3 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"It's against my religion to use preferred pronouns"
Also that religion: hi my pronouns are He/Him CAPITALIZED please. Please capitalize them when you use them.

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"Madoka Magica is actually a deconstruction of the magical girl genre because unlike most magical girl shows it's really dark and revolutionized the genre imo" sayers be like: "no I haven't actually watched any other magical girl anime but I really want to :)"

Source Film Maker, 3D animation software based on source engine which was used for games like Portal and Team Fortress 2.

I've stopped using the word "roguelite" because most people who play roguelites just call them "roguelikes" and adding "lite" to the end makes it feel like those games are "lite" versions of roguelikes.
When I play Nethack, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cogmind, Brogue, etc. I call them "classic roguelikes" or "traditional roguelikes" which feels a lot more precise than having a distinction between "like" and "lite" and it also feels a lot less combative to "roguelites". It feels like the term roguelite exists mostly to just correct people who incorrectly use "roguelike" and be like "unm, actually that's not a roguelike 🧐 only my game is a roguelike 🤣"
Most people call roguelite games "roguelikes"; it should be on the fewer people who play traditional roguelikes to change what they call their oddly specific genre.
Also, for those who have never played a traditional roguelike, I highly recommend Brogue. It's free and has much easier controls than most other old roguelikes, and the graphics are also pretty good for ASCII.

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You settle a dispute between two snakes who can't agree on whether or not to turn off the light. Not as many swamp levels as the sequels.

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"designed to be sung to the tune of 'Home on the Range.'"
(1) Oh, give me a clone
Of my own flesh and bone
With its Y chromosome changed to X
And after it’s grown
Then my own little clone
Will be of the opposite sex.
(Chorus) Clone, clone of my own
With its Y chromosome changed to X
And when I’m alone
With my own little clone
We will both think of nothing but sex.
(2) Oh, give me a clone
Is my sorrowful moan,
A clone that is wholly my own.
And if she’s X-X
And the feminine sex
Oh, what fun we will have when we’re prone.
(3) My heart’s not of stone,
As I’ve frequently shown
When alone with my own little X
And after we’ve dined,
I am sure we will find
Better incest than Oedipus Rex.
(4) Why should such sex vex
Or disturb or perplex
Or induce a disparaging tone?
After all, don’t you see
Since we’re both of us me
When we’re having sex, I’m alone.
(5) And after I’m done
She will still have her fun
For I’ll clone myself twice ere I die.
And this time without fail
They’ll be both of them male
And they’ll each ravage her by and by.

Source: autobiography of Isaac Asimov

Chinese and Japanese would have so many. My favorite is probably 緑 which means green. I also like the simplified Chinese horse: 马. Special shoutout to 凸 meaning convex, 凹 meaning concave, and 凸凹 meaning bumpy (not sure if this is true in Chinese). There's thousands to choose from so of course there are a lot of other handsome one-character words, but those are the first few I thought of.

Golden Sun is probably one of my favorite RPGs, very deep combat system where in the lategame you will be modifying your character class in the middle of battles to change your movesets and other cool mechanics. Fairly interesting story as well. It has great GBA pixel art and it does have random encounters.

Persona 5 is a turn-based RPG that lots of people who aren't usually into turn-based RPGs tend to like. Simple but satisfying battles, and a story that would have seemed mediocre if it wasn't for great music and some cool moments which make it really stand out. No pixel art and also no random encounters.

OMORI is pretty good and has a really good art style. The story is also very good with some very memorable characters and moments, and pretty good music. The combat is simple and probably best described as "not bad". The biggest downside of the game imo is that despite not being very long (<20 hours) it felt like it dragged on close to the end. It might have random encounters? I don't really remember.

Overall I recommend Golden Sun if you are able to emulate it or something (not on steam or switch)

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tl;dr, yes If you want to watch a 20 minute video about it instead of 1 word answers,

I couldn't get by without AutoHotkey and AltSnap. Especially having extra buttons on my mouse, there's so many custom shortcuts, commands, controls, etc. that I couldn't make without them. AltSnap also has a built-in borderless windowed button that works better with games than some apps I have used that are explicitly for that purpose. I have shortcuts for changing volume, switching windows, toggling always-on-top, and even making windows transparent all from the mouse.

