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Right? Like what the fuck. I can't imagine ever going, "haha look at Eric's penis. AOC is a legend!" or anything. I like AOC because she doesn't do things like that. And if she did things like that, I would lose respect for her.

That was such a weird and weak "but both sides" attempt because it's only based in a hypothetical situation where they can pretend they know how things will totally turn out.

Edit: oh. Surprise. That koofnoof's history is not surprising at all. Apparently thinks conservative ideas such as hating trans people isn't hateful because "the true hate is from the trans people hating themselves". I've never once yet ever on here or reddit seem a stupid "both sides" come from anyone even remotely left leaning. It's always hateful bigots trying to say everyone is as much of a piece of shit as they are.

That's why I still use Vanced. Sponsorblock is something I can't live without even though I have YouTube premium.

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I don't know. I feel that the soul is part of what makes cannibalism so delicious.

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To be fair, with a website as huge as reddit, a 25% or even 50% decrease in user activity probably won't be that noticeable from someone like us. Instead of 2 million posts a day, it's not now 1 million. Or instead of 500k, it's 250k. None of those are knew we could feasibly differentiate.

Maybe if you sit on r/all and keep track of how fast new posts are moving, but even then, the algorithm may still just move the same number of posts up and down the main pages. So even then, it would be hard to tell if usage is down.

Now obviously there's no way it's down that much. It's significantly lower. But I'm just saying even if we pretend that it was down that much, it would look like business as usual.

Also, either way, I'm still glad to find this place. It feels nicer and offers what I wanted in a way reddit couldn't.

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You must ensure they’re also kind to the next people

What if the people I'm kind to aren't kind to the next people? How do I enforce that? Can I use violence?

Basically reddit admins said they will remove mods that don't open the subs back up.

Mods opened the subs and took a poll.

A) open like normal

B) only allows submissions of sexy John Oliver.

I think r/pics and r/gifs both did that. Not sure about any others. The vehement majority voted only sexy John Oliver posts.

So now the subreddits are technically open. And posts like this are what are filling them.

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Yes. Has been for a while now. I'm thinking probably years at this point.

Don't forget, "I also want to use slurs really really badly."

Yep. He probably couldn't care about that community until he realized that hating it got ratings up with hateful conservatives.

Maybe a hot take, but I don't mind as long as there are no victims and no one is actually hurt.

But I also won't lose any sleep if the content is banned by communities that don't want that (such as if that happens to be the case).

They are two different markets. You can also buy the next elder scrolls have while paying for ESO.

One is a single player game, the other is an mmo with that mmo feel.

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I want to try something... Less involved in getting me on more lists.

Honestly, people posting unrelated trash to subreddits with new moderators would be good. A dozen new moderators against thousands of non-bots just posting shit to reddit would be fun to try to moderate.

Not even rule breaking stuff so you can contribute more than once. Like submitting wikihow articles for laying down floor tiles in TIHI. and upvoting other posts that don't belong.

I've seen plenty of actual death calls for gay and trans people. A Texas pastor even talked about lining up gay people and shooting them. Or that trans people should be eradicated completely. Donald Trump himself even reposted a tweet where the first sentence was, "the only good democrat is a dead democrat".

Can't say I've seen nearly anywhere near as much about republicans. Not as many people nor prominent figures. Sure, they're called corrupt and maybe stupid or harmful or other words but I don't remember Biden endorsing "the only good republican is a dead republican".

Obviously if someone says that republicans should all die, then yeah. That's just as bad. And it does happen. But not nearly as often as minorities get targeted. You're still right. Dehumanizing is absolutely not good and you should judge each person as an individual. But just realize there's quite a bit of difference in scope.

Exactly. Whereas mastodon is for microblogs (Twitter basically). And the Instagram one.

You know... I never thought about that. I would usually wonder why trainers only have like 2 or 3 pokemon.

I only have 2 dogs despite there likely being 150 breeds. What kind of psycho would horde so many pokemon?

Imagine a charmander and evolutions. Constant fire hazard from the tail alone. That little fuck would spend it's entire life in it's pokeball if I want to have any hope of insurance covering my house.

