
3 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm struggling to understand if this is true or ifn't true

I'm rephrasing a quote from a user I saw last week but basically Netflix corp made a conscious decision, Transphobic money is worth it to them.

I haven't set up a media server in a long time but I can't keep blinding supporting this shit out of convenience.

Yes! I love this simplification!

Spujb is good people. I appreciate all the content you post.

So in all honesty, I have been adamantly anti Taylor Swift since the moment I learned there was a new pop star, but this is only because I hate all pop stars and anything corporate. I appreciate the reminder to check yourself on misogyny though. That really does slip into our subconscious so easily.

You know what hate brigade I am praying for? Dave fucking Grohl. I cannot think of a more neutral ass corporate shill.

This was pre-linux for me but something you can still do in most distros so I think it's a valid story.

In 1999 I was using Napster on computer running MS-DOS. I was 12 years old and an aspiring open media enthusiast/stupid script kiddie. I was using the file explorer interface in Napster and accidentally gave access to my entire C drive. I also had opened ports to share certain media and to fuck with my friends using daemon tools (back then you could do stupid stuff like control a friend's desktop with certain versions of daemon tools). Immediately I started receiving packages called things like "sleep.tight.tiny.mite" and I knew I was fucked so I clicked in the Napster interface and clicked "delete" and deleted my entire active drive.

I panicked and installed the only operating system we had which was a random copy of Red Hat. When my dad came home I pretended like it had always had Linux on it. I do think he was more impressed than mad.

Unfortunately I have tested positive for breast cancer. Stage 3 IDC. I'm scared of what comes next, I'm only 36 and I have a 5 year old son.

I got married Monday at a Mexican restaurant. We decided Friday night, bought pawnshop rings on Saturday, and got the certificate on monday morning before work. My cousin is a universal life church minister so he signed it for us and our waiter was witness. As untraditionally romantic as this seems, it was one of the best days of my life.

Last week I got the breast cancer diag, so hopefully this is more positive :)

Yes! Absolutely yes! But, those people do exist. They're just a bit harder to find. This might help


Eventually you can build a massive bubble if you find the right places to be. That includes your job, your friends, your acquaintances, your grocery store and more. When I interact with full on normies it is so deeply jarring, because I do it so rarely.

But honestly you can still get lonely in that situation because you found your people and you still can't connect. So I'd say it's most important to be able to address loneliness in the self. Become someone you want to hang out with. Do interesting things and pay attention to non human things for a bit, like birds or interesting plants on walks, or volunteer with a community garden. Go full DIY, start biking, get a dog. If you're single and not tied down you could go woofing for a bit, travel the world for free. Volunteer at hostiles and go solo backpacking until you either fall in love with yourself or some random person or two or three. Dang but also remind yourself that it's ok and normal to be lonely. You can give yourself that space, but you will always be lonely if you cannot love to be around yourself.

Wow my edible kicked in while I was writing that and it's either insane or helpful, but my sentiment is, I hope you never feel lonely for too long. Reach out anytime. Love ya, friend.

I'm waiting on a biopsy result. I might have breast cancer.

Lol ok I'm sorry, is it cum?

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Remember when Android was entirely open source?

Care to elaborate?

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Overall it's honestly been a really good Christmas. I've never enjoyed this time of year because of the family stress and financial obligations (re: family stress) but my partner made it pretty incredible this year. I won't lie and I hate to be negative ,but I'm kind of in awe and scared that something horrible is going to break this winning streak.

Ravenholm in Half Life 2 cause I get scared. Why yes. You are correct, I am a wussy little piss baby.

I live in Florida and these opinions are very rare among any major city's population. In fact, I just took a group of kids to an art event at the capital and they drew (in chalk) a trans themed square on the ground just outside of one of the legislative chambers.

Please understand that the south is full of the most brutally progressive people. Everything we do is intentional and FOUGHT for. That is why our politicians try so deeply to oppress us. It's bothering them so much that it's not working.

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I'm not saying this is what you did in your example, but offering advice when it's not asked for IS DEFINITELY a form of toxic masculinity. That's probably what they were referring to, however I don't know the context and I can't pass judgement.

I will say the tendency to immediately be offended if someone accuses you of something is perfectly natural, and it's an abrasive form of communication and "setting boundaries". However, a mature response is to understand they have this feeling regardless of what you've done, why not figure out why?

