
2 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Reminds me of that cartoon on Robespierre: Robespierre, after guillotining everyone, proceeds to guillotine the last man in France: himself.

Man, the Chinese are becoming a new major nuisancec on internet.

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Just because I already was backdoored without a lube by person A, doesn't mean I'd love to be backdoored again by person B.

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They target Indians too. I live there, I received those calls too. Since I am not stupid, I just waste their time describing their mothers and some other things.

They annoyed me to no end when they genocided iGoogle pages in favor of Google+, which ended up getting purged too.

Its like, all the Google's products are Stalin's ministers and no one knows who is going to get offed and why.

Streisand Effect or something.

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Fleeing Jack the ripper, only to fall into the hands of T. Bundy.

In our battle against Chromium zombies, we need veterans like you. Please update your blog and continue our crusade against Google horde.

I am a mildly net savvy person who only knows about torrents and file sharing. Can you point me to resources where I can learn more about Usenet? Also, what client and service do you use to access it? Thanks in advance.

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Bleachbit vs BCUninstaller vs WinDirStat vs Wiztree, which should I prefer? I am currently using BCU.

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How do I, an outlander, get away with removing above bloatware?

Can I login to my VPN, set the server to, say NL and get to delete it?


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Can someone suggest a community for linux noob like me? Installed U-Mate yesterday. I may need an active community specifically created for new users.

Yeah. Buy Nokia.

Let's also support European companies over Chinese ones.

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Product placement for NordVPN and Naughty America in a single line.

Lets guillotine the Bard guy too.

You know what, let's do a Stalin-style purge of Silion Valley suits. New people with perhaps, less evi lideas can take their place.

The connection may be costly. But a beeline telephone costs less than 10$.

They'd be doing me a huge favor if they go aheadwith this plan.

Thanks for the recommendation.

I know plex and I have used it for an year. But I access files on my computer using my mobile without any app. Is that possible with linux?

Ok, installing endeavour now. Will install JWM alongside and report the findings.

But getting membership is next to impossible. I tried maling them and contacting them on their IRC channel, but to no avail.

Can't Libre Office take the place of MSO?

I have a question and I don't know if this is the right place to ask.

I have a windows pc where I download movies and other media which I watch from my mobile using network.

I am thinking of buying a refurb laptop to use when I am not using it for CAD/CAE works. My question is this : If I were to install a linux distro, can I view the media on my laptop as well? Like how I watch on my mobile?@

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Yeah. Like the Gmail login page.

They'll do what they successfully did in mobile industry : offer services at extremely cheap rates, put the western competitors out of action and raise the price while sending quality into the outhouse.

And his potatoes.

With all the biases the bots carry, it'll be law time for many of these corporations. Money gained by firing developers will be lost on retaining DIck, Schlong & Partners.

Clippy's evil face?

I think the issue is more about HOW they wrote it, rather than WHO wrote it.

Is wiztree much better than BCU and Bleachbit? Like, removing al the vestiges of an uninstalled program. I feel like BCU is half-assing it. Earlier I used to use Revo Uninstaller which is I think much better than BCU.

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It's Bokutox, isn't he?

Do you know a way to purchase Win11 enterprise key? Afaik, you do need to own a company or something.

Google these :

  • CIsco router IP Theft
  • List of Huawei IP violations
  • Chinese IP Theft.

These are just the breaking news incidents. There are hundreds, possibly thousands of products that were 'copied' with middle finger displayed to IP Law.

Isn't that what we were trying to do? A slow pullback of manufacturing from Xiland in phases.

Link hath broken, buckaroo.

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In your dreams.

Do you know if there are any active ones? Hopefully categorized according to genre, geography, language etc?

Revo has nice UI. All the options are present in aesthetically and it's easy to use. But it has a free and a paid version. Which led me to install BCU. But I don't think BCU is good at cleaning up vestigial files after uninstalling a program. There's always some files left unremoved which have to be deleted manually after a program is uninstalled. I didn't have this issue with Revo.

Valuable training data for AI. Spez does not give a damn about it. He gladly takes money and sell it off to someone like OPEN AI whose models can be trained on its data.

"I trained on millions of users' data and now I ape them. AITA?"