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My comrade in veganism: this is not the way. Kindness is the only way your message will be heard. If Daryl Davis (a black man) can convince hundreds of KKK members to leave the organization by befriending them and forging relationships, sometimes over years, then you can tone it down and be kind to someone who doesn't share your views and wants to eat a cheeseburger. Doesnt make them "right", but your approach just makes you insufferable in the eyes of people you don't agree with, which is almost everyone. Trust me, I've been doing it for decades and you are not setting a good example for the chill vegans out there. Calm down, love people regardless of their differences, there is enough division in the world. Do not turn your ethics into religious fundamentalism. You can control your behavior and you can be a good ambassador. In short: don't be a smug asshole that thinks they are superior for any reason.

Better to eat crow than the shit we'd be forced to swallow in a second trump term! Forreal though, thank you for coming out and saying it.

Nobody needs to say "I told ya so" but clearly things are moving in an energetic direction, and those of us that are sane in this country should all be pleased! Keep dunking on the fascists and speaking the obvious truth to these morons!

2 more...

It wasn't milk

Yes. Fearmonger more. You keep up that driving! The rest of us will take advantage of more spare time to read while we cruise smoothly by the cars sitting in traffic. Truly a nightmare.

I hope they are crushed, learn nothing and double down on it by running with Trump again, this time fully campaigning from prison.

24 more...

The answer is here, but you just can't fight physics. Light needs to come through a lens and hit a sensor. There has to be some significant distance, in relation to the thickness of the phone for this to work. Until camera technology advances and somehow produces a comparatively sharp image, we will be stuck with the bump. It'll happen at some point I'm sure, but there is a whole bunch of tech that will need to change to get there.

Torx crew represent!

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I hadn't heard that venmo story, gotta love the self owns, here it is:

Do you think the polls don't factor into the betting odds?

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If you make a lot of rice then spring for a zojirushi neuro fuzzy. Expensive, yes, gamechanger, yes. Buy once, cry once.

Well then they won't mind when we stop providing US made weapons to continue their aggressions, cutoff the billions in annual support, and stop blocking international efforts at holding them accountable. Why would Netanyahu be addressing our government if we had no skin in the game?

You're either uninformed or trolling, we are Israel's largest ally and we constantly shield them from international repercussions.

Zappa even has a song about this very subject, from 1967.

Call any vegetable

You know nothing, are not American, and you comment all the time on American politics? Why are you here again?

(its a Dead Kennedys reference for those who don't know)

Are you kidding ??? What the **** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good blitz player, i can win anyone in the world in single game! And "w"esley "s"o is nobody for me, just a player who are crying every single time when loosing, ( remember what you say about Firouzja ) !!! Stop playing with my name, i deserve to have a good name during whole my chess carrier, I am Officially inviting you to OTB blitz match with the Prize fund! Both of us will invest 5000$ and winner takes it all!

I suggest all other people who's intrested in this situation, just take a look at my results in 2016 and 2017 Blitz World championships, and that should be enough... No need to listen for every crying babe, Tigran Petrosyan is always play Fair ! And if someone will continue Officially talk about me like that, we will meet in Court! God bless with true! True will never die ! Liers will kicked off...

Great podcast! I immediately checked to see if they had a new episode after reading this headline, gotta check it out. Thinking the same thing about the fake shutdowns... One of these days he is finally gonna be right tho.

Not sure any food can safely be kept warm that long, they keep your rice warm and edible for quite awhile but even 12-24hrs is pushing it.

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Bah! First thing in the morning eyes! I didnt understand why you were getting upvotes. Ok fair enough. I'm gonna leave my mistake there anyhow. Drugs are great, I'm glad we are all in agreement!

I had a related conversation not long ago with a friend that took exception to me saying US troops "murder" people. His argument was that its a legal term and not accurate in that context. Which is probably true, but i dont think Im ever going to let go of killing people= murder regardless of what the law says.

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Shills gotta do the job they're paid for, after all ...

Your track record seems to have zero criticism of Republicans, when we know Trump would be far worse in supporting Israeli warcrimes. Just this once, can you come out and say that Trump would actually be worse for the one topic you ever seem to discuss?

4 more...

I hear ya and I guess Im doing the same.... But jesus fucking christ is it hard to imagine voting for that walking corpse after the debate. I'm wondering if it's somehow in the playbook that Democrats secretly want to lose. If we're not in a cult of personality it should be a no brainer to replace the candidate.

Imagine all you want, in reality he shouldn't have final say regarding anyone's prosecution.... Its sort of a cornerstone of this supposed democracy experiment thingy that we're doing.

Piling on here.... One size fits all is an excellent intro album to Zappa for the uninitiated!

No more free passes for Biden on these flubs. It's not a minor "misspeak" when Zelensky is called Putin and your own vp is called Trump... It's unacceptable to be this incoherent as the most powerful leader in the world. This is not fine, and if he stays in we will see worse before the election. Obviously there is no world where he is fit to be president 4 years from now.

Her organization failed. As the head of the organization her job is to accept the failure and resign. Doesn't matter the exact reason, she needs to take the fall. Trump never should have been cleared to speak if his safety wasn't guaranteed. And I fucking hate the guy, but the secret service fucked up, a whole bunch of them should probably be fired, top brass first. Absolutely absurd to imagine they should keep their job after this. Normal people get fired for undercooking chicken, missing a day of work or delivering a package to the wrong place, what are we protecting here?

Slippery slope on that one. Do all Nazis deserve punched in the face (and worse)? Yes! Let's not criminalize thoughts or beliefs though, no matter how reprehensible they may be.

4 more... This is a must read for anyone interested in Smedley Butler - some harsh truths in there that largely haven't changed.

Some of you bidet fans sound like you're in a religion with all the proselytizing. You do you, just stop pretending that your way is magically superior.

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Yep - if you are for Biden after that debate you're just Blue MAGA, he is unfit for office at this point. That's not a "bad night" , that's an old man. I cant even believe these news articles, its outrageous. I basically support the guy and after that debate I don't know how I cam cast a vote of confidence that he can do the job. We're fucked.

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That's all well and good... And it will be for nothing. Biden's legacy will be that of RBG - your hubris handed the future to the opposition. These are dark days.

The check engine light for American Democracy is blinking red. Smoke is pouring from the engine compartment, we have two flat tires and the driver is telling the scared children in the back seat "Don't worry, I don't need to pull over for anything, everything is fine up here, we can make another 3,000 miles easily"

Are you responding to a different post? Go back and look again.

Then you don't seek out movies that you would enjoy, not exactly a flex but I understand if it's just not your thing.

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You should apologize to yourself for not seeking out better movies, they are out there you just gotta do the work a little more than in the old days.

Same rules for communists then?


Yeah I was looking for someone to mention this.... Like, sure, the guy could be a frothing at the mouth racist, that's certainly possible. Or... There is some personal beef, without more information I dunno how everyone is so sure. He doesn't say anything overtly racist, we know what it looks like but that isn't the only possibility. Is there something I missed that justifies everyone's confidence here?

Nah don't worry, he can call into softball morning interviews and shuffle papers around to deliver prepared notes. That will certainly send a strong message of capable resilience! Apparently blue maga is strong now.