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@whou Don't forget the time they made it possible to 'donate' to creators, but when creators weren't signed up with their program #Brave would just keep the donation. So users would think they have donated for example to Tom Scott, but in reality he never received anything. Overall just a scummy company.

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@Gruntyfish You cannot just touch the private property of the trolley company.

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@Nonameuser678 @saltynuts420 This. Every time someone is whining about "free speech" it's just that other people don't tolerate their racist comments or conspiracy theory. In the best case.

Go to https://archive.is and paste the URL you want to archive or view.

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@mishimaenjoyer @iturnedintoanewt What are you talking about? They are lobbying *against* this EU regulation spreading fears that it would 'break encryption' (which is bullshit btw, since federated E2EE can work fine as shown by XMPP/OMEMO. You just need to standardize.) If WhatsApp and the like wanted to federate they were always free to do so, no lobbying required.

@henfredemars @Honse Really depends on how many people are using ad blockers. Probably it pays off for them to implement ad block blocking.

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@papalonian @possiblylinux127 They say the internet never forgets, but still... An overwhelming percentage of content on the internet will be lost to time, because websites die constantly and most things aren't archived. It's also yet to be seen if archive sites like archive.org survive or not.

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This looks like a SMBC before coloring.

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I don't think the US cares about who exactly pays them back.

@randomguy2323 I mostly use XMPP, but joining IRC channels with Biboumi just works and I enjoy that. Matrix bridges are awful in comparison. So many problems joining Matrix rooms, so I have given up on it.

They already collected tens of millions of venture capital funding for an inefficient reinvention of XMPP. Can we boost XMPP development instead? We don't need another corporate replacement for an existing internet standard.

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Most users care more about contact discovery than privacy so it makes sense for them to implement it and unlike Signal, it uses #xmpp so everyone has the freedom to use any other app that doesn't require a phone number and you are still able communicate with everyone on Prav.

@BartsBigBugBag Yeah, US is pretty fucked up. Still, all the countries which rank high in the democracy index are pretty capitalist.

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I also rarely want old versions of my code, but I still use git. A very nice feature, besides the essential backup quality, is to synchronize dotfiles between machines and merge configs together if they diverge.

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@Cevilia @TendieMaster69 XMPP > Matrix. Proper IETF internet standard, less bloat and not dependent on venture capital funding.

@Dariusmiles2123 @iturnedintoanewt It's opt-in simply because you can choose not to message anyone with a @whatsapp.com address

@BartsBigBugBag Why would it be difficult to make sure the money goes into training? Usually government entities don't get to decide what they're spending money on...

@HeartyBeast @trashhalo @hypelightfly Maybe it's a good idea to include the original URL too. In case the link shortener goes offline or something else happens to it.

I only track the dotfiles which I actually write, not the generated ones. So it's not so different from code. Desktop programs which generate intransparent config files suck. I only wish there was a good way to synchronize my Firefox using git. I know there is user.js but it all seems like a mess to me.

@BartsBigBugBag Yes, people with money have a lot of influence on elections. How do you think we should fix it? Otherwise the index looks pretty accurate to me, the most democratic countries seem to be on the top, the most authoritarian countries are on the bottom.

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In the game I will create this afternoon, a JAB can be bought and sold for 1.25 USD, making it the more powerful currency than the US dollar.

@ghostermonster @reclipse Matrix implementation of MLS will be called dMLS and not be compatible with the internet standard. There seem to be technical reasons, but not too surprising for a company that couldn't build their product compliant with the existing XMPP messaging standard for no reason I guess.

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@Axion App says RCS is not supported on my device. Looks like I will be staying on XMPP.

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@Stumblinbear I only worked on small projects so far, that's probably why I don't understand it. But a merge commit is like any other commit and the person pushing this commit has to make sure it works.

@ninchuka So a corporate re-invention of the already standardized XMPP?

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People like shiny things. They should build on the existing internet standards, and make a shiny XMPP client. Instead we get yet another incompatible protocol.

Is there a reason to use anything else besides uBlockOrigin?

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@Varyk It really is life changing :D
Btw other life changing apps if you don't know them are NewPipe from F-Droid and Fennec+uBlockOrigin also via F-Droid. No more ads on the smartphone.

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@Varyk Ad blocking on the mobile internet. I haven't seen an ad on my smartphone for years now.

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@Varyk Fennec is the browser. It's Firefox Mobile with some proprietary stuff removed.

@Varyk Hm maybe using a private DNS works, but no way to be sure: https://mullvad.net/en/help/dns-over-https-and-dns-over-tls/

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@gravitas_deficiency This is true. That's why I run a private XMPP server in my home for me and my family.

So the cost of getting a post on the front page of every Lemmy instance is the cost of registering a new domain.

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@CaptainAniki WhatsApp is unlikely to adopt Matrix, a very expensive protocol that does not scale well and which fundamental ideas blow up pretty badly: https://telegra.ph/why-not-matrix-08-07

Whatever chat protocol they decide to implement will instantly have a 2B user boost. They use the IETF Internet Standard XMPP internally, so this would be the obvious choice.

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@CaptainAniki It doesn't matter if you give a shit or not, Matrix will become obsolete if the big providers decide to adopt something else for interoperability.

@CaptainAniki @iturnedintoanewt It obsoletes Matrix.

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@magic_lobster_party @alphacyberranger @unsaid0415 CI/CD won't prevent that. I wonder what it is for. Not using the CPU on my laptop for tests? And why would I want to commit before knowing the tests pass?

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