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Joined 1 years ago

Oh, that's Witcher 2: Ice Road Witcher.

Thanks! I checked my wishlist earlier this week but maybe it was before the summer sale or something. Either way, appreciate the heads up!

Oh man. Once you get some of the higher level fighting moves that games can just be a ballet of rend and slice.

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I'm really hoping for an armored core 6 sale soon!

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Exactly! How else can science explain the creation and continued existence of Mountain Dew?

GenX and I'd sooner vote for someone with 81 years behind him than 91 charges ahead of him.

Also: fuck every last garbage person conservative, climate change is fucking real, trans rights are human rights, black lives matter, universal healthcare is a right and property is not a fucking investment.

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Boy it sure says an awful lot about Maga that they are going to go to war for a swollen pustule like Humpty Trumpty. If it's a movement, wouldn't it transcend a single individual? What a weak group of simpletons.

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Because Americans let movie stars and reality show con-men drive the train and idolize their asinine tomfoolery like it's a goddamn team sport. Garbage in garbage out. Why is this even a question, what the fuck. This shit is as obvious as hot pink wallpaper.

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Then I'd call you a complete liar with a weak grasp on reality, and a poor understanding of where and when you ought to open your ill-informed mouth, before I walked off and continued with my day, secure in the knowledge that you're as wrong about something as it's physically possible to be.

That's what.

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asking questions

Yeah thanks there Tucker Carlson.

This is a clear call to anyone sketching him in court to turn the "caricature" dial all the fucking way up to 11.

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I wonder if Orange Julius Caesar will be getting an aggrieved call from Pootin....

It's a social contract thing. Conservatives insist on being granted all of the benefits you get by signing an accord with the rest of us, but then act as though they are exempt from it's requirements.

As far as I'm concerned, they aren't covered by the agreement anymore, and should be deprived of any protection offered by it.

Agreed. The innumerable problems that coincide with fossil fuel based technology means it's a terrible idea to continue to subsidize it at taxpayer expense.

Ok, but if your expectations are permanent nerfed you're gonna be a much easier mark... Plus tacit acceptance of a shitty status quo is pretty self-defeating.

"From the good people who brought you twitter..." reads like a threat.

Customer tells Dell it won't be eligible for consideration as a replacement PC. No conditions were mentioned.

I wonder what we'll rebrand 'using an LLM' as once the bubble bursts and we realize it's only artificial-advanced-grammarly and not 'intelligence'.

Merge keeps the original timeline. Your commits go in along with anything else that happened relative to the branch you based your work off (probably main). This generates a merge commit.

Rebase will replay all the commits that happened while you were doing your work before your commits happen, and then put yours at the HEAD, so that they are the most recent commits. You have to mitigate any conflicts that impact the same files as these commits are replayed, if any conflicts arise. These are resolved the same way any merge conflict is. There is no frivolous merge commit in this scenario.

TlDR; End result, everything that happened to the branch minus your work, happens. Then your stuff happens after. Much tidy and clean.

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It's not really an odd question from that particular user, if you consider the context that they have an agenda; FUD and misinformation about EVs.

Hey: fuck you and your shit math. These are people. Helping them is right.

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Scientists RIP stubborn atoms for bad faith energy negotiation policy.

Imagine you are a machine. Yes, I know. But imagine you're a different kind of machine, one built from metal and plastic and designed not by blind, haphazard natural selection but by engineers and astrophysicists with their eyes fixed firmly on specific goals. Imagine that your purpose is not to replicate, or even to survive, but to gather information. I can imagine that easily. It is in fact a much simpler impersonation than the kind I'm usually called on to perform. I coast through the abyss on the colder side of Neptune's orbit. Most of the time I exist only as an absence, to any observer on the visible spectrum: a moving, asymmetrical silhouette blocking the stars. But occasionally, during my slow endless spin, I glint with dim hints of reflected starlight. If you catch me in those moments you might infer something of my true nature: a segmented creature with foil skin, bristling with joints and dishes and spindly antennae. Here and there a whisper of accumulated frost clings to a joint or seam, some frozen wisp of gas encountered in Jupiter space perhaps. Elsewhere I carry the microscopic corpses of Earthly bacteria who thrived with carefree abandon on the skins of space stations or the benign lunar surface—but who had gone to crystal at only half my present distance from the sun. Now, a breath away from Absolute Zero, they might shatter at a photon's touch. My heart is warm, at least. A tiny nuclear fire burns in my thorax, leaves me indifferent to the cold outside. It won't go out for a thousand years, barring some catastrophic accident; for a thousand years, I will listen for faint voices from Mission Control and do everything they tell me to. So far they have told me to study comets. Every instruction I have ever received has been a precise and unambiguous elaboration on that one overriding reason for my existence.

-Peter Watts, Blindsight

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And my axe!

No! Wait! (Lengthy pause)

Use the axe to fuck the house, Israel AND the Orcs! Much better plan.

And of course, we can rely on the universally true mutual exclusivity of always having a passenger when we need to navigate, and never needing to navigate when we don't have any passengers. As constant as the north star, that one.

It's self evident to anyone not plagued by speciesism, regardless of their feelings about animals; I don't think we ought to allow that much latitude to opt-out of the obvious moral consequences of this truth.

Lol at all the hostile responses not getting that this is a meme. Freaking whoosh.

Coming this Superbowel Sunday!

No... No they are all still freaks. Did you just take off your "they live" sunglasses or something? The Freakshow aspect is in the ideological makeup.

It might be a commentary on critical thinking, who knows? Definitely not you!

Right? People who think a person like Bibi with his ideological bent just exist in a vacuum and it's delusionally macabre. Inertia fucking happens.

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The phrase "there are 3 bad choices for president" is true, but is so hilariously reductionist. I'm not saying you, in particular, are evaluating it through this lense, just that there is a difference between the "bad" here, and it's really, really obvious.

Yeah. This shit is not complicated anymore, and hasn't been since Jan 6.

We're going to OP/Ed it into normality I guess.

Convinced my grade 1 friend that the Elbow River in Calgary was named because it was so corrosive, a boys' elbow dissolved when he tripped and fell in. "It's also known as 'The Dissolving River'"

They're both jerks.

Wait. Was this taken in the Croissante region? It's just that they're very particular about this, and I just want to make sure those are, in fact, croissant fields, and not sparkling crescent rolls.

Damn. I know housing is in full on crisis mode but that rock you're living under to save money is stunting your development as a seeing, thinking human being.

Ketamine is a hell of a drug yo.

Was ripped a new slam hole! Excoriated!

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Wow fuckin' wooosh with you and that one hey? Only a very weak beta would feel even remotely attacked by that movie. Good luck Chuck!