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I was reading a blog post that talks about exactly how much the author is able to put in the public domain. My understanding is that Willingham has a fairly individualized contract with DC that he is grandfathered in on and is rather abnormal nowadays and gives him more control. DC has been trying to, as stated above, “reinterpret” that contract to give them more control.

Essentially, DC may own the rights to the individual products they published, but the world and characters Willingham created can be used outside of those in new or reimagined context.

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If the author no longer has passion for his OSS project, and isn’t being paid for it, why is he still working on it? Why should he feel responsible for companies building their processes on a free piece of software without guaranteed support? Why the heck is he sacrificing sleep for something he claims not to care about anymore? It sounds to me like he’s not living his values.

If compensation for volunteer work is mandated, it becomes less volunteer work and more of a part(or in some cases full)-time job. My understanding is that a core pillar of open source software is that anyone can contribute to it, which should make it easier for contributors to come and go. Based on the graph shown it would take more than a full-time job worth of money to meet his demand, which seems unlikely in any case, and it’s time for him to go. Either someone else will volunteer to pick up the slack, the companies using it will pay someone to pick up the slack like the author mentioned, or the software will languish, degrade, and stop being used.

I don’t see how any of those outcomes suggest that people need to be paid for the time they voluntarily give. I could get behind finding better ways to monetarily support those who do want to get paid, but “how could it be easier to pay OSS contributors after their passion is gone?” is a lot less provocative of a headline.

What they didn’t mention is that Baldur’s Gate is a Dungeons and Dragons franchise. DnD is magnitudes more popular than it was when BG2 released, to the point of being at worst nearly mainstream. What has sold people on BG3 is being able to play their tabletop game in video game form.

I do think Larian’s pedigree and the Baldur’s Gate name were contributors to its success, but if there was one driving factor it’s the brand recognition of DnD with the marketing of an AA to AAA game.

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Saying you were 13/14 when horse armor came out doesn’t help your case arguing against their comment. It just means you were prime gaming age when dlc, map packs, and smaller content were replacing larger expansions. The acceptance of those (which based on your demographic you probably did accept) made it easier to transition to more and more egregious micro transactions.

There used to be (maybe still are) complete games released on mobile. They usually cost $6.99 and didn’t need more. If they want Elden Ring on mobile without tarnishing its reputation, they could sell a complete experience for $10 or $15 since it’s been a decade since those $6.99 prices. That’s what Elden Ring was and it was widely praised. That’s what the rest of their games have done and that has turned out well for them.

There may be servers for the multiplayer, but based on the fact none of the other From Soft games charged for it the cost must be minimal.

30 seconds for what?

Yeah, but behind that wrong side is a valid person, and without a discussion you’ll never know how they ended up on that wrong side. Without knowing how they got there, you’ll never be able to sway them away from the wrong side and they will continue to be wrong.

I think everyone has something worth saying, but in the majority of cases I just don’t have the time, energy, or patience to get to that something.

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There is a caveat to this. It’s been a few years since I read the article, but oftentimes the reason Bitcoin miners run on renewables is because they set up shop in places that have established local cheap electricity.

The example in the article was a town with ideal geography for hydro power, to the point electricity was cheap enough to sell it to the next town over. Crypto-miners set up in the first town and quickly began using more power, driving up the cost and eventually causing serious issues for the second town as there wasn’t enough electricity leftover to send their way anymore.

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This is not a delay. They are updating the window from "Early 2023-24," which the article states is likely anytime this past year to the end of their fiscal year at the end of March to... "Q4 2023-24" which ends at the end of March. So there's no real change to when it could release by (yet).

It’s the perfect time to quit when they’re making it so easy!

I have a print hanging on my bedroom wall! It’s a very interesting picture.

Sure, same here, but how many of those did you pay $70 for less than two weeks after it released?

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No, there’s a Hidetaka Miyazaki now, the head of FromSoftware who is unrelated to Hayao Miyazaki as far as I know. It took me a while to figure that out.

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Hey thanks, I hate to see when those get misused. I don’t know how that flew over my head. Maybe their is something wrong with me.

Company A was created independently. In a sense, it owned itself. After a while Company A decided it needed capital or a close business partner. Company A told company B "We will sell you a 49% share of our company for capital and close business relations." Company B accepted. Now what happened to the other 51%? They're still with Company A, so we can say that Company A owns shares of itself.

