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Joined 13 months ago

A couple others, if MPD looks appealing, are Navidrome and Mopidy.

Unfortunately, it's not many of us. A lot of folks don't even not buy games that aren't good, if they're heavily marketed.

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Probably in a gas chamber, the way things are headed.

Holy shit, Wisconsin did something right!

To be fair, they aren't journalists. They're a privacy-centric mail provider that is warning their customers.

I'd say at least he only has 7% of the GOP vote, but the alternatives are so much worse. He's pretty much their Biden, at this point. Hell, we don't even know if he believes this garbage. The fact that so many people are beating the drums about things they don't even believe, for the sake of winning over demographics, is truly terrifying.

This would be great if I could actually use it in AOSP without Google's own app, and view/reply to RCS conversations on my laptop using a 3rd party application. Open the APIs, Google, or you're just blowing hot air.

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My big takeaway from this thread is that, wow, people actually use that feature. I use OneNote at work, and I absolutely loathe that if I click a bit too low, I end up outside my note.

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Yes, everyone who doesn't align with your political view is facist. That in itself doesn't sound facist at all, does it?

We need to not just be careful about what some horrible people are doing right now, but also about what we become as we react to it.

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This isn't a phone focused product, and the thermal envelope is quite a bit larger. It's meant for laptops, and maybe some tablets will see it. These are Oryon cores from their purchase of Nuvia, and I don't think a whole lot will transfer over.

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I'm much more worried about the social implications. Namely, the displacement of workers and introduction of new efficiencies to workflows, continuing to benefit only those who are rich and in power, and driving more of us towards poverty.

It's not an immediate existential threat, but it's absolutely a serious issue that we aren't paying enough attention to.

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Slackware. In its early days, fine, it's been around forever. But a modern distribution without dependency handling is just nuts to me.

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There are so many traveling kids out there. The types who sell wrapped stones and hemp bags at street festivals, drifting in and out of communal living situations, camps, etc.

I flirted with all that when I was younger, still think about just taking off in my car sometimes. Ok, a lot of the time. It's pretty tempting for a lot of us to just say fuck it, and drop out of society and into a counter culture, or a nice intentional community.

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Check the status of Asahi Linux, they're making a lot of progress on Apple silicon, but it's very early. I wouldn't recommend it, at this point.

Do you actually need 64GB of RAM? The Thinkpad T16 AMD would be a good choice, but the T14s AMD has just stupidly low fan noise in Notebookcheck's review. You definitely want to focus on AMD, Intel's efficiency is... not great right now. As an added benefit, you get AMD graphics from the APU, so none of the Nvidia driver fuckery, and better performance than Intel.

Personally, I'm waiting for the T14s Gen 4 AMD. The 7840u is zen 4, GCN 3, and TSMC 4nm over the 6850u's zen 3, GCN2, and TSMC 6nm. The T14 and T16 just hit Lenovo's model database 'psref' earlier this week, so I'd expect them out in the next couple months. The T14s hasn't been seen yet, I'd guess it hits psref in the next couple weeks. But, I'm prepared to wait into Q4, if need be, and some think I will be.

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removing the ability for an aide to read and summarize legislation for an incumbent.

Make the fuckers pass a comprehension quiz before they vote on anything.

It’s aggressive marketing. Or unfair marketing.

I believe the technical term is "horseshit"

Configuring local software vs delegating to a web service

They're rounding it in the wrong plane. They should make it thicker, with a rounded back that flattens enough to sit without rocking. The Palm Pre, and the Nexus S and original Moto X were spiritual successors in my mind, was designed after how a river stone is pleasant in your hand.

Obviously the phone would have to be smaller, for that to work. But it would also allow a larger battery and flush camera.

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Oh well, I guess I'll return the Pixel 8 I just ordered.

Nah, I'll just install Calyx, and invite Sundar to suck my dick.

Wait, those aren't supposed to be used to fix flat tires?

I live in Wisconsin, and it blows my mind how many people claim to take pride in our dairy heritage, and then turn around and eat fake cheese.

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Only if they're gay, have mental health issues, or are Jewish.

Let's do congress next.

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Exactly my thinking for Horizon. These studios are pumping so much money into mechanics and graphics, I wish they would put similar resources into story and lore.

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How is it not so simple, when all that still falls under them being anti-competitive assholes?

Consumer based regulation only works when consumers care enough to have a sense of dignity about it.

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I really don't see the problem with honesty in product marketing, aside from the fact that it should be 100% and not limited to artificial meat products. That said, a ban doesn't seem like the best idea, because it limits your ability to describe the product. How do you describe artificial spare ribs concisely, without being able to say the words "spare" and "ribs" together?

And just because artificial meat isn't indistinguishable from the real thing at the moment doesn't mean:

  1. Manufacturers aren't dressing up the packaging in a way that makes it difficult to tell the difference. And not even necessarily in order to be deceitful, but rather to make it look appealing, and get more people to try it.
  2. When you're tired, and hungry, and just want to get back home from a shopping trip, you accidentally choose the wrong package because the identifiers don't stand out sufficiently. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally bought something with artificial sweetener, after staring right at the two options, and registering that I don't want the one.

I wish we could just get past the loud, over the top design language of literally everything. Every time I leave the house, it's an assault on my senses, everywhere I turn.

But not too short, or he'd end up being Ron DeSantis.

I used to recommend Anolon, but unfortunately they discontinued their enameled cast iron. I much prefer the slightly rough, black enamel style of Staub. I find it sears much better, at the cost of being a bit tricky to keep clean.

You can often find sales on individual Le Creuset and Staub pans on Amazon, bringing them down to around $100. