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Joined 10 months ago

Hey, sorry for taking a long time, but I am farting around with the pinentry option now.

I don't have screens, but I wanted to point out a few scenarios that are challenging with fuzzel:

  1. as I was trying to describe before, the ability to write accompanying text is pretty important, as you need to be able to describe what gpg key is to be unlocked, and typically a string like "Enter PIN for Richard Nixon " is used - which is too long for fuzzel (https://gorbe.io/posts/gnupg/pinentry/documentation/#set-the-descriptive-text-to-display) Also keep in mind the error scenario, which adds even more copy (https://gorbe.io/posts/gnupg/pinentry/documentation/#set-the-error-text). Lastly there is a "set window title" feature, which is perhaps not important for us (https://gorbe.io/posts/gnupg/pinentry/documentation/#set-the-button-texts)
  2. There are message scenarios which are difficult to place with fuzzel. Even if I wanted to just fail out some scenarios like reties, I would want some "notification", and would probably like to have fuzzel also used for that in order to keep the UI consistend across use cases. (https://gorbe.io/posts/gnupg/pinentry/documentation/#message-box)
  3. There are cases where pinentry is expected to set copy for buttons for OK and Cancel and "Do not do this", IIRC to get internationalization. I think that these are less important. (https://gorbe.io/posts/gnupg/pinentry/documentation/#set-the-button-texts)

(ping @markstos@lemmy.world )

https://github.com/james-nesbitt/pinentry-fuzzel is a first try, shamelessly stealing everything from https://github.com/zamlz/pinentry-rofi/blob/main/src/pinentry-rofi.sh

This is an example of why erosion of public confidence in democratic institutions is a critical problem. We want to be able to follow an institutional opinion on this topic, but our trust has been eroded by another topic, which makes it less trustworthy.

Kent developed for like 10 years on his own. He's just having a hard time learning how to play with others, and deal with large priority cycles. He just needs to know that sometime his changes will get pushed to the next cycle.

yubikey works on every linux distro I have tried, and even on freebsd. Some people say it "works out of the box" but that part is not true on every distro. Every distro will recognize the device when it is plugged in, but not every distro will all 2FA actions out of the box, and almost no distro comes with the management tools.

On linux (and BSD) you can install a CCID tool to get the 2FA, which installs software that needs to be running (you can use the yubikey as a keyboard approach if you really need it) On Linux you can install a manager tool like ykman is easy, if you want to manage the tooling on your card On Linux you can setup PAM (authentication) so that yubikey can be used for logins, sudo auth etc On Linux you can use yubikey to do advanced things like manage the encryption keys for encrypted disks

As always, off to the Arch docs: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/YubiKey

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All VP picks are DEI hires.

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Rose-water is one of the common flavourings that would throw off an American.

I would say that while language constructs are typically English words, they don't really require English comprehension to learn. That said, the vast majority of programming support, documentation and community are in English, and are not accessible without English comprehension.

IIRC you can pay to get out of jail

And it was the X devs who made the choice.

Modern European Monarchs are all significantly better than Trump.

That idea leads to Authoritarians getting charges put on their opponents.

If the Biden campaign thought that hish payment felonies were going to cost Trump the election, then they haven't been paying attention for the last 10 years

No jokes: pick a language that is in the market, but has a different design philosophy than your background. Your background includes compiled static, and loose scripting, with strong library tooling, so you have diversity there, so a language in which you have to think differently is the right choice.

I recommend:

  1. Rust if you want something safe but that makes you work differently from java
  2. Go if you want a real mental challenge (the coding approach is very different from java)
  3. Lua if you want really see functional programming as a philosophy
  4. Python if you want scripting, and are tired of the web
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You will never get sprayed in the face with hot poison fixing your PC. You will never have to apply a torch to your siezed up cpu. Your PC falling on you won't kill you. You will never have to replace your PC component in -15° weather.

I like fancy

You could easily have used geographical notions, and not bothered with the melatonin point. It even took a stretch to pull in colour into your point. If you drag evolutionary advantages of being white into a conversation, then you might be a racist.

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Interesting timing

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Zed seems cool, but not much better than other options. I am still kind of thrown off by the immediate GH/CoPilot integration. Am I the an old man left in the caves of feeling that I don't need the AI help?

Union jobs

Putin would disagree with ypu

A couple on there that I missed ... on my include list that is. Thanks.

Some of those have one post a week on a good week, so yer obviously trolling.

You might say that the China housing bubble has already popped. I haven't kept up over the last few weeks, but prices were plummeting weeks ago, and volume was massive.

If you didn't grow up with peanut butter, then it looks like diarrhea. The smell is quite strong as well.

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How did it work out?

I should have read the article first -- passphrases and pinentry are here

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While he doesn't care about anything 9ther than himself, I think that he such poor management skills that he doesn't know how to resolve any situation that you can't bully yourself out of.

A lot

Very auspicious

A single additional dime. The vast majority of their military is built on American dimes.

I am not sure that businesses like Boeing make risk decisions like that. You would think that they would only take a risk that they know they can win, but many times they take a risk and hope that the dice land their way. This would be lives at risk, with calculations assessed by people with very poor records with such assessments.

Check out this young un, who still has one day hangovers

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Signal, if you are looking for secure 1-1 and small-group chat & voice/video. Matrix if you are looking for community group chat stuff, like slack.

Can you give a reference please? Sounds like sermon quoting to me, they tend to have a ranting quality to them.

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How many ae there?

What was that comedy about a civil war between the states and Canada? John Candy IRCC

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Can you give us more detail about how that solves the problem?

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I am not as funny as I think I am.

I checked it out, and it seems awesome. I might even be able to reset my tablet, and not even login to my Google account.

Can anybody else vouch for unobtainium?

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Both parties feel that they have an incumbent.