This is partly true. While upvoting has some effect, boosting (at least on Kbin) has a much greater effect on sorting. For example, no comments were boosted on this thread, with Omgarm's 12 upvote comment below 1984's 42 upvote comment when using hot sorting. I boosted Omgarm's comment and it is now at the top of the page despite have less than half the upvotes.

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I definitely had that for a while. One thing that can help is going into your settings/preferences and clearing your Spotify cache. I believe the recommendations are at least partially based on data stored there, so clearing it can start a fresher record.

13 digit pins? You mean my phone number and birthdate?

It’s very cheesy, but for the 8 hour run I found a map seed online that starts you on a large island with little to no biter presence and all the necessary materials for a rocket. Doing so allowed me to focus only on building as quickly as possible.

It’s one of my favorite games, and now is a good time to play it! It gives me a similar feeling to Halo where humanity itself is on the backfoot and nearly extinct the whole time, yet enduring as best it can. The difference being that you’re controlling a city fighting the snowpocalypse rather than a cyber-soldier fighting aliens.

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It can be depending on what you like. You have a flying drone to help you that isn’t in multiplayer because there you all have different abilities to cover each others’ weaknesses.

Personally I think single-player gets stale and lonely quick, it’s just a lot more fun panicking and overcoming challenges with friends.

Tatsu from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a really annoying little dude. I watched my buddy play through and every time he said anything he’d tell the tv “shut up Tatsu.” It’s arguably more aggravating because the game seems aware of his annoyance since one of the main characters is constantly suggesting she cook him into a dish to eat. I’d say that would be the best outcome.

I think the difference is that a card is more of a gesture than a discussion like in texts. They’re a way to show that you’ve gone out of your way to acknowledge something card-worthy. Texts are a discussion between both people.

I do think there’s more genuine expression from selecting a card that seems right than running with what an AI suggests, especially since cards are (hopefully) written by an actual person considering the occasion. That and you can always add a personal note to a store bought card as well.

Overall though, it kind of feels like an apples to oranges comparison.

Who tells the people instructing the computers how the book keeping should be done if not the book keepers?

This song has merged in my brain with the opening song for TMNT: Back to the Sewer from the mid-2000’s. That opening has a bit that goes “back, back to the sewer.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” that lines up so well with the Power Rangers theme here that I always hear it internally as “go go Power Rangers.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!”

I dug up the original article: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/03/09/bitcoin-mining-energy-prices-smalltown-feature-217230/

In this case, they already were exporting 80% of the hydro-energy generated, about enough to power Los Angeles in 2018 when it was written. Maybe there are some cases for your suggestion on a small scale, but if a site is generating enough excess electricity to make mining worthwhile, why would it be less worthwhile to connect it to a larger grid?

There's a sentence in the article I linked to in another comment that, in the city the article was about, there were data centers for Microsoft and similar companies that had required high-speed internet infrastructure be built in town despite its small size. I suppose, based on what you said, that speed wouldn't be too essential but you would want stability to maintain a connection. Satellite internet probably wouldn't be great for that (maybe Starlink is?) in which case you still want to run some kind of cable.

Hey now, I understood that reference and I’m.. only.. 27.

30 years draws ever nearer.

Imagine you have a big board on your front lawn where people can come to write stuff and respond to others on the board. This board is an instance.

Your neighbor has their own board, which they have “federated” with yours. Messages from your board can show up on their board, and people there can write on those messages same as ones native to that board.

You can federate with them so their stuff shows on your board, or defederate if you don’t like the people there.

Anyone with the ability to make a board can have one federated with other boards to make a really big web of boards, but to a person looking at your lawn’s board it feels like one big one.

But who will they find to play Norman Reedus?!

If a large chunk of their production is exported the market could be influenced to reduce the amount they can export, such as expanding US chip production to replace Chinese imports. Then their industries would be less profitable and have to spend time scaling down to meet the lower demand, which would also reduce their capacity to develop.

I think that fits between one extreme and another?

I’ll concede there’s probably something to miners footing the initial capital to build the infrastructure, and if it’s in a remote area it may be prohibitively expensive for public utilities to extend the grid to it. But mining setups still require high internet speed connections to use the network, and I just have to wonder if installing that is a better use of resources than installing power lines to take some load off non-renewable power sources.

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Tatsu from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a really annoying little dude. I watched my buddy play through and every time he said anything he’d tell the tv “shut up Tatsu.” It’s arguably more aggravating because the game seems aware of his annoyance since one of the main characters is constantly suggesting she cook him into a dish to eat. I’d say that would be the best outcome.