2 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

the DA is investigating medical billing fraud, and for some reason they requested info about

people who volunteer for the hospital’s Trans Buddy initiative

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Watching their partner have sex with someone else sometimes sparked what they called “classic little jealousy issues,” which Adams said they resolved with “more communication, more growing up.” The money was just too good. And over time, they adopted a self-affirming ideology that framed everything as just business.

i swear this is the exact plot of "Boogie Nights". i wish these young entrepreneurs all the best, but the movie didn't exactly have a happy ending.

i have recently become very aware of and disgusted by the the amount of plastic waste i make.

every single goddammed thing is covered in it. it's obscene and i am ashamed.

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it doesn't say "free", it says "for profit".

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i am really glad you took the time to put all of that into words. i, a queer person, agree completely.

i think in this case we also want to consider...

do not click a twitter link

... as the article states, it is the traffic, itself, that they want.

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i got to spend 30 minutes in the doctors waiting room last week and they had a pop playlist running. i rarely listen to (any) music these days and spend my time in public with earplugs jammed in my ears.

the music coming from those speakers was ungodly distracting, aggressive, poorly constructed and LOUD. i brought it up to my family and they told me i sound like an old man (45).

i don't think it's just my age.

loudness wars

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it is really bugging me that you are getting heavily downvoted for this. it's not like you are actively proselytizing here. i am sorry people are so shitty.

i think belief in (some type of) god is probably pretty healthy. unfortunately, my life experience has led me to a failure to believe in anything at all.

anyways.... you do you. be well.

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... with a nice chianti and fava beans.

looks like i may be heading back over to Firefox.

when i encounter a dog turd on the sidewalk, i usually imagine force-feeding it to the nasty owner who left it there. it makes me super angry.

it has never made much sense to me that simply because you arrived on this planet before i did, that you should be granted a greater share of its resources than me.

ads will probably come some day, but they are not focused on monetization at all right now

most sites do not start out shittified, they become ENshittified.

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so it's NOT a pyramid scheme?

or it IS a pyramid scheme, and that's why we should get on board?

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cmon man, bring us the content.

don't nobody want to hit that link.

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i used to love watching "Shark Tank". it's pretty gross.

geeez. thanks for the warning.

my favorite game since childhood. forever and ever, amen.

cow looks downhearted

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back when i was younger and had the energy and focus to do so, i would engage with my father (whom holds unreasonable opinions such as you are up against with your family).

often, i would catch him making a point which directly contradicted an earlier point of his. i would then circle back to the earlier point and connect the two, breaking both of his arguments and hopefully forcing a concession.

but somehow he was able to blind himself to self-contradiction. it was infuriating.

the moral here is that i do not think it is possible to change anyone's mind, even if you are clear and rational and your point is water-tight.

your love for and enjoyment of them must be independent of political and religious differences. good luck!


that's honest.

i miss reddit, too. been 3.5 months since leaving and i used to spend 12 hours or more at a time scrolling and reading. it was like a good friend or partner.

but i really NEVER posted there. and i do here, sometimes.

hello. that was really lovely to read.

i share a lot of similarities with your story. although honestly you seem to be faring much better than i have into my middle age.

there definitely was a successful future for me to be had. but i fell off that path hard a decade ago and now i have very little hope nor desire to find success in any standard measure.

it has been an interesting experience to discover exactly how and why i made the choices that have landed me in my current situation. i am well beyond regret or blame (per se), and am simply grateful for some tiny piece of reality to call my own.

honesty is important.

good luck.

i read this site all the time and i am dying to know the answer to this:

is it pronounced "aye arr ess" or "arrrrs"?

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Bernie should use that gavel on Mullin's head. shut that fucker up.

slack has been granted.

bless you.

yes, you are obviously not the one in this thread that is obsessed with trump.

just read the thread! obviously not obsessed!

i became a member of back in 2007. speculation about "the powers that be" was interesting and there was lots of information and friendly people.

i still visit that site about once per week, but the people are awful and the information is no good. habit, i guess.

the turn tables

they want to "help you".

bull fucking shit.

i would jump at the chance to have electro-shock. the only way into a better life (for me, BPD) would be to change personality altogether. i wouldn't hesitate at all.

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i second this request. please

that was the most readable version of modern politics i have ever come across.

i learned a lot. thank you so much!

i have to block the same NSFW communities on and and

lucky that the blocking navigation is quite simple on liftoff.


i have never used the official reddit app. thanks for a peek at this abomination.

edit: errrr, this is the mobile website. never used that either.

i (longtime ex-mo) am fifth generation from Parley P Pratt who personally helped brother Joseph develop his insipid theology.

our ancestors stood together at ensign peak. such a proud history

ima newb. joined today. been scrolling for great many hours. cool platform. thanks everyone.

i also see lots of "PENDING". can only guess what that means.

female anchor has had buccal fat removed.

... also needs a good hair conditioner.

i found myself laughing at your story. sorry, it's not you... just to hear that they seem so inept and useless.

holy shit. i can believe you actually made that make sense. well done.