Actually I feel like insurance just wouldn't cover you if you have any pokemon at all unless you pay extremely high premiums.

Yeah this is definitely step 5 type of deal. A while ago, they stopped adding api features for apps. So most apps couldn't add any functionality. And not only that but even if you do somehow keep access to the api, you can't do so with NSFW content. So they also took away something from api access.

Then there was the thing where apps couldn't start with the name Reddit (like Reddit Boost had to turn into Boost for Reddit). I think Reddit is Fun was okay because it sounded less like an official app and just describing reddit or something. Not sure why they got to keep it.

The whole new reddit redesign to feel more like Facebook is just gross.

All the 9,000+ awards that meant nothing? Like you get a free one a day and maybe you get the wholesome one so you ironically give that award to a post about dying animals or something. So many posts just have so many random "awards" that it just feels like jingling keys in front of us to keep us engaged.

Reddit may not be dead yet. Maybe not for a while. But I'm not going to be holding on to the very last second. It's been getting worse for a long time and this was just a good excuse to jump before it gets worse.

It will be fun to see what changes they make to moderators due to the blackout of this highly unpopular decision that they refuse to back down from.

Seems like not a whole lot has changed over these centuries.

"It's just a differing view point that I think [x] people are the root cause of all the problems in society. In fact, I daresay society would be better without them. I'm not opposed to finding ways to get rid of those people and that they just shouldn't exist. Why can't you be civil about me implying genocide against a group of people that have actually not caused any harm to anyone?"

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"Fine... It's Imagine Dragon... These balls over your face! Eyyyyy!"

It would've at least given us closure.

Lawyer pretty told me to ALWAYS lie about previous drug use

Would actually be hilarious if you're clean.

"Have I ever smoked marijuana? Well, no, I haven't. So I better lie about this and check 'yes' just like my lawyer advices."

Wish granted. You have 24 hours.

This was maybe 5 or so years ago, but I remember Game Grumps did mention something along the lines of how they get more from someone watching their video on YouTube premium vs someone who watches their videos with ads playing.

It's still not a ton of info, and I'm not sure if it's still true. Or maybe it's different for every channel or something.

They mentioned shreddit able to delete more using some kind of archive but it's $15.

Is that the only service to offer that service or are there any free/cheaper options that do the same?

You're assuming most of them are arguing in good faith.

I'm torn because Skyrim was also a buggy mess. But it's my most played comfort game. The first few games, I couldn't finish the main quest. And it was soooo much worse than I ever experienced with cyberpunk. Both games I played within the first week of release.

One game, the dragon refused to be caught in Whiterun.

Another game, I caught him and he promised to let me ride him, but the guards never released him.

Another game, half the floor was missing from the floor of the greybeards manor. They were inside but there was a giant gap I couldn't cross over.

For the dark brotherhood, I couldn't complete that quest the first time when you hunt down Cicero because the room he was in also had no floor except for his area.

So many quests just wouldn't progress to the point I had the wiki open so I could use console commands to move quests forward.

I once got locked in during the werewolf quest when my companion was supposed to open the gate for me. He just stood there.

One quest where I fought three ghosts for the boss had a locked door behind me. I could never get that door to unlock with the fight. Sometimes I beat them all. Sometimes I could kill 2 and the third one just disappeared. The only fix was reverting to a save from before I ever entered the dungeon at all.

And so many more. Way more issues and game breaking bugs than cyberpunk. And yet I still hold Skyrim close to my heart. Especially as patches started coming and, more importantly, the Skyrim community patch mod. The modders are really what held up Skyrim.

It feels weird for me to hate what cyberpunk was when I live what Skyrim is.

From what I can tell, this is all kbin. The user is @kbin and this is a kbin magazine.

I feel like you're on Lemmy and didn't realize this is all kbin lol.

Unless I'm wrong and missing something, let me know!

Edit: nevermind, I just understood what you meant with your message. You can disregard mine lol.

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Water creature is the most compatible..

Otherwise you end up playing server whack-a-mole

That's always been a thing in the fediverse. Most instances have a rather large blacklist to block out stuff such as nazi subs and racist subs and worse.