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Joined 11 months ago

Why is a car capable of playing games in the first place. I understand it’s not going to allow people to play while they drive but still. That just seems like an odd/bad idea.

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Even with a “clean” record they still shouldn’t get their guns back. Ignoring all second amendment arguments just look at how they are holding their guns in the main picture. They are in no way trained or even given half assed knowledge in how to hold a fire arm.

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If that’s true, isn’t that considered counterfeit and thus federal prison?

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This is a good example of why woman live longer.

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Y’all up in arms over the bad AI image and I’m just sitting here thinking, “If the dude took a picture of a boarding pass to get on the flight he was not a fellow passenger.”

You do realize the word Soccer for the actual game originated in England right?

It just so happened that “Rugby football” got shortened to Rugby and this “Associa toon (Socker) football” got shortened to Football.

Since since an American sport came around the same time called “Football” they kept the name “Soccer” for Association Football.

Just letting you know a little back story.

A small article about it can be found here. And there are plenty more info out there about it.

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how dare you sir

He is a treasure!

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Actually, according to reports it can't even do that right.

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For all those who did not read or at least skim the article. FlyingSquirrel is referencing Trumps claims that the FBI was authorized to use deadly force when conducting their UnCoNsTiTuTiOnAl raid.

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So instead of just having cancer, you’ll have cancer and be a criminal.

Almost every time Yoda talks about himself he says “am I” at the end.

So “green colored, am I” instead of “I am the color green”

HD stands for High Definition. 4K is “Ultra” High Definition.

So Yoda says “HD, am I.”

The cords used to transmit the High Definition picture from a blu-ray player, PlayStation, Xbox, or any other HD device is an HDMI cord. They are required as the old cords can’t transmit the amount of data like an HDMI cord can.

This the pun “HDMI” = “HD, am I”

(Edit) - sorry if this was way more than needed and came off insulting. You asked for an explanation, so I covered all bases instead of just one.

Tast… no. However I can assume it has less plastic in it.

Damn man, I got lucky and insurance took care of most of it.

This is going to sound condescending but i mean it. Good for you for being happy for these dudes instead of upset about it.

Too many times (especially recently) i see people angry that others get something they didn't. Its nice to see and restores my faith in humanity when i read things or hear things like your comment.

Thanks man, i really needed that.

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Dang, give good advice to a shop and a few generations it gets taken out of context.

The problem is that idea derives from an economics idea that “your customers preferences” are the ones you should gear your product/service to.

I like green so I stock 10 green boxes and 5 red boxes. At the end of the day I have 9 green boxes left but no red ones. The red sold out. The customer is always right it doesn’t matter what you like you should stock what they want because that is what will sell. (At least that’s what I was taught in my college economics class)

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Honestly I actually had not thought about people sitting around waiting to charge. In my area there are tons of chargers, grocery store, Costco, the mall, movie theaters. My experience had been that people would charge while doing other things. Thanks for the insight into a good use for it.

And that’s in the oven. No way that was done on a stove top or range.

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Completely agree. No company redesigns all of their products each year. They redesign the top tier and then its shifts downward the next year. GPU, CPU, Motherboard, hell even cars do this. Not all models included Carplay and Android Auto when it launched, just the high end cars did, but now all of them do.

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A potential idea after reading the bad with attempting the PETG route would be to create a mold from the 3d print.

Look into silicone casting. Or whatever grade you would legit need to be safe. Not sure if pure silicone is the right route or not. At least it’s an idea of a starting point.

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It seems to be that you are misunderstanding the entire tech concept. There is no "downgrading" the A16 chip from last year’s pro model is the USB controller. They simply aren't upgrading that chip. It seems that you didn't read the article and thus didn't know the processors for the phone are what are controlling the USB. There is no "forcefully crippling the speed of usb" its a simple matter of taking last years top tier chip and putting it in the Second tier phone this year. This is how tech works. You don't redesign all your products, you redesign the top tier and then move those advancements down the chain next year.

The comparison was not about a cable vs wifi. It was about the chip on the device as that is the crux of the situation and the pointed out almost at the top of the article.

No need to be rude or insulting with the blood flowing to the brain comment. Again this seems to be fan boy attitude to shit on "the other side" and be insulting to win the argument. I have no stake in this other than pointing out that people are freaking out and getting upset because they didn't redesign the phone and architecture for $X to increase the speed of something almost no IOS user even uses.

An honest question, do you actually use your cord the transfer data from your phone or tablet? Personally I never use the cord on my Galaxy Tab, It easier to use Wi-Fi and a shared folder on my NAS.

