
0 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Just one thing: these were a monoculture plantation, which would have been felled anyway. Not a natural wood.

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Yeah, he should retire and have that looked at. Poor guy, he needs some rest. At his age....

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Still, they are way too cocky all over the world. But great work, France. Thank you

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Because its main export was/is being a tax haven inside the EU.

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Removing the post button would increase the quality of twitter a lot, i think

Wow, that ear healed fast.

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If you can find it, Augustiner Hell Alkohholfrei is the best alc free beer.

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Right? Such an obvious trap and he jumped into it, head first. Fascinating to see

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He's weird.

Ah, more stories like this one incoming

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To be fair, it gave us a press conference at the 4 Seasons .. ... .... Landscaping wich will never not be funny

But that breaks the narrative that german greens bad!

I pretty happy i backed them was back when. Proton ia doing a great job delivering alternatives to Google and Microsoft E-Mail services.

How long is that in Scaramuchies?

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I don't think he cares or would get any pushback

Wow, this is super toxic, real life pay to win. And half of it gets funneled to tiktok.

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legalization could also bring in taxes if they make a Vetter law than Germany. Add a legal market, tax it and earmark it for infrastructure & education.

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As i see it, not an expert:

Basically, the plan goes back to the early 2000s. Irland did not have much tech industry and positioned itself as an English speaking country cheaper and more friendly than the UK, giving mostly US companies an easy place to enhance their EU business.

My grandpa hat one. Great car, horrible gas guzzler.

Thank you, Kagi

You know, he just might.

Heroic launcher works pretty well to get epic and gog games in the deck. But yes, support could be better, especially since i remember unreal tournament being Linux friendly early on.

There are some that have local storage in case wifi drops out.

Ohhh, the MSI Wind. One of my favorite devices, so much value for money. Loved it

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Ah, doubling money sent to this account, the old Jita scam.

Playing Eve online should be mandatory to teach people about scams an social engineering

Wait, Dorsey left? That might actually make it interesting

Always have been. Let them mow during the day and keep some distances to hedges and its fine

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Yeah, i don't fault them - but Tiktok. What a shitty feature

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If you have a few old Android smartphones lying around, check Haven

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Or "Keep in rocking in a free world"

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Its a tie in!

She's ging to shout "Liar' everytime he lies. I'd use an airhorn but whatever works

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He has a horse in the olympics and does not even watch them!

Give kagi a try. Downranking websites is a fantastic feature

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Is there any advantage of not dropping out in other states?

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Ohh, you are right and its in sale!

That would fit perfectly in my steamdeck

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If you get one, try to buy one without the RAM soldered on (i think most of the s models). When jt breaks, you basically brick the device - i had to throw out a Samsung notebook because of that.

Check restaurants and beer gardens, they get priority delivery

Please. I only need decent controls and I'm happy