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Joined 1 years ago

You smell funny

Socialist, Bisexual, He/Him, Mentally Deranged

DM for SimpleX if you want to converse privately.

I'm personally so happy the admins here actually want a good community. Ninety-nine percent of the blocked instances are cesspits.

How does it run on Linux?

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Everything is political, all is opinion.

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Wow, that took way to fucking long.

Hold me back I'm gonna fedpost

Got head behind a semi truck and got caught by their dad and asked if he could drive me home 💀

I'm playing a wizard half goblin in a homebrew campaign named Gobble Snart, Son of Snoggle Snart. He's the son of my last character (Snoggle) who was a pigman who had a thing for goblin women. So he's half pigman, half goblin. He's food motivated and about as rowdy and unpolite as one can be. So the party was going to turn me in to the police (on murder charges) but I lit their hotel on fire and dipped. I'm tailing the party eating their food scraps now. Next session I plan to either eat the player who's a fairy in the night or try to ally with the big bad guy and make a new character, Wondle Snart the half gnome (Gobble's daughter). Since Gobble went out for milk and never came back.

The absolute daily bare minumum: Drink 2 liters of water. Eat as little processed food as possible and as little sugar as possible. Yoga for 10 minutes. Intensive breathing meditation. Sleep for at least 6 hours a night and fall asleep before 11.

On top of that, walk, jog, or run 2 miles every day and read things to expand your mind.

I wrote like 6 sentences. Got accepted in like 16 hours. Just said I disliked the authoritarian left on the main instance and prefered the sense of community Beehaw provides.

Thank god, the fascist pigs will seethe and snort but they can go gorge on slop somewhere else.

I'm having a hard time. I have really bad burnout to the point where I don't even want to smoke and do nothing. I feel like a drone. Gardening has been really helping though. Had to bring my plants inside and put them under lamps since it's so hot outside.

Clean up, dress traditionally, get there extra early so you have time to familiarize yourself with the location and decompress (breathing, stretching in the parking lot, etc.), and get into the building early to wait ~10-15 minutes before your interview is set to start. Do not bad mouth ANYTHING, be optimistic and portray yourself as an obedient worker but a free thinker. Make sure you drink lots of water the day before and eat before you go, try not to overcaffeinate. You can message me if you need hyping up or more information :>

My ass listening to The Frogs with the lyrics on the can 💀

I personally love Logseq. I use syncthing to sync the files but they're implementing their own syncing feature. Works really fantastic and is cross platform.

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I used to listen to The Deprogram but eventually I couldn't ignore their bad takes. I don't think there's any good non-tankie podcasts from what I've seen. If anyone has one please let me know as well.

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Awesome. I've heard there are some problems with hardware acceleration.

Glad they're gone. Gross beliefs fr.

Most people don't have the time or know-how. I do, but a lot of my friends, even if they have the technical ability, don't have the resources or time.

I live in a shithole city in the desert with high crime rates (my home has been broken into twice in 4 years (while I was home)) but my favorite thing about it is the natural environment. Very beautiful place. I hope we get more social programs to better the community, but where I live, all of the money goes to like 10 square miles in the city center and everyone else is left to rot in an over-policed, car-centered, 40km sprawl.

Boss: Eating a snickers "Oh, you guys weren't finished with that?"

That's a better wording for it.

I don't like electron either. Sadly I'm a GTK lover.

Spent a couple days with my partner which was awesome but I'm coming down with a stomach bug so that's lame. Just learning Rust in bed.

I have yet to hear a single tankie who has even the most rudimentary understanding of theory. Vaush is good, I don't like some of his takes and he's a bit whiny on occasion but he's doing good work bringing people to the left.

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He's absolutely serving

I know, I've spoken with him. His abilities are impressive but otherwise I find him disagreeable.

Logseq is my go to. It can be as simple or complex as you want, and it's open source under AGPL 3.0 which is really important to me.

Fedora but I'm about to move to NixOS Unstable or VanillaOS if it gets better NVIDIA integration.

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