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Nobody is getting paid to write Steam guides so it's not like you can really expect somebody to write really good ones for obscure games. I think a stricter guide system would probably just lead to there being less guides rather than better ones. Like under a stricter system, the people who write incomplete/inaccurate guides will just stop posting them, but it's not gonna convince many people to start writing good ones. You could also look outside of Steam because from my experience, most people don't really use the Steam guides feature.

About the homophones, it's also worth noting that English does the same thing. It's why we have "to, two, too" and "right rite wright write".
Just instead of having inconsistent memorized spellings, Japanese has memorized symbols. 同, 銅, 道, 動, 堂, 胴, 洞, etc. all being pronounced the same way = way more need for complexity in order to tell them apart.

Sorry for rant
There's a thing in sociology (or social psychology? I don't really know the difference) called "identity salience" that I think explains gender really well. Basically, people have any number of identities that describe them and they are of varying importance/salience. For example, it can be a big part of somebody's identity that they are a "father," but not a big part of their identity that they are a "driver" or "consumer." Maybe all those words can objectively be applied to this person, but he would likely identify strongly with one over the others. Similarly, right now I'm a "commenter" because I'm leaving a comment. That's something that objectively describes me, but I don't consider it to be an important part of my identity at all. Gender is just like any other identity; it's more or less important to different people. There's already a distinction between sex and gender, even colloquially to an increasing extent, and gender is widely understood to exist as a spectrum or multiple spectrums. It's reasonable to believe that people who don't consider a traditional gender to be an important part of their identity could consider themselves non-binary.
It's true that gender stereotypes exist, but there are plenty of positive characteristics that are also associated with gender like "men are confident" or "women are understanding." If somebody doesn't identify with any of those characteristics or even stereotypes, then they might just feel like they're not accurately described by gendered words. Of course, somebody who doesn't fit the stereotypical idea of a certain gender can still be of that gender; it's all subjective.
If you're interested in simple, objective, binary gender, it's called sex, not gender. And even sex isn't simple, objective, or binary when you really get detailed.

Everywhere? or in what country/place?

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I'm with you on the Gamecube controls, tank controls are awkward but Wii pointing is more awkward. Although the best control scheme I used was a Steam controller on Dolphin (for the Wii version).

Half-Life, Half-Life Opposing Force, Half-Life Blue Shift

  1. Universal Paperclips
  2. Dark Souls
  3. Return of the Obra Dinn
  4. Golden Sun (duology)
  5. Persona 3 FES
  6. Night in the Woods
  7. Pseudoregalia
  8. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
  9. Splatoon 2
  10. Stacklands
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The first game goes on sale pretty often (it's about $5 right now on Steam and GOG) so you could also try the first game if you're interested enough (on PC).

We don't know where OP's father lives so it's kinda hard to think of 34° as anything particularly remarkable without any context. It's 41° where I am right now.

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I was on the old Reddit amathenedit and while it was fun for a little bit, people would always start trying to bait certain answers. Eg: if the post was titled something like "ama then edit to make it look like I drink too much coffee" then inevitably somebody would ask something like "how many letters are on your keyboard" or something just to get OP to answer with a large number, and then they would edit the question to say like "how many times a day do you drink coffee?" for example.
I think the community would work better if the OP only reveals the premise a little bit afterwards, maybe by editing the post right before answering questions. That would prevent the answer baiting and hopefully Lemmy's ability to sort by active posts would be less harsh to posts that take time to cook.

I will not believe anything else - especially if a lying human being sells it.

The way that everyone else seems to be getting along normally in their lives, maybe even having fun reading through this thread, while you're getting angry and "shouting" reminded me of a line from The Count of Monte Cristo, where the count is trying to persuade a similarly unhappy person of the existence of a god.

‘No,’ said Caderousse. ‘No, I do not repent. There is no God, there is no Providence. There is only chance.’

‘There is both Providence and God,’ said Monte Cristo. ‘The proof is that you are lying there, desperate, denying God, and I am standing before you, rich, happy, healthy and safe, clasping my hands before the God in whom you try not to believe and in whom, even so, you do believe in the depths of your heart.’

Which is not to say that it's a good argument; it's actually pretty bad.
"Look at how fortunate I am to believe in my thing, and how unfortunate you are to believe in yours" when their beliefs are totally incidental.
But rereading it made me think about how little it matters about whose perspective is "correct" about something like that. To put it simply, there are plenty of "good people" in the world and there's also plenty of "bad people". Whether or not you choose to see good or bad is (in large part) up to you. Neither way is "right" or "wrong".

