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I also wouldn’t want her to die from an ectopic pregnancy

It passes the Turing test

I’m so excited that you get to learn about vermin supreme

They gave a nuanced reply. You wrote that.

I love being an immigrant in Germany. I’m white and not Ukrainian though, so my experience is mostly Germans telling me that this would never apply to me, then spending on average two hours a month to stay legal here, even though I’m fluent in German, pursuing a master’s degree in German language education, and married to a German. It’s honestly not a lot of time, but it’s constant. Then, if I ever fuck up, I get deported.

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What is a shitpost but bait that you admit is bait?

I was certain he was just really joyless about Cars

Honestly, I’d love to have dinner with him. I think he has the same failings as other popes regarding the most important problem with the church (imo, even the failing attendance is probably related to the fact that priests have been molesting children for centuries with impunity) and he fucked up Zika, badly, but in the other areas he’s great.

Imagine withholding funding for food that would keep children healthy, while denying people medical care when they get sick.

This is sickening. How does this not bother them? (Rhetorical, it’s because they try not to think about it. Then they try even harder to find a way to blame others)

I think I was supposed to be inspired, but I’m very worried about everyone’s placement of “moon”

Your s/o doesn’t sound like a fit to take care of you right now, can you stay elsewhere?

I know 11 year olds who would rather take a chance with a gunman than piss themselves in front of their whole class. Giving them a more dignified way to do things is only a good thing


It actually does. It’s a forty minute video and it was worth it for me, who had never heard of her and doesn’t care about tech at all (sorry lemmy).

Tl;dw: imagine a woman talking about how Freddy mercury’s chest hair makes her uncomfortable because she thinks he’s peacocking for her. That’s you. It’s initially very understandable- you saw something with one known cultural marker and assumed it tracked, I did too. It’s just not the same cultural marker (just like a Chinese person without much international contact sixty years ago would probably have a very different assumption when looking at a picture of a woman in a western wedding dress).

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And punishing regular Palestinians for what Hamas does goes against the Geneva conventions.

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Shepherds pie

I looked for a picture of this collage, because I come from a family of teachers and it seemed like a teacher suicide joke to me, not a student suicide joke or a racist joke (still dumb and probably psychologically harmful to kids that young, but not malicious).

I found this article in which the person who initially publicized the collage said this:

Dolls with nooses around the necks were also distributed to the children of color by these three teachers

So…. no benefit of the doubt necessary.

That’s the benefit of English- it’s not Latin and can ignore Latin-derived grammar rules

Family story time: my family is full of academically minded people (three of my grandparents worked as Latin teachers), with varying levels of snobbery and reasonableness. One of the first times my dad went to my maternal grandparents house for dinner, someone said “margarine,” pronouncing it with a hard g. My father asked why, and my grandfather explained that there’s no soft g followed by an a in English.

My father accepted this, and looking to change the subject, asked if my grandparents could offer any help analyzing “The Ballad of Reading Gaol.”

That’s what I thought until this year. I saw a different survey around the election that I’m looking for, but only 27% of Germans think that Germany is stronger because of immigration.

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I’m currently entitled to residency, but the AfD got more votes than the left did where I live. Even SPD is getting shitty about immigrants. I’m not certain that it will actually go through before the government changes and I have to jump through different hoops to get it.

I’d love to have your trust, but I’ve been an immigrant for years and married for months, so I dealt with the ausländeramt alone for much of that time and I’ve seen how much they fuck up (again, they’re overworked, it’s the city’s fault). If in five years I’m still in Germany with no significant issues (and my students’ stories get a lot more hopeful), I’ll start to believe that permanent means permanent.

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That grammar evolves naturally, like species do, so any rules we find for the categorization of either should reflect reality, not try to dictate it.

For example, I just started that bit with a clause, which means it’s a fragment, not a sentence. I still put a period at the end of it and started it without any lead in, which is “wrong,” but it’s more that the rule is wrong, because what I wrote plays the role of a sentence in this case.

I’m not sure how you intended your first line, but it bristles a bit. Especially given that my comment started off explaining that Germans tend to dismiss the difficulties of immigration.