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I love how these articles happen and are posted and everyone flames at apple.

This isn’t that different than the Galaxy note 20 not having ultra wide band but the Ultra version does.

All companies do this, otherwise why have different tiers or different models.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled they are finally using USB-C. I enjoyed the lightning when if first came out. The only cord at the time you could plug in and there was no up or down, it just want in no matter what orientation. Apple just wanted to charge everyone to use it and they screwed up with that. Now there is a full standard for every device, this is good.

Apple fan boys and Android fan boys need to chill out. It’s just a phone, not an allegiance.

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I was originally going to point out that this guy pleaded guilty but really no need because I can’t argue against your point at all.

That’s a very well put point. I didn’t care about this guy because I was picturing my kid as the victim. (That’s why parents shouldn’t have anything to do with punishing the convict)

I am against capitol punishment on principle. This article just hit me wrong or right depending on how you view it.

I did not think about how these laws can be used as tools to punish “others” especially in states that are or have started criminalizing anything near LGBT. Thanks for the good point.

Yes, Italian beef for St. Patricks day. Hahaha.

In all honesty I wouldn’t blame you or Chicago, they are super delish. (Edit grammar)

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Holy hell, It hurt watching that so freaking much.

It was not worth watching it just for that moment. I am blown away at how much he kept saying something with a response being the opposite of what he wanted and then him repeating it. "I did protest Obama" "I already told you I don't know" "I don't know the number" dude, I am amazed at her patience with a grown man acting like a toddler that didn't get his way.

Sports almanac, any kind of history of the stock market, and the history of Power Ball and Mega Millions.

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Cool. This would be great. Hopefully a push to allow that in all other countries.


You can also deploy it easily with docker to get it running quick.

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I think you are confusing what OP is saying with what the Bible says.

I took it more along the lines of “this story existed and was originally meant to teach young girls not to be tempted” and then the writers of the Bible came along. They used a common story to help with the point they were trying to get across.

This is not too far off from what is commonly known about pivoting the pagan ritual for the winter solstice and dressing up a pine tree. Now know as Christmas tree.

For all those who may be wondering "Hey Siri, who's phone is this" will lock it as if you had just booted the phone. This then requires the full pass code and not just a face scan or finger scan.

Unfortunately I don't know the equivalent for Android.

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Cool. We need more states to do this. Cops do have a lot of laws and rules they need to know but a one hour class seems like it can’t hurt.

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Right, but unfortunately that has nothing to do with compelling a witness to testify in court.

A court can compel a witness to testify if they live x miles from the courthouse. The amount of miles is a general rule but the judge can use their discretion. Legally it’s a good argument. However since it’s such a high profile case and they have the financial means to appear then there is plenty of backup if the judge wants to compel her to show up.

Parmesan - Follow your heart ( It does take a bit but low and slow works for us.

Mozzarella (Try it before you dismiss it, I know its a WTF moment) - I kid you not the promo images of the pizza is actually how it ends up, melts great and blends well. I actually use it in my eggs and my Wife's "JUST egg" as I cook them and it ends up being amazing.

Sorry I don't have an Asiago for you. If you ever find one please let me know.

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Unfortunately It not obvious to me what trials you are talking about. I don't follow all the things that happen so forgive me. What trials are you talking about. I would be interesting in looking into them.

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Honestly I actually had not thought about people sitting around waiting to charge. In my area there are tons of chargers at task oriented locations. Almost all Grocery stores, Costco, the mall, movie theaters. My experience had been that people would charge while doing other things. Thanks for the insight into a good use for it.

Unfortunately it still falls under schedule 1. Even if states legalize it the federal government still considers it the same danger as heroin.

Don’t get me wrong. It shouldn’t be but until we get a federal law changing that then it’s still going to fall under DEA.

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I thought my joke was great, and then you had to blow it out of the water!

I legit laughed out loud when reading this. Thanks for some great joy this day internet stranger.

Hahaha. Good catch. I will leave it to prove my stupidity.

A last will and testament is a legal document if actually executed properly that would cover this. This is all they are talking about. Either that or if no will exists then a court order that shows “said person” gets the inheritance and your GOG account.

You either hate Stars or don’t understand that’s cheaper than any other streaming company.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t know a dang thing about them but for 5.99 I would be willing to try it for a month.

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Yeah. Take a good look at plex as the server and Plexamp as the client. You can filter the music in an almost infinite way. Even by mood. Not saying it’s perfect but it’s the best self hosted way I have found.