1 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, weird ass way to say biggest hurricane this season.

Aaaaaand sometimes is a "controlled substance" so you have to get a new prescription every month. No 90 day supply, refills, or auto renew. 🥲

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Drowning is very fast, seconds not minutes like in the movies. People in distress can take minutes before they are actively drowning. Active drowning is silent, they will not be yelling for help. It looks like the person is "climbing" or pushing down at the water. They will be vertical in the water and may be "bobbing", going underwater and resurfacing. They will have their head tilted back parallel to the surface of the water.

If you see someone go under in open water keep looking at where they went under while calling for help, don't take your eyes off it. If you are the only one who saw them go under, your job is to direct others to where they went down. In open water it's very hard to find people because the bottom isn't visible.

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Good old clopclopmcfuckwad

Looking at global statistics the world is getting better. Not in global warming. But violence, freedom, wars, health. It's hard to see because nobody talks about it. It's easy to get stuck doom scrolling. But it's not the whole picture. We as a global society agree slavery is bad. That is a pretty new concept in the history of our species. We went from the first powered flight to space in 50 years. That is insanity. Yes, there are lots of fucked up things we caused, but ultimately I believe in our ability to figure it out eventually. Everything we do and have done, is natural. We are a product of evolution just like every other living thing on this planet.

I think our world is amazing, and that includes humanity.

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I get very into games so it's really hard to pick. But the longest lasting impact IRL was when Mass Effect 2 gave me a revelation on human relationships.

I never understood cheating on your partner. I just didn't get it. I mean if you want to be with someone else, just leave. Shitty people who just don't care, I get that, but normal people, not at all. I could kinda wrap my head around it if alcohol was involved, or staying because of kids. Other than that nah.

Now I play RPGs as if I was actually going to make those decisions. So I get even more into them than others. Liara wasn't a love interest and she was who I originally went with in the first one. I was bored without the cute interactions with her, so I started talking to the other females on the ship. But they weren't Liara. Each one had something I found similar to her. It got to the point where Jack asked me if I was talking to anyone else. I didn't want to hurt her so I said no. And then Tali asked me the same thing. But better her and Jack, I wanted her. So I said no.

I honestly didn't realize I was seriously leading them on until I messed it up and they both were mad at me. Then it clicked. Cheating is impulsive because you are looking for someone else. Sometimes you don't realize you've set yourself up until it's too late. 🤯

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It's more of a moral and emotional reason. His parents were killed with a gun. Guns are designed to kill. So he's not a fan of guns.

That's not true at all. Essentially every time you have heard of any disease linked to a gene its because of the Human genome project. 23 and me, that is also thanks to HGP. Lots of cancer research has also been done, identifying markers for cancer.

You might not be aware of it, but has been vital for anyone genetic advancement.

These are native crabs right? Surely they wouldn't introduce a potentially invasive species. Right?

Oh my God dude it's such a pain! Also I can't refill on day 30. I have to be completely out, but the pharmacies don't open until 9. So if you need to be a work at 9, you get to pick between being late for work or nit taking medication. 🙃

Grouping people together by some arbitrary trait and thinking of them as all the same, is wrong. Someone clearly treated you poorly and they were nurotypical. They were wrong for that, but it isn't because they don't have ADHD. They were just assholes. Assholes are come in all shapes and sizes.

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So arranged marriage. Kay

Chicken broth and saltine crackers.

Get tested for ADHD. If you have it, start working with a therapist who specializes in ADHD and can prescribe medication if necessary.

Or the cheaper option drink a coffee. Did it make it easier to focus? Yes? Then ADHD, so drink lots of coffee. Lol, but seriously just get tested.

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Can we get a NSFL and a NSFW tag?

Pineapple juice can be used as a meat tenderizer, for cooking.

I could tell, that's why I went in depth. I'm surprised you didn't get expelled.

Biodiversity is more important.

Also you're talking about microalgae, the stuff that makes water look green. The stuff the crabs would be eating is growing on the coral or is shading it like kelp.

Inhalants in general are not good for you. Vaping introduces water, smoking introduces ash/smoke. There are no benefits to vaping or smoking. Unless you are being prescribed it by a doctor. I mean drugs are not good for you. But if you are going to, your body can usually deal with it well with moderation. Edibles are better than inhalants.

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What you were doing was big enough to go straight to reporting. The way he saw you as a person probably changed. Its really not surprising he didn't talk to you first.

I mean if you were sharing homework answers or olds test, or even cheating on your own test that would be different. You were compltly doing others homework for money. You keep saying that they still did the tests. Well depending on the class, the homework is a big part of the grade. Not to mention all the added free time they get by not doing homework. Extra time to study, less stress, and a boost to their grade. Plus you were doing this for money, not to help a friend or so they would help you with yours. AND it was multiple people, many times throughout the class. On scale of severity, what you did isn't the absolute worst possible but it's getting close.

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That's terrible! Thankfully I've never had a Dr give me a hard time for ADHD meds. Is there any chance you could see a different Dr in your area? You don't deserve to be treated like that.

Try not to be so hard on yourself. A therapist can help with that if you feel up to it.

My dad went to several schools and dropped out of them after high school. It took 8 years in the military and meeting my mom, who encouraged him, for him to graduate. He ended up graduating from an Ivy league school with a degree in chemical engineering. He was 34 when he graduated, and had a kid the same year.

It is possible if it is something you want. Medication for your ADHD and depression can help. Talk to your doctor and don't get discouraged if the first thing you try isn't the right fit. Finding the right meds at the right dosage can take some time. If you want to go back to school, look into what is available for students with disabilities. You may need to get some testing done, depending on policies, to get some extra help at school. Where I live I qualified for extra time and a separate room free from distractions to take tests.

Motivation is hard when you are depressed, and ADHD just makes it even harder. It sucks, and it will be a struggle, but you can do it. Don't forget to breathe. 💙

Good. But also just doctors? I guess every woman better start training to become a doctor...

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I'm in NY and our burning bushes have started to start. I dunno what it is, but I agree it seems early.

Sleeping? That motion blur says different.

SMARTLIFECO has some good stuff. If you want just string, I believe ethique has some.

It should say on it pfa free

NY has a weird rule where 90 days is fine for children but not adults. At least for Concerta, which works best for me. 🙁

Or just deny travel visas to pregnant women, add in an investigation for people who aren't living in the US but have a baby here. If you are really worried about that, there are better ways than wholesale removal. It just doesn't really seem like a problem.

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I have a very distinct memory of watching this with a friend as we were waiting for Bleach to com on at midnight. Ah good times

Wow, that is a surprisingly ugly interior

Red nose

Interesting, here in NY grocery stores can't have any plastic bags. The only bags they have are paper. Restaurants can have plastic bags though.


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The Florida thing is also just a joke. BTW

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I could get behind this!

Oh my goodness! How precious!

I haven't seen any studies on that for cannabis. For tobacco I agree that is absolutely true.