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Literally came here to say plastic. That's the one.

I bought a book a few years ago and I think it is called Climatopolis. The first chapter talks about how major cities in certain parts of the world (focused mostly on the U.S.) are fast becoming super heated islands because of all of the steel and glass and concrete in densely packed over urbanized areas and furthermore, that there will be no escape for the poor and disenfranchised because the asphalt absorbs the heat so night gives no reprieve.

Good bot.

Cool way to show to explain it by showing it in action thanks a pot, you MVP you.

"Most humans are inherently lazy." Do you have any scientific data to back up what appears to be a heroically sweeping generality?

Maybe this makes me a dummy, but I don't understand the point of the bot? Like is it supposed to replace links that people post here from YouTube, with Piped instead?

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I'm going to subscribe to your instance since you seem to have such cool ideas to help the fediverse and care about privacy.

Come again? What is it doing to the gut biome? Disrupting the normal functioning? Artificial sweeteners are a very broad category so which ones are we talking about? Aspartame specifically or others? Is Stevia aka erythritol on the table here or what? I am genuinely curious because I am A. Interested in nutrition and the effects of processed foods on the human body, but also because I'm a biology major and want to know more about stuff like this for research purposes..

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No wonder i am exhausted all the time...

Haha yeah this reminds me of the A.I super computer in China that was dismantling the idea that the CCP is a good idea, and giving democracy a glowup in the process. I heard that they shut that whole thing down after that, but this is all hearsay.

I used to think it was foolish to be disconnected from the news and current events, but now I think the opposite is true.

I can't wait to see all the Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson A.I.-likes.

I really hope the trolls put those people's (and others like them) likenesses in compromising positions using A.I. fuckery.

Good bot

Exactly and there isn't a guarantee that you will always remember to do so, right? It is like the memory of these tasks that are part of average people's routines has to start over fresh every single fucking day, multiple times a day depending on the task or your mood or whatever else may distract you.

If I have an account at lemmy.world, but have another instance selected, does that take some of the burden off the admins or do I need to do something more?

Thank you for posting this OP, and thank you for your reply to OP!

I literally just got back from my therapist (3rd visit) and he basically said the same stuff you're saying about neurodivergence of this kind only becoming a problem when we're forced to follow the rules of an artificial construct we call "modern civilization." Thanks for your post. I've long suspected I could have ADHD (was diagnosed with ADD as a child) , but of course, ADD doesn't really exist, and I suppose the research on things like this was more or less in its infancy, so I took prescrived children's speed for a while, it made me worse. Yes, Ritalin is methamphetamine, and anyway. I started therapy to work on identifying my problems and I never mentioned ADHD, but he said all my complaints about my own behavior points towards it. My job is in the food service industry and it has been for many years, so the chaos of that could have masked some of the stronger "symptoms", and I imagine if I had an open ended career I would be in trouble with my lack of focus and constant procrastination.

Do you mind giving me more details on how you do your to-do list and the table? I would like to try something like it because I think it might help.

Thanks again for your reply to OP. and thanks again to OP for the post and hang in there. Adaptability is humanities greatest strength..

Nice thumbnail

Really well said. The definition of art could be argued ad infinitum, and nobody will be any closer to an answer. What is a fact, is that at it's core art requires a recipe, and each element can be interchangeable, whether it is colors, perspective, medium, tools, pressure, speed, shapes, etc etc, & with A.I., it is just a streamlined process like you said, of taking these elements and mixing them in novel ways. The argument that A.I. could never match human art is such bullocks since as we all know, there is nothing wholly new. It is all recycled content at this point, with variations and arguably, A.I., will be able to add and subtract for those variations a lot faster than humans ever could.

Ding ding ding! The same reason we believe that our planet is more than an insignificant mote of dust in the vast dark void of chaos.

I wonder why the BBC would do that? It couldn't be that they have a vested interest or anything..

Yeah no this is true. I THINK it has to do with how driving uses so many of your senses and disparate parts of the brain, despite how mundane and easy it seems to us since we have trained ourselves and perceive it as the norm, it is crazy how complicated driving is, and yeah plenty of people have that autopilot experience.

I think there is a ton of truth to what you're saying unfortunately. The apathetic part hit me hard.

My therapist said to me the other day that anxiety is the brain's survival mechanism and depression is "Safe mode." It's so hard in the modern world for most people to find the in between because there is so much to give us anxiety and make us feel like we are in danger and so of course since the body always seeks homeostasis, depression is sure to follow. It's like an up and down Rollercoaster with no end.

Would having off the charts procrastination on even the tiniest tasks that I absolutely know have to be done to the point of having to pay thousands for a dental problem I put off until i couldn't stand the pain count as disruptive to my life? Not sure why I asked this because I answered my own question damn. Glad I started therapy so I can get to the bottom of this.

