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Joined 1 years ago

Discord.imo, for anyone unsure like me, seems to be unaffiliated with Discord itself and simply a website to find Discord servers to join. It’s offline now.

Edit: Ah I see the article mentions that as well, it didn‘t load for me earlier.

Might still be good to have that info here. The amount of upvotes makes it seem like a lot of people might think this is about Discord itself.

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^ They absolutely intend the last E. Gotta get rid of the competition, especially if it isn‘t another big ass corporation. You can buy a competitor, you can‘t buy a federated network.

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player.setlevel 100

There, I did it faster.

In my opinion, the only viable way to go for social networks like this is to be decentralized and run by the people. Anyone who is jumping on one of the corporate run Reddit alternatives is just delaying the deadline a bit. Eventually, Profit motives will turn those to shit as well. To me, federated services are the future.

Also, because it’s slightly harder to use than normal sites, the boomer nazis haven’t overrun Lemmy yet, so currently it just feels really great.

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I second Memmy. I’ve tried the others available currently, including wefwef and Memmy is my favorite. wefwef is second, but an actual native app still feels better imo.

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I have 20/20 vision.

You might be missing some critical information…

The other car is the crumple zone.

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Blahaj zone disabled downvoted, right? That makes it easy to avoid downvoting for disagreements lol.

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It‘ll also slice really nicely through pedestrians. I don’t see this being allowed in most EU countries.

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This would explain much about the quality of drivers I gotta deal with lol.

Would you also raise the age to join the military to 25? After all, someone whose brain isn’t developed fully shouldn’t be able to make the decision to go kill people at risk to their own life.

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He named Teslas models (in order of release) S, 3, X

(Then Y and Roadster, but that was not originally part of the plan. Let’s see if some day those Suchers who paid 250k to preorder a car are actually gonna get theirs lol)

Yeah that’s cringe.

The reason I’ve heard is that your body has to work really hard to warm up the cold water, which in turn means you feel warm more quickly once the effect of the cold water wears off. That’s why people in the desert drink warm tea.

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To a billionaire that fate is worse than being murdered.

If you’re browsing on a PC, click your mouse wheel to open the image/link/whatever in a new tab.

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It spins the other way.

Das heißt WinzigWeich!

Same on iOS. Or just go to Settings >Bluetooth.

Nice, then that we agree on. But it gets a bit more difficult.

Would you set the smoking age to 25 as well? Probably, since it’s so unhealthy. But then do we set fast food at age 25 as well? More people die of heart issues than anything else, and that’s mainly driven by the awful diet most people live on.

Should people under 25 be able to go into any sort of debt? If not, then that means fixing the education and healthcare systems (which seems like a good thing). But what if someone goes into debt to buy an apartment or house? Or even just a car? Having debt can be really bad for mental health, and depending on where you have it physical health as well.

If we keep thinking along those lines, do we allow people under 25 to watch TV and play video games? Both activities cause people to become very sedentary, which is bad for health as well.

Do we allow people under 25 to have desk jobs? But then along the same lines, do we allow people under 25 to have physical jobs? Both can negatively impact your body in different ways, and a undeveloped brain might not consider all the risks involved.

I’m not hating on you, I just think it’s interesting to consider just how far you would take that logic.

They‘d have to steal your master password and a 2FA code.

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At least then there’ll be more than just the stuff they bought on there.

This is their guide in case you‘re curious who they would consider 10/10.


Fucking cringe.

They meant to type „clean“.

I for one am shocked that a site that pretty much positions itself as the lead centrists has shit takes.

What’s the lore reason why Lemmy uses some dumb animal as it’s mascot and not a cool alien?

Im not surprised this reached its goal quickly, the goal is only 20k, for something with a seeming target date of April 2025 that is absolutely nothing. That’ll buy you 2 developers for a month at most.

Well you know, if they don’t menstruate then that means they’re evil gay trans drag communists and shouldn’t be allowed to destroy the competitive integrity of high school PE.

I used to have a Samsung S8 and HATED the curved corners. Mostly because they always catch the light to create obvious reflections, and because of the viewing angle change the screen discolors the further it curves.

After that I had a Note 9 and really enjoyed the boxy shape. The only disadvantage was that, because of how I hold my phone, the sharp corners dug into my hands a bit. A case helped with that but didn’t fully solve it. Also the screen was still slightly curved.

After that, I decided to switch to iOS when Apple introduced the current iPhone design, and I couldn’t be happier. Perfectly flat screen, nice looking body shape and rounded corners to my palm doesn’t hurt after one handed usage. It’s exactly what I want.

I agree it would be the ideal default. Memmy currently doesn’t that way.

You‘ve probably got the „show NSFW content“ toggle off.

You could ride 10 roller coasters a day and you’re less likely to die than if you get in a car.

Can confirm, have taught a lot of QA people coding and got them into developer roles.

How do you host it? I’m getting more and more into the idea of running my own stuff. Do you have a server set up at home, or are you renting servers somewhere?

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I‘m too fat and clumsy to comfortably sit down now, but before life fucked me this hard I definitely used to do that as well. Just really comfy somehow. Like sitting out in the rain, which I enjoy as well.