3 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Terrible journalism. He was sleep deprived after having taken mushrooms 48hrs before, and not slept for 40hrs.

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Plant manager sending out a site wide email saying that we're doing awesome, and we're desperately hiring so refer all your friends. One month after layoffs were announced, and those to be layed off still had a month to go.

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Those are just fake vests bought specially for that purpose. Nobody would think to take off their actual vest at the last gathering for the school year.

Utah did something similar...... it's just dumb how much unchecked power we've allowed governments.

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Consentually...... Sounds like a great way for a corporation to groom individuals into people who accept less than a liveable wage.

I don't see anything that helps capitalism being done "responsibly". It's all done in the pursuit of all the money, and as soon as possible. Only rule is don't break laws that have consequences higher than the profits gained.

I see it as a longevity thing.

Sure you can bring another battery pack with you and charge your device from it, but at some point your internal battery will be degraded enough that it essentially needs to be plugged in to function, which is not feasible.

Being able to easily replace the thing in the device that wears out fastest is a good thing.

Granted I expect if this does go through, that mfg will make the battery hard to replace by other means (ie drm locks) making sure they can nickel and dime the consumer all the way.

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Also the fact that if you use a shared machine at all to login, it's best practice to intentionally log out of everything, and clear cookies/cache when you're done.

That a multi-national medical device company has no spare parts program for it's machines, and uses Excel sheets exclusively for performance tracking.

Correcting the reviewer.
Notes: "should of" isn't valid, should implies a verb, of isn't a verb. I expect you meant "should have". Please recall this in future submissions.

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Houses are a tool to make the environment more comfortable......

Those initial shock waves are impressive.

Subsequent mines weren't so impressive.

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"hey Tesla, turn on the defroster"

---"ok, indicating right"

"No! I need defrost!"

---"I didn't get that, say again"

"Turn on the windshield defrost"

---"ok, wipers on high"

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So efficiency is what you care about?

The only thing capitalism actually tries to do efficiently is make more profits.

Give you one guess..... you won't need it.

"funding artists" is more like. "Giving artists barely enough to scrape by and the rest of the actual profits to the shareholders"

This is true, but only if you leave out the upper band of the comparison range.

It's like saying that there's a massive difference between the size of a rice grain and the size of a loaf of bread, but leave out the literal planet in comparison.

Self fulfilling prophesy that works to generate more profit for the company.

Obviously sabotage.

He weaseled his way into the company and changed an engineers documents without them noticing, causing them to over rate the motor controller......

Or just an over current, which could be as simple as surge when connecting due to a discharged capacitor.

Eventually nobody.

Capitalism isn't about sustainability, it's about making the most amount of profit in the shortest amount of time.

Eventuall you bleed everyone dry and nobody has a job. But for a short amount of time the shareholders will have had a huge number of 0's and 1's in a database somewhere equating to their "worth"

Because the officer probably already has a baggie of crack to plant in your car, after he tears you out of it to search.

The rich are on the top decks where the valve controls are, they don't have wet feet, why should they close the valves?

Every single time.

Not to be confused with NiPS. (Nipples per second) Which indicates how many definitely female nipples are in view per second. This is a better metric as many scenes are shown with partial clothing and therefore don't get counted in the NPPS metric correctly.

Setup a self hosted media server, put your media on it, stream from that.

You do understand how much energy (and therefore pollution) it takes to launch any significant mass above the karman line, right?


A good rule of thumb is to look just below the side mirrors. The average height person seated correctly will see the stop line appear just below the side mirrors when the front bumper is at the line.

Easy way to know with yourself in your own car is to park right at the line, then sit in the drivers seat and compare where the line is in relation to the mirrors when seated normally.

I think my experience is skewed by not having a dcfc capable car. I charge exclusively j1772. And use plugshare to find the chargers. In 5 years of ownership I've charged not at home probably 150 times. Of those times I would say I couldn't get the charger to work maybe 20 times. And of those 20 probably half didn't have any other option at the same location that I was able to get working.

Again this is skewed by filtering through plug share and not even attempting locations that have comments claiming they're broken.

Idk, 9 months of housing, food, etc is pretty damned expensive.

Then don't even try squirrel.

I'd bet the conversion companies could almost as easily convert the phev Pacifica as the gas only Pacifica.

Definitely better inside your chest than outside it. So I hear.

Just like the muskrat. If he does, you can bet he will either game the vote, or not actually step down when the vote goes against him.

"the data collected by apps..... Cannot reliably be used to harm me"

So you're saying that someone can't use your location, recordings of your audible surroundings, recordings of your devices camera view, and whom you may be interacting with cannot be used to harm you?

I do, VoIP services can be used and you essentially have multiple numbers on your cell.

If you don't know that VoIP is, think of Google voice.

But they are allowed to lie to you, and allowed to pull you over for perceived infractions. So, yes they can pull you over for "nothing".

Queue is a line of something. Cue is a hint or signal.

I agree with you fully here. Probably why I have a 500e for commute and a '95 F-250PSD for when I need a truck.

You can get "freezers" that will put part of their inside down to 250+c below their surroundings. (Helium cryocoolers)

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That can be done, just takes a more expensive Platten motor, and some more code in the control unit.