1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Given that it's Hetzner, there's not much you can do besides telling them "oops sorry didn't know this was illegal" and proceed using a VPN on your seedbox, go private tracker or just use a different hoster. Hetzner isn't a big fan of torrenting since they have the (german) feds in their neck.

I just don't care about any of that at all. I have around 100TB of seeding accumulated over the years, no VPN, zero security measures, nothing ever happened at all.

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Most governments are greatly influenced by lobbyists, who are often tied to media companies. It gets worse since a lot of old people vote for heavy conservative parties, which in turn are even stronger leaning into lobbyism.

That's poly. There's many ways on how to deal with these feelings, but acknowledging them and knowing that these aren't wrong feelings, nor signs of "wanting to cheat" is definitely the first step.

After that, it's very important to speak about this with your partner, so they too can acknowledge that this is a thing and can understand ehen you talk about such feelings (in order to make sure they don't think you're wanting to cheat). Partners sometimes have a hard time dealing with it, been there, it sucks.

Once you've built that transparency, there's many ways to go. Generally, people tend to try out more open ways of relationships, but there is no such thing as "a universal open relationship", every has to figure things out by themselves, with their partner(s).

As someone who's poly herself, I can tell you that anything related to relationships has just turned into "hardmode".

Either you suppress your polyamory and continue staying in a mono relationship. Been there, it didn't work out for me long-term.

You can try and open the mono relationship up a bit, defining key things you're (both) allowed to do. This can include flirting, kissing, non-commiting sexual acts (one night stands), non-commited relationships ("dating" but without any commitment, "I might be gone at any time depending on circumstances with my partner"), dating with commitment (having 2 partners at the same time), in which you can also seperate between having a "main partner" and a "side partner".

Throughout all of this, open, transparent and completely honest communication from everyone involved is mandatory, setting rules and boundaries and accepting them is essential, communicating clearly to new partners where you stand and how those rules are set is paramount.

Love is a strong emotion, it can make you fly over the skies, but it can also pull you into deepest, darkest depths. It's your responsibility to ensure that the latter is being limited, for you and everyone involved, basically damage control. You will fail often, but that's just how love is, in mono as well as poly relationships, although such failures hit you harder when in poly relationships.

One of the most important pieces of advice I can give you is to not be ashamed about this, about being poly, about falling in love with people randomly. It's the same as with any other thing in the LGBTQ+ space, you can't decide about it, you just are.

Oh right, and one of my biggest points of advice: never commit to more then 3 partners, ever. The time investment is too high to handle it and you will burn yourself out.

There's a lot more things I could write, but I guess this is the "poly 101". If you have any questions, feel free to reach out :)

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What happened?

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Or hope that GoG finally created their Linux client, although it has only be requested by a quiet minority of literally every single suggestion on their community wishlist.

For the love of the gods CDPR, please, finally realize that Linux users are you main customer base.

You're the reason we need this flag.

"it'll probably work out"

There is no racism against whites, idiot. You aren't being denied jobs, getting houses, being shot by the police for no reason, or being harassed on the streets openly because you're white.

Stop bitching around and deal with the fact that you're not a king/queen/monarch anymore you absolute moron.

Sorry for the tone, but this shit pisses me off.

based guardian article, although some section about the animal slaughtering in the meat industry and its effects and massive impact into climate change was kinda missing imo

It might be imposter syndrome, now that you mention it... Funnily enough, with my bottom done 4 years ago, I also feel completely happy with my transistion and I honestly don't even feel dysphoria anymore (except for rare instances), but yeah... this issue persists.

It kinda feels like entering these spaces makes me realize just where the differences between me as a trans woman and cis women are, those small little things that transition can't easily or properly fix

This guy is creating amazing short videos where he's debunking UFO sightings with a huge amount of science and simple graphical tools.

Which canton of Switzerland?

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The union jack shows a prime example of the opposite

If you want to support the creator, spread the word. Paying for things will generally just fill the purses of some rich ass media company execs who sit around all day masturbating on their third yacht.

By spreading the word, the creator is suddenly known for "having created this media that everyone knows", landing them better deals with media corporations.

This concept applies to pretty much all media in all forms.

Meaning that this is on purpose? If so, who would profit from this? (besides the incompetent CEO themselves)

As a trans person who's been harassed and excluded at an LGBT event, I don't feel represented by a rainbow at all anymore. Go do your thing LGB, since I'm not welcome I'm doing mine. If you show me that I'm allowed to be part of you (by putting my thing back into yours) I'm coming back.

