to criticise the CCP, it was easy to confirm because there's the modlog, I don't know if it's still there or if they are still doing it, but there's a precedent.
Also they host and federate with lemmygrad.

Still there's no real worry about it, the rest of the instances (specially those created by the reddit blackout) are not controlled or manipulated by those devs (most if not all of them already block lemmygrad). Also I think anyone could make their own fork of the server software, not sure about how open is the software.

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Wait, this was supposed to be written from the wife's perspective

Because it's a non-issue since you can create a new account inside the blocked instance if you really have to check some community in there, the defederation can be rolled back and there are multiple similar communities through the different instances (or someone could start their own), so losing one of many doesn't have the same impact as losing the only one.

Most of the time FOSS, but things like After Effects that already has a huge community or plugins or things that make it super easy to use, then I just pirate it.
Yes, I know there are alternatives, but most of the time the curve to learn how to achieve the same thing is much more steep or it lacks the free plugins/presets that make it simple for a normal home user that might use it every now and then to create a shitpost or something.

And it's still hard to call it a gift, it's more of an imposition.

At least something very easy to see was when someone asked or mentioned a brand or model, suddenly a chain of users replied with how good or satisfied they were with it, but never replied to other users comments or inquiries, or only did to those that were happy or ok with it

It's not that the current administration "can't" (altough they have proven time and again that they seem to can't), it's they don't want nor care about it, it's the final year before elections, it's the time to steal as much as possible and the president only cares about that and talking shit about his opponents... think something like Trump.

Also if instance A goes down you still have instance B.

That seems very contradictory to me if it’s true, but I’m still trying to make sense of it, so maybe there’s something I’m missing.

Basically they are trying to keep the propaganda machine going, it won't make sense.

Yes, absolutely. They can do whatever they want on their server, including censoring opposing political viewpoints. I can say I think that’s a bad thing to do, because to me, using control of a platform to censor your opponents’ political viewpoints is in fact very bad. I mean if they actually do support Russia and the CCP, then I guess it’s not surprising if they’re okay with censoring opposing views, but to me, it’s wrong. They can do it – people can do a lot of things – but it doesn’t mean that every thing a person can choose to do is right.

Just to be an ass: there is no absolute right or wrong, to them we are in the wrong and should submit to their ideas, to us they are wrong for trying to censor and limit discussion.

This isn’t that though. The phrase is “prior restraint.” If I go out and accuse someone of something, and it’s not true and they sue me for libel and prove me wrong and I’m punished for it, that’s consequences. If someone’s not allowing the accusation to exist in the first place, that’s not free speech with consequences, that’s someone controlling and approving beforehand what I’m allowed and not allowed to say

Oh right, then it was a phrasing problem as we agree on that.

if you did that with that amount of power, what are you going to do if you wind up later on with more power?

I mean... just look around and there are many examples and multipying.
At least for this context, it's not so big because the users can ditch that instance and register at a different one, if they actually get extreme they'll just get defederated or if they defederate too many instances they will isolate themselves and the server software can be forked, so there's at least some safes in place.

Cool, still not worth going through all the learning curve for a shitpost and then not touching it again for months

I swear the shillbots are trying every time the topic comes up

Sure thing, here you go

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Less text, my dude

I think downvotes are ok as long as they show the real ammounts along the upvotes, besides there's no karma here.
Also for those that say people could abuse downvotes to bury discussion, well guess what? People abuse upvotes too to increase their visibility, then we should disable upvotes so they can't be abused either, right?

I think it's ok if an instance decides to disable them (or both) if they don't want or can't deal with being downvoted, but trying to spread it to other instances is just trying to create a circlejerk.

They own and federate with lemmygrad, also were the owners/mods of r/comunism and the complains seem to come from way before (from those that came before the reddit blackout), it's not sketchy or coincidential, it's deliberated.

I don't agree with your last statement, in the end the instance belongs to someone else and they placed rules that we agreed to follow the moment we joined.
Just like with everything else, being free to say whatever you want doesn't mean being free of consequences.

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You said it yourself, what most people want (and seem to think this is) is a forum, not a fediverse. Imo a lot of the users who feel a strong need to control everything for everyone will end up leaving, since this is closer to what reddit used to be (you went to r/all and it showed ALL, not the watered down version that they forced for advertising reasons) and we all know it's not for everyone.

I already blocked the bot, it's so much spam of so many themes it drowns everything else

Nah, the iphone is also overhypped and overpriced

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Why would we complain if the zucc decides to not federate at all?

Well shit... guess it's been abandoned.

True and it's basically the same for other Adobe products.
Tried to do some fx using davinci fusion, all the damn tutorials are outdated, too much work trying to figure it out for a shitpost.
It ended with me oppening After Effects, using Copilot and rendering.

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Called it.
Still he's going to end up with a site with lesser quality and mods that will have a harder time to moderate until the supposed new tools actually work (if they actually work).

Honestly? I think 4chan could have a field day trolling in there like they love to do.

Remember when OF tought of doing that to please advertising?
They were smart at the end.

I still don't know if those are real users or their employees/bots, it seems too coordinated so I assume it's bots.

It isn't about keeping it alive or improving the game, it's about milking the idiots who keep shelling out money and defending battlepasses + mtx, once the money runs out they'll just kill it and move on.

Agreed, specially on the part about sending them to a specific server, the normal user doesn't want to read or learn, it's easier to send them to a sever we think they might like but I think it's still too early for normal users when we think about discovering new communities or subscribing to ones in a different instance.

My loved Steam Controller is usually all that I need, sometimes a Switch Pro Controller.

Perhaps harsh but beehaw strikes me as the tumblr/progressive/sjw types that really wanna build their safe space

They literally said they want that instance to be their safe-space, so you are absolutely correct.
Still it's surprising how quickly a block-happy instance appeared, I was expecting it but not only days into this reddit-wave.

Protein is protein

It honestly surprises me they haven't blocked other instances yet, it's been pointed out multiple times and it would be the only way to censor something that isn't in their instance

Honestly I don't care about stories, but I hope that encourages my friends to pay attention to it.

I've been saying the same every time this topic comes up. People seem too afraid to enable ONE setting while they are out in public and extemely afraid of porn, but showing violence to people at work or kids in the bus is ok, right? Why not block all that to be safe? Just disable that filter at home, it's not that hard, the posts they missed during the day will be there when they get home, they can watch all their precious violence there.

I agree for having granular filters because I'm ok with porn and erotism, but I don't want to watch gore, scarejumps or other type of shock content, but having a full NSFW filter is needed and should stay, people just need to use it.

Yes and no, most of the free/open software has the problem of being very not-user-friendly (even if it's only for the first time set-up) and the documentation (even the youtube tutorials) are written in a "you should know all this already" way, which is cool if you do, but if this is the first time you are doing this or if it's the only time you are gonna use that knowledge then it's absurd to expected someone to learn it only for one time.

It is normal for someone to complain that the thing that steals all their data or needs a subscription is better because it's easier to use (install, pay/register and use, done), compared with how different and difficult usually it's to install and get to work a FOSS option (download this, install these, run command lines, configure all these, now get all these plugins, etc).

If we want bigger numbers, then it should be at least as easy as the thing we want them to stop using, otherwise we are barking at the wrong tree.

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