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Joined 1 months ago

Mind the shavings

Anybody voting republican is actively encouraging this nazi shit, and if they don't realize they are they're probably too stupid to be voting.

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Fascists don't just lie, they invert the truth precisely.

Trickle-down economics, for example, was pitched as "a rising tide lifts all boats", when in reality trickle down economics is the exact opposite of that. A rising tide lifting all boats would be the poorest person getting money until they have as much money as the second poorest person, then those two getting money until they have as much money as the third poorest person, and so on. Lying, reality-inverting fascists got up on a stage--in front of people-- and said that process was the same as giving the people with the most money even more money.

In a way it's brilliant, because it's so brazenly and bafflingly stupid that it acts like an EMP for logical thought. Which they know, and intentionally utilize. The most important skill a fascist has to have is the ability to make people stupid enough to vote for them. What better way than to go for the jugular and assault reality itself?

With an incessant anti-reality static, courtesy of your fox newses and heritage foundations, reality offers no obstacle at all.

More than 0 people being anti-mask, anti-vaccine, covid deniers, or covid minimizers.

Turns out people don't even need a selfish reason to stab their neighbor in the back, they'll do it just for kicks, and then stab themselves in the face for no benefit whatsoever.

The post above this one in my feed was from the onion: Guy Who Sucks At Being A Person Sees Great Potential In AI

Just a fact. A pedophile who never acts on it is just some guy.

Yeah because everybody everywhere doesn't want then dead/irrelevant.

I get a kick out of it STILL only being trump people who are trying to kill trump. It's like if reality were trying to paint trump supporters in an overly negative and biased light.

That's a bit of a technicality; it would dribble down the underside of the nub and down his leg, never actually making it onto the tomb.

That actually won't be exhausting, it'll just be the end.

Push it more and more towards universal basic income, with Chipotle's help.

The Cheney controlling him already put in his bid, so he just has to power on his brain long enough to do the same. Only a matter of time. Just give it a minute.

"I take no responsibility"

Now I don't mean to be divisive but that's bad and should not have been done.

Third parties are mathematically impossible until we ditch first past the post voting:


We need our vote to be a list, not a checkbox.

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Microsoft really is getting worse.

You have $100 and get to bet it on, is the shooter a:

A) drag queen

B) immigrant

C) republican

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It says center and center-right outlets have a left bias. It's a blatant limp-dick attempt to make republican extremism (or "republicans", for short) seem normal. Or just as bad, the dopey, hapless, and vocal victim of such a campaign.

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Yes you can. Easily. You're sitting on the infrastructure to do it.


Oh did he do everything always to make everybody everywhere want him dead?

Trump pushing to connect with nation's schoolchildren: I know what it's like to be shot at.

It's almost adorable. So fussy.

Yeah but smack in the middle of the range of expected traitorous republican behaviors.

It's only the norm for one group of people.

And how many of them from Donald Trump's boss in Russia?

*anti-republican panic buttons

*anti-republican bulletproof glass

Define a set of rules, and someone will figure out how to cheat it.

If you swear enough you can completely turn it off when you're truly pissed and it's terrifying.

Come on now...some of those people will be worse than dead.

This is it right here. Concerningly large swaths of people talk about swearing like this distinction--which is the whole discussion--doesn't exist.

It's a fundamentally strange question to ask why a party whose entire stated goal is to harm its own constituents is fulfilling its own mission statement.

But it's a strange enough goal that the question is understandable, coming from anyone normal.

Trump is nothing, he was never the problem. These cunts are.

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He's just a super saiyan toddler.

AI created 17 Security Corporation™️s in response to this comment.

He showers three times a day; that's just his soul you're smelling.

One worth bragging about to any and all future employers.

One of the better onion headlines lately hahaha

To be fair to him the speech made sense when he was practicing it because he was looking in a mirror.

They are all fun lace colors, and Nazis get to decide nothing.

Always melting, never melted.

First it needs to be viable:


Elizabeth Warren for attorney general. No more fucking around.