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It's a 3D first person game instead of a 2D isometric, and most of the differences stem from that. More manual building (they added blueprints but I don't know how good they are), infinite resource sources which means setting up a mining outpost is permanent. Much less focus on fighting wildlife, though that is present.

Overall, it's a much more relaxing, slower paced game than Factorio. Both are good at different aspects of the same thing.

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I agree with most of the suggestions here, and I’ll also throw out Tropico 6. It’s one of the few coty builders outside of Frostpunk where the soundtrack actively pulls me into the experience. It’s also fun building up an island balancing between investing in economic growth, citizen happiness to get reelected, or military/oppression methods so you don’t have to get elected.

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One of my philosophy professors described philosophy as a bunch of people trying to convince themselves they’re not nuts.

Humbling? That’s going on in my head. I’m that complicated! Or at least the “hardware” I run on is. I think having a brain that beautifully complex is more empowering than anything! I wonder what new discoveries will stem from this.

That's not what they're suggesting. If it was a tight race and candidate A got 13,000 votes while candidate B got 11,000, both candidates would "win." Their voting power would just be proportional to their votes. In a way, it would be more representative than what you're saying, because how it works now is that the 11,000 people voting for candidate B wouldn't have any representation at all.

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No, a therapist will not give you money. What they could do is identify why you don’t have the money you need, then help you plan and execute the steps to accomplish your goal. If your goal is more money, I’d guess they would ask you if you are looking for a higher-paying job, then discuss what steps you can take to improve that process, with a focus on mental hurdles you may not even realize you’re putting in your way.

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How did you decide on $1,000,000? That seems very low.

If I deciphered their words correctly, I think they said they prefer to write while experiencing brain fog-like effects, so you may not be far off.

There are several good total conversions for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. Star Trek Armada 3 is the most complete overhaul I’ve played for it. I’m a big fan of Halo spaceships and the Sins of the Prophets mod is the closest thing I’ve seen capture the asynchronous battle between UNSC and Covenant ships. There are others for Star Wars and Stargate that I hear are good, but I have not tried them.

While I agree that there needs to be some big growth in portable batteries like those in EVs, there are options for cities. Since they wouldn’t need to move, heavier and denser batteries become feasible. I’ve heard good things about molten salt batteries.

What I was trying to say is that if you already have a job above your qualifications, which my understanding is you do, you can use your experience in that job as a qualification for future jobs. Maybe I did a poor job of saying that.

If I want to gain more qualifications but never actually spend time working on them, if I want a better resume but never even look up a phone number to call, do you think a therapist could help me get moving on those things I want to do?

It looks a lot like Dying Light in terms of parkour. If it has an open map/open world design, I hope it scratches the same itch.

Yes, in the hypothetical scenario where you are applying for positions but not hearing back and it has become frustrating, my theoretical therapist might suggest you get in touch with someone specialized in helping with that, and then if you continue to not do so while stressing over the state of your resume their job would be to help you take that step.

Evidently that’s not your problem, which I could not be aware of, being a stranger on the internet before your explanation of your situation. Sorry my example did not perfectly address your situation.

I don’t know how a therapist would react to your circumstances of being able to make more money but still not making enough because that is rather foreign to me, but I can tell you one thing. If you are holding down a job above your credentials, you are no longer holding down a job above your credentials, you are now holding down a job at your current level of credentials and I would recommend updating your papers to reflect that.

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No, the steps would probably be more along the lines of refreshing your resume, maybe setting up an appointment to have it professionally reviewed, getting a habit of applying for jobs going, stuff that materially contributes to having more money. A therapist might tell you that overthrowing the rich is a little too vague a plan to actually act on.

I specifically said higher-paying instead of a “better” job because it’s not necessarily going to be a more fun or world-improving position. But if money is what you need and the job you apply for has a higher pay rate than the one you have now it will likely lead to you having more money, regardless of the greater economic climate.

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