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opening an existing mono relationship to become ethically non-monogamous is a very difficult thing

Now to think about, I should probably also put out the warning that triangles are the "extreme" challenge, so to say. Seen it work out once, and only once, and I've seen it fail a few dozen of times, including my own attempts at it.

Tringles should reward an irl achievement ngl

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Yeah, I feel you, but given that we can't change society overnight, this ultimately becomes a circumstance we have to deal with, unfortunately :/

Hell yeah!! I've been playing the old version quite a lot and had hell of a blast with it! I'm looking so forward to this (even though I'll definitely wait a week for reviews before jumping in blindly)

Hah, I can still reply from Sync

I bought myself into one through donations. Sounds kinda stupid, but those 20 bucks are worth the 5 years of high availability, secure and insane fast torrenting that followed (and are still going on).

Something something IP for those who wonder.

I feel you. I'm from Switzerland and there almost aren't any lesbian spaces either in the place I live, but lots of FLINTA.

What actually made me struggle is that I'm currently live in an environment where a lot of people around me are bi girls. One of them has a friend who is a full-on lesbian and from her talking about her, she seems to be literally like me, except for her being cis.

At first I felt incredibly happy and even started crushing a bit, until I realized and remembered that well... I'm trans, she's cis, if we ever get to know each other, that will likely become a problem, which subsequentally threw me into this pit of despair I'm currently in.

Before that realization I was incredibly excited to meet her, now I'm scared and feel like rather not meeting her even...

And yeah, you hit the nail in regards to t4t, even though there are some local transgirls around, the dating pool is so slim that there's rarely a match, while the girls you do match with are living a lot of hours away. In regards to switzerland in particular, that's proving to be an even bigger challenge, since any potential partners couldn't move closer unless we marry (or unless I leave switzerland again, which I definitely couldn't anymore). If I were mono that wouldn't be too big of an issue, but obviously, I had to be born being polyamorous, which sucks even harder :/

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Well yeah, I'll give it a try nonetheless, but my expectations are incredibly low, since I doubt there might be anything happening... let's see.

Gotta say though, long term does work out okay-ish as long as you're reasonably close. My fiancee lives in northern germany, and even though visitting her takes aeound 10h by train, it's doable ever so often an very great. Still, LDR sucks, since traveling back again leaves a deep hole :/

Let's move on...


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Definitely interesting to keep an eye out for, given that once AI tech has advanced far enough, we'll likely see some impressive RPGs (or even MMOs) encorporating such tech.

yeah, you kinda got one side of it

Even if everyone is perfectly compatible, by going for a triangle you're also dealing with the dynamic of drastic change to an already existing relationship, which obviously has a stronger bond. Introducing a new person into this dynamic wreaks havoc, since the new person wants to compete, the other two want to spend a lot of time with that new person, overwhelming them, while also sticking to each other at times, essentially third-wheeling the new person.

It never works out. Too many ripples in the pond.

Oh, yup, makes sense and sounds reasonably suspicious haha

Most people understand the word "private tracker" as a website like piratebay which you can only enter if someone else invites you. It often involves a requirement to seed some amount back into the network.

There are some names of known private trackers out there, there are ways to get an invite, sometimes it even involves something as simple as a donation (that's how I got in, currently sitting on the leaderboard for amount of data seeded). Once you've entered one private tracker, there's also easy ways to enter others, since you show credibility and commitment.

I think that sums it up nicely.

Technically they somehow exploded to 5800 monthly listeners, but Valkyrik could use some more love. Last time I checked all their songs were at >1000 plays, even though, again, that somehow changed recently.

If you're a power user, I'd actually recommend installing Arch Linux. It will take a while, and definitely much longer then just pressing "install" on a fancy UI, but the advantages it brings are priceless.

Generally, you'll have to build the OS yourself, but you get a manual doing most of the job if you simply follow it, kinda like Lego. Given that you ultimately build it all yourself, you know how things work if anything might break. You also know how to adjust things if you wish to change something. And for everything you want to do, there's an up-to-date manual in the arch wiki.

On top of that, the distro is running the newest software, which means that almost everything is compatible and runs in the best possible way. It will be tested 2-3 weeks in advance in order to ensure it won't break your system immediately. But even if it does, guess what, there's a manual on how to fix your system.

In case you're overwhelmed at any point, there's a great community. Not sure if they managed to move to lemmy, but they're definitely over on reddit.

Good luck :)

no way, that's a massive oof o.O

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haven't worked with AP yet, but as a webdev I'm certain it's original server only. Syncing upvotes between nodes would be an insane datavolume and one hell to properly keep in sync to begin with.

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