I think with ADHD people things that end up taking very little thinking energy for non ADHD people, take the same amount of energy if not more, all the time, which is exhausting. I believe it is easy to take that for granted if you're not having to expend the energy constantly.

Photography helped me with this, and I know not everyone is creative, but editing photos personally helped me find some wonder. You can do so much with perspective and change an image into something completely different with just the right modifications.. Anyway. The world is shifty and we have all been in it too long and are Hella jaded. You just have to find novel things, even if it is harder for our brains to view that way, we can even trick our brains by doing mundane things in a new way. Like for instance instead of shaving in the shower or bathroom, go outside into nature, bring a mirror and shave there. I remember Michio Kaku saying something like this and the added bonus is it will make your life feel longer too, since it is adding novelty, your brain doesn't just go into autopilot.

I wonder how we can make some of this other etuff like the seat belt thing. It is an intriguing point you make. Obviously seatbelt use for people alive today that are within a certain age range has been ingrained in the formative years so I wonder if that has something to do with it. I wonder if one day scientists figure out how to trick neurotypical brains into forming these kinds of memories (I dunno whether it is long term or short term), but I am out of my depth here. Pretty sure short term memories when the neural pathways for them are activated enough times, they eventually becomeong term memories and a part of working memory I guess? Like, I wonder how muscle memory ties into this. If an ADHD person successfully completes an action a certain amount of times, can it then be turned into a muscle memory thing? Surely it can, right? I need to do some research on this, but I'm not sure where to start..

I rarely have hunger signs and I can go from eating everything in sight because of my ridiculously fast metabolism or not eating for hours upon hours.

I saved all of this because it seems like it could be super helpful to me. Humans are so complicated and can have so many "co-morbidities" and seemingly related quirks and things they deal with, that it is really nice to see something that I see in myself all the time most of my life actually) and possible solutions or coping strategies. Thanks a lot from the bottom of my icy beart.

Grocery delivery is a good stop gap, but you'd need all the various grocery stores to be on board. Municipal and state governments could literally subsidize the costs of maintenance and fueling delivery vehicles to incentivize this method, and even offer rebates for customers who participate, but nah that's all too hard and will eat at the bottom line so let the world burn I guess.

That's so interesting to see thus written out like this because you have described in words, what I experience on some level. Of course all of this neurodivergence we're speaking on exists on a kind of gradient, so none of our experiences are going to be 1:1, but this is fascinating because it is definitely close enough. For ex: I don't have my toothbrush out in plain sight as my SO likes to keep things neat, and we've been together so long I don't remember if it has always been that way, but I do know in the past I didn't brush a lot because I would forget and get to bed and not have the wherewithal to make myself get back up and do it, and also I am terrible and remembering to take scheduled medicines like antibiotics and allergy medicine, but if I put it in the same place with my toothbrush I can trick myself into remembering both.

So I don't know you or how much you make, but if you're an American and you make under a certain amount a year, Healthcare through the ACA can be very affordable. You will have to take time and look because it is convoluted as hell, but if you decide to, prioritize mental health services coverage and you can find some Silver plans that offer really affordable therapy. Mine is Bluecross Blue Shield and I pay $89 a month, but my therapy is free with no caps on how often i can go.

Hope this helps.

Put that way makes it even more hilarious. Look at this dummy that cares about the environment. Carbon footprint? Is that when I stick my size 13 up your namby pamby ass, boy?!

This is covered in a lot or depression literature, where you need to literally rewire your brain to defeat the attempt to reach homeostasis, which has become a depressed state. Little positive actions and thoughts that eventually rewire the neural pathways and create new ones little by little. If you want to learn more about that, the technical side made very understandable by a psychologist and neuroscientist who specializes in depression and anxiety, you should check out "The Upward Spiral". It's really good and i highly recommend it. It has helped me start the healing and coping process.

Showering is torturous to me and I don't know why. I think it is because I have to remember to do that, wash my hair, blow dry my hair, etc etc and it just feels like a time sink though I know it's necessary. Maybe the whole time the reason I hate it is because it is just another thing I HAVE to remember aka devote real energy into that.

Exploding heads? I'm in GA, but also don't care about local stuff because I live in south. I just go for stuff outside that scope for a broader sense of what's going on.

The user below failed to mention Meta is indirectly responsible for an actual Genocide through their purposeful lack of oversight and endless desire for engagement at no matter the cost.

Replace Boost with BaconReader, and that was me except I saw rumblings of it before the API change and went ahead and made the move because fuck unfettered capitalism. Even if this doesn't last, we tried and made a stand and can enjoy the results while it lasts.

That's what I am having to do too and thought I was just missing something, but that makes sense since everything is in flux and that might not be the greatest priority since the exodus is ongoing and stability/keeping up with updates is way more important.

This makes a lot of sense to me. I am trying to link it to survival and evolution, but can't pin anything down off the top of my head. I'm going to continue mulling it over though.