
1 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

paranoid linux sadgirl with impostor syndrome

treatment resistant depression gang

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Former smoker. The specific medical warnings are good imo. "Poison in every puff" is a little too goofy and my inner teenager reaction is just "hell yeah" hahaha. Which is funny, but also counterproductive.

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at that point just give me general anaesthesia and put me in an airline shipping coffin so at least i don't have to be conscious for the horror show

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i don't remember this episode of Beastars 🤔

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so many confederate flags

inaccurate official subtitles

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in your defense that sounds awesome. the people who gave you shit for dressing creatively are the cringe

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and the driver jerkily moving the steering wheel like they're on a rally course instead of most likely just a long straight road

all of them but alas we live in a society

my body

A Very Normal Sea Creature Nothing To See Here


when you don't even need to rocket jump cuz you got escape-velocity-capable thighs and glutes

aggressive style roller blades
high skill AND price barriers 💀

here's hoping Peertube becomes remotely usable in the near future 💀

mental health, physical health, i don't even need a third thing those two would likely fix all my problems...

Parasite Eve (never played it myself but I know it's considered a classic)

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"you wouldn't -d̵o̵w̵n̵l̵o̵a̵d̵- drone-rob a pizza..."

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Honestly the main problem I see here is people setting fire to items in a public space without proper combustion containment.

Like, sure, burn a book if you feel like it. But you should coordinate with the local fire department and use an approved and setting-appropriate container like a burn barrel, chiminea, etc.

Safety first, folks :]

Any kind of hobby shop or event is a good starting place.

  • tabletop and card game stores
  • comic shops
  • video game stores
  • music and records stores
  • art studios and galleries
  • batting cages, public tennis courts, etc.
  • gyms
  • libraries (tend to have events)
  • trivia nights, karaoke, etc. at bars
  • comedy clubs
  • pool and billiards halls
  • check your city/town government's website and social media for events
  • also check public parks' sites

Good luck and happy friending :)

it brings me genuine glee to see a Technology a Connections link replied to a Climate Town link like those are two of my favorite things

Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
Finding Nemo
Time Bandits
Treasure Planet
The Iron Giant

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Big Director Energy


reminder that the following are awful scraps from which to make vegetable stock as they're too bitter:

  • lettuce, cabbage, other leafy greens
  • broccoli
  • brussels sprouts
  • any kind of pepper
  1. you're right about all the contradictions in the Bible
  2. drop everything and immediately begin learning Java and Python. if you get good enough you can skip college entirely and save years of emotional hell
  3. convince mom to let you quit the instruments you hate playing and do computer extracurriculars instead
  4. buy bitcoin sell in Nov '21 lol (or just invent it)
  5. learn Mandarin Chinese, not Japanese. also maybe chill w/ the weeb shit
  6. move to NYC as soon as you can and DO NOT LEAVE even if there's a scary pandemic because you won't be able to afford to move back and you'll miss it real bad :(
  • know where the fire extinguisher is and how to use it
  • ensure there are adequate and working smoke detectors. also carbon monoxide detectors if there is a risk from clothes dryers, etc.
  • keep at least 2 gallons of bottled water per person stored at all times
  • keep candles and matches in a location where you can find them in the dark
  • keep a fully stocked first aid kit
  • know where the nearest emergency room is and how to get there

be safe and well! :)

I've always felt that life's purpose should be pursuit of knowledge and self expression in roughly equal proportions. So 50% science, 50% art. That's just what feels right in my brain, I guess.

I think most brains are just going to have their own idea of what life's purpose should be and most of them will be more or less fine. A majority will have said purposes stifled by the limitations of society and biology, though

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I've encountered some sentiments that they're bad simply because they're trendy

air fryers are just a rebranding of convection ovens, which are awesome. I don't care what it's called, cooking with circulated hot air is really useful

I'm In This Photo and I Don't Like It

That's easy. Control a bunch of money and corporations

i wonder how much of the Empathy for Cute Animals but Not Humans effect is due to not many people having bad experiences with cute animals but plenty of bad experiences with humans

I, however, have the unique privilege of having had a sister who owned a deranged rabbit that she let roam the house. I once woke up from a nap to it biting me hard enough to draw blood. That thing was a furry asshole.

What little unrepressed memories of Watership Down I have seem to corroborate that rabbits are surprisingly violent...

tangentially related Technology Connections video on the history of telephone ring sound effects and why they're weird

(an Invidious link also [i don't know how to make Piped links])

the joke is psychedelic drugs (or how teens in the 00's thought they worked lol)

This exactly. I have rules. But adherence to and interpretation of said rules gets more chaotic as the dishwasher gets more full.

no-timeline-breaking mode: Buster Brown 100% cotton socks. they lack elastic and the mental relief I get from not having my ankle nerves ping my brain all day with "SLIGHT PRESSURE! HEY! HEY!!! JUST A REMINDER THAT YOU'RE WEARING SOOOOOOOCKS" is emancipating.

timeline breaking mode: detailed instructions on getting rich with crypto, majoring in computer science instead of biochem, and oh by the way you're clinically depressed, gay, and a communist just do your best to fast-track self acceptance GOOD LUCK LOL

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🎶 mountain mountain mountain mountain mama 🎶

I held onto my Sony XZ2c for months after calls stopped working on it after the US 3G shutdown. I got a flip phone for making calls.

The worst part? The XZ2c has VoLTE calling capability, but all the US phone companies refuse to support it on their networks.

Now I'm begrudgingly using a OnePlus 6 and praying that I don't drop the massive thing >:[

Basically, even if we want to use aging tech we're held hostage by telecom companies, who obviously would prefer to rope people into new devices on credit plans. ARGH

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Mainly that they adopt popular writing and editing conventions and do them well, so that they're genuinely captivating in addition to being educational, thus making the info more accessible

Gorillaz – Sweepstakes
Plastic Beach is my favorite album but I always skip that track cuz it's so grating

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