Things are very different city to city (as your wife is probably aware if she has any immigrants as friends), and the differences aren’t what you’d think. I have a couple of Arab friends in Halle, who get two year visas in the middle of their studies that basically get rubber stamp approved. Köln, on the other hand can be awful in terms of bureaucracy. I’m in a big college town, so a lot of international students live here and the office is totally overloaded (the university is not new, they should have hired more people in the fifties and kept up with immigration), but unlike Berlin, they are less likely to grant you residence because of that.

I’m still waiting on permanent residence, ideally it will be easier after that. I have to visit or call the Ausländeramt multiple times to make sure that they actually process my renewals (which they do for only a semester at a time because of Uni), including reassembling documents (bank statements, insurance, school status) for them every six months. They can’t give me permanent residence yet, because they fucked up the paperwork on our marriage license, listing me incorrectly, so they have to reprocess things. I assume they’ll forget until I remind them again at least twice, and then there will be at least one more fuckup before things get pushed through.

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Maybe just change mats. What’s the texture like?

It’s because the French and the English can’t allow the other to win, so we use a third option

It was for the danish as a second language classroom, clearly

I think the issue is twofold: if you allow a groomer (a real one, not a drag queen) to be around a child for their entire life, there will be an effect on what the child wants as an adult; and people have a lot of opportunities to blackmail family members.

Those things make it difficult to determine if the two consenting adults are both truly consenting. It’s the same logic behind banning polygamy- it’s very easy for people to become trapped in it because their entire social universe supports it, so if you say no, you’re excommunicated. There’s therefore no real way to know if you consented.

It’s the same reason cops can’t have sex with people they are holding under arrest. Oh wait…

It would be perfect for assisted living facilities or care home situations where accessibility is key

Anyone know how it happened that none of those killed were Iranian citizens? The citizenship laws seem pretty accepting, considering (no mention of religion or ethnicity, so it sounds like the Jewish and Baloch populations are probably citizens), so it seems like either Iran is sheltering large numbers foreign nationals or like Pakistan has incredible precision and still killed children.

Tech illiterate here: I used to keep it as a backup for when my two hundred tabs of chrome would freeze (tech. illiterate.), but switched after a while because it was faster. I do kinda care about privacy, but not enough to sacrifice much convenience (I’d never get Alexa, but I play Pokémon go, if that is helpful), so Firefox being faster than chrome is perfect.

Bruh, I just realized now that this guy is different from James Comey.

Yeah, exactly. I love Germany, but I don’t think it loves me back.

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I don’t think she’s a good lawyer, but I also don’t think she’s stupid. I would call her shrewd. She’s exactly where she wants to be, if her end goal is more than 15 minutes of fame (which it seems to be, given that radio show). If trump sues her, she can just extend her time in the spotlight. If not, she can always sue him for nonpayment herself

Or the one who chased after his car, staying in perfect sandwiching position. These are all awful

So either she’s smart enough to pass the bar and stupid enough not to understand how payment works or she’s not looking for financial compensation.

The bar isn’t that hard, but it’s hard to be that dumb and still pass it.

I associate his movies with a different kind of human juice

I think a big difference is what the free time is like. I worked full time or nearly through college, so I didn’t have much free time in terms of quantity. When I got it, it was often with friends and during the day. When I graduated, I got a job with regular hours for the first time- I had so much free time, but I didn’t have a lot to fill it with, nor did I have a lot of energy after sitting down. Developing an active hobby helped with both, but doesn’t work for everyone.

I’m in grad school now, working 30 hours a week, and I do feel much more weighed down, but I’m able to set my own schedule a lot more than I could when I worked in an office

I am fooled by imageai posts about 80% of the time. I don’t know how to not be, but it just makes me distrustful of everything

I’m in Germany and the word “evangelisch” means “Protestant,” not “evangelical,” which fucked me up for a while because I kept assuming my Christian friend would be insane at some point, but she’s just very reasonable. I finally realized that she’s just a very chill Lutheran and I was mistranslating

I still don’t think she’s dumb. I think she’s trying to get and stay famous and she’s doing a pretty good job so far. She’s not a good attorney, but that doesn’t make her dumb.

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