Sorry morning rant 💖

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I honestly don't understand why recent Ubuntu releases are popular. However, I enjoyed it in the early 2000s. There was another popular release a few years ago that had zero hotkeys enabled and I have never felt more disgusted by a release in my life. I can't even remember what it's called, it traumatized me hahaha.

What about vio life cheese? That stuff is pretty dang good. Daiya can fuck right off

I know this isn't what you meant but, this week I restored a large format photo enlarger from the 1950s. A Beseler 45 MCXR. I am extremely proud that I was not electrocuted, and I printed a 4x5 negative as a Christmas gift for my mother in law.

It's very interesting to me that people tend to mention tax breaks for marriage because it's just not the case except if one of the spouses does not work or makes significantly less than the other. For example, when I was married, our taxes went up by about 6k a year. It's called the marriage penalty tax. A lot of these other benefits also depended entirely on the state/job/facility and are still required to be granted via other documentation. For example, Florida is a probate state and requires a will regardless of marital status or you have to go through probate (ask me how I know). Medical decisions and adoption seem to be important benefits, but these can also happen without marriage. Survivor's benefits are interesting as well because those don't generally extend past the last owed check, but do still go through probate if you're in a probate state.

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The line "Big booty bitch start suckin" from the song Piss Up a Rope was crafted by true poets.

WOAH we really are picking up where 2016 left us. The circle back myths are true.

L Vue scan pro is a must if you're into analog photography. The software that usually comes with scanners and printers generally doesn't work on Linux and if it does it's terrible.

Omg bro you are def oblivious hahaha

I'm a teacher and winter vacation started today. My plans are to play Terraria 😎

Lucy, essplain

Programming is all about understanding relationships. You make a thing. Great. How do you identify thing? How do you reuse thing? You identify what it is and what it does. Do other things do what your thing does? Great! Make an identifier for that shared ability. Now you can call the shared identifier with other things and so on...

Anyways, I sucked at algebra which seems to be the most commonly identified issue with those of us "bad at math". I have never used more than basic algebra (something + something = something aka x + y = z). Maybe in 50s and 60s when programming was extremely hard you needed to be good at math, but that's absolutely not the case any more.

My thinking cap finally revealed it to be capitalism.


Guess they should give up and shut down.

I strongly suspect long COVID is a neuropathy issue. I suffered from it in a horrible way in 2020 and didn't really get better until 2022 after treating myself with high levels of vitamin B9 and medicines for neuropathy such as cymbalta, or even better, Lyrica.

I am now undergoing cancer treatment and I have fatigue and weakness for sure but NOTHING COMPARES TO LONG COVID.

Yes. I have literal cancer and long COVID was worse. I am taking cymbalta because of how traumatic the fatigue and brain fog long COVID was and maybe that's just really helping.

Either way, I really hope you get better ASAP, please don't give up!!!!!!!!!

I've slowly been adapting to this! I love having all my jars, it's like living in a lab with specimens

Honestly Marvel hasn't gone all in on video games yet and Spider-man did well and was fun. I'm sick of marvel movies but Insomniac makes good games.

I was married (now divorced) and ours definitely went up. We both made about 45k at the time.

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My Chromecast won't stream anything with a high quality codec, such as HD mkv files. Are you running into this issue at all?

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Hm. I'm with a fiber* based ISP that requires use of their router. It sucks, but it's that or Comcast which is indescribably bad in my area.

Last year's G454V HD. I end up handbraking to shitty mp4s because MKV and HD avi files cannot stream without lagging. I have tried streaming from VLC, emby, and plex

Well deck the halls and call me jolly. We're just playin fun here. Merry Christmas.

I used to spend my lunches watching videos on reddit's /r/videos and for yeeeeeeeears they would just post videos of influencers talking about how they're getting fucked by youtube. I rarely go to YouTube, I rarely use most social media I just wanted to waste my 5 to 10 minutes of eating a sandwich and watching a silly video or something, But I suddenly was very knowledgeable about all the stupid YouTube drama and it felt to me like the solution was to go somewhere else, in fact I got so fucking annoyed by these constant bitching about a garbage website that I stopped this lunch tradition entirely (But not before posting a long rant like an old man yelling at a cloud). However if there was an exodus that would also be admitting that these influencers would have to basically start over or hope their followers would follow them. They're tied to their income I guess. I find it pretty despicable but I think that's the reason. These people make a wild amount of money and it's hard to walk away from it out of principle (for them, cause they scared lil b-holes).

No, read it again. It makes sense

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