I think you would be happier if you tried to look for good instead of bad, but as you've stated, that's not a goal of yours. I don't think that you really have any more "moral integrity" than the other side though. While I'm not asking you to abandon your point of view, I think you should realize that there is a reason why your viewpoint is not very popular; it seems that you've had negative experiences that have caused you to become cynical about human nature but here's a rough analysis of the numbers: the fact that most people are not that cynical is evidence that most people don't have it that bad. People aren't wrong to believe in good human nature when that's what their experiences reflect. They're coming to conclusions in the same way you are, just the other way around.

If your experiences have been so negative, that's an alright thing to base your views on. But I hope that you find more positive experiences in the future that might change your mind. You probably won't find it on Lemmy.

What in the world is Rob actually tangibly observing? The inside of Bob's brain? Is Bob wearing a sign that says "my current emotion: happy & content"? The point stands that Rob does not see everything and isn't necessarily correct about what he thinks he sees.

The entire point of a bucket list is to have high-stakes unachievable goals?

I played Pseudoregalia and beat it in a couple hours and thought it was kinda meh. Then the next day I was kinda bored so I played it again start to finish. And then I played it like four more times that week. It very quickly became one of my favorite games of all time; not perfect on a first playthrough but one of the best games ever to replay.

Is it moral and ethical to pirate media?

This is a good one. I had a high school computer class and we had a quiz question that was something like:

Digital piracy is:
a. Moral and legal
b. Moral and illegal
c. Immoral and legal
d. Immoral and illegal

Of course, the only correct answer was "d". I thought it was such a one-dimensional and purposely ignorant question. I'm not even a piracy advocate or anything, but that was kinda ridiculous.

I've never heard of TemTem before and plugging it into Google Trends, it looks like it's not even comparable to Palworld. It's still somewhat big, looks like 500,000 copies sold. But still doesn't really compare to what appears to be nearly 20 million Palworld players.
Companies lose rights to protect their IP if they don't protect it themselves, so it may be in their best interest to go after the big competitors and pretend they've never heard of TemTem.

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I see a lot of tapes at thrift stores or even antique stores. You could also get a Bluetooth or AUX tape adapter which are conceptually very cool

"Todos os Olhos" if anybody wants to look it up

A bunch of other people have mentioned Ghibli movies and since I'm in the middle of a binge through every Ghibli movie I think I'll recommend one that I hadn't seen before a few days ago: Only Yesterday or Omoide Poroporo.
It's Isao Takahata, not Miyazaki, but it's easily my favorite Ghibli movie and one of my favorite movies of all time. It feels so real and relatable, the whole movie is essentially a really slow-paced series of flashbacks to the main character's 10-year-old self and every detail is so well-thought-out and interesting.
Very worth watching, although I'll mention as a disclaimer that all the friends I was watching it with thought it was super pointless and boring.

#8 Beef Lemongrass banh mi style sandwich from a place called Baguette in Corvallis, Oregon, USA. I ate it many times in the short while I stayed there, probably 8-10 years ago. Sometimes I think about going back just to have it again...

Imagus feels like in an alternate universe it could be default browser behavior. When you hover over an image it will expand to full resolution and then you can press buttons to open in new tab, download, zoom in, etc.
Works on pretty much any website and is nice if the website has sized the images too small or if your eyesight is less than great.

I did a search on GSM Arena and if you lower the battery capacity to 5000 then there's a single result. If you change some of the other spec requirements there's some other stuff available but nothing that matches what you want one-to-one.

The fact that people so often use the past tense instead of the past participle is perhaps evidence that it doesn't really matter, descriptively?

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I love archaic inconsistent Japanese. 今日 (obviously きょう) used to be pronounced the same way but spelled... けふ. There's a Wikipedia page on historical kana orthography and the example the use on the page's main image is やめましょう spelled as ヤメマセウ. The old kana usage sticks around in pronunciation of particle は and へ. There also used to be verbs ending in ず that turned into じる verbs like 感じる. Here's a post on Japanese stack exchange where somebody explains verbs that end with ず, づ, ふ, and ぷ.
Honestly I'm glad I don't have to learn historical inconsistent spellings, but part of me thinks that it's really cool and wishes it was still around.

Love & Pop the Hideaki Anno movie? I don't think I've ever seen anybody else mention it online before

I see Bank of China in three places 🤔

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I think OP means they are talking about their ages

Just looked up "take my lead" on to check, it shows up in a couple movies, even a Star Wars.