
2 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 11 months ago
  1. Use a metal straw to improve heat conduction.
  2. Increase the surface area and time for heat extraction to occur with extra loops in the water part (do they make metal silly straws?)
  3. Get really fancy and use a counterflow chiller: create a two layer straw, where tea goes through one layer while cold water goes through the other layer in the opposite direction (obviously with an outlet somewhere besides your teacup)
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They can connect via USB so you can do things like perform a clean shutdown when it loses power

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Personal example: I once asked on the linguistics subreddit why desceiptivist linguistics were preferred to prescriptivist and was downvoted to hell and back. The only replies were to call me a racist. I never got an answer, and I still don’t know. So voting is not the end-all be-all of forum mechanics.

I'mma have to call bullshit here, unless there just so happened to be a different person using the name quindraco on Reddit who asked this very question.

  • Your question was answered.
  • You may have gotten downvotes, but it was certainly not "to hell and back" -- your post is currently sitting at +18.
  • Not a single person called you racist, even after you compared descriptivism to literal genocide.
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Are you sure you're cis? I mean... you're switching to Linux.

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That's not how brackets work?

You need to calibrate your coolant water temperature to provide the ideal amount of cooling for you.

Fwiw Linux is way easier today than it was a million years ago. Honestly I find it simpler to use than Windows.

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The article itself makes the connection:

As the 2024 presidential campaign ramps up, concern is quickly rising that such images might be used to spread false information.

Though, I guess shame on us for expecting better journalism these days.

Spokes. Via "bespoke"

I'm bad at naming things.

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That just looks 3d printed on a textured sheet

You lift up the lid/bell.

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Why not POOOQB

when I drink you drink we drink

Ironically one of the games without Ganon. Although iirc the nightmare does take the form of Ganon at one point? So maybe

He ate them, that's why he was so big. He lost (passed?) them and is now skinny

Not offended. He just corrected her.

Dollar Tree bought Family Dollar. Hence them being the same store (it's not two dollar stores right next to each other).

Why two signs, idfk. Maybe they were worried people would be upset that their beloved Family Dollar was replaced with Dollar Tree, so they're easing people in by making it clear they're the same thing

Computers are binary, yeah? So we have to represent fractional numbers with binary, too.

In decimal, numbers past the decimal point are 10^-1, 10^-2, ... etc. In binary, they're 2^-1, 2^-2, ....

2^-1 is one half, so 0.1 in binary is 0.5 in decimal. 2^-2 is one quarter. 0.11 in binary is 0.75 in decimal. And of course you've got 0.01 = 0.25

The problem comes when representing decimal numbers that don't have neat binary representations. For instance, 0.1 in decimal is actually a repeating binary number: 0.0001100110011...

The solution is ... Embed a watermark when the image is generated? How will that help stop deliberate disinformation created with other tools

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Print off your recovery codes and keep them safe. If you want to be extra, hammer them into metal plates like the crypto weirdos do.

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Counterpoint: drink a cold drink through a plastic straw and a metal straw, with your fingers on the straw. See which one feels cooler.

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Let's tab tablets

You put the butter in the bell part. The butter sticks. You then put some water in the crock and put the bell in the crock. The bell/butter displaces some water and it prevents air from getting to the butter.

Imo it's silly; there's no real issue just leaving butter in a dish at room temp.

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.. in that link he says only the italicized parts are things he hasn't said

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Fun fact: NaN is of type number

Chinese chess is round chess. Shogi is pointy chess. Chess is icon chess.

It can be... But others can monetize it too

Finger. Exercise.

It's the same store

The fediverse is basically anything that uses some means of connecting to other sites. A lot of them now use ActivityPub, a standard for this kind of thing.

Mastodon isn't "on" Lemmy, but they can communicate with each other

They aren't really necessary; a butter dish works fine if you're using butter regularly. You can also just plop the stick in the dish, while with a bell you have to manually pack it in there (I assume? Never used one personally)

Also the main reason is probably just unfamiliarity


Square baduk

That's the problem

OP said as badly as possible. You left out the little subplot about the gang still trying to involve you but otherwise this is spot on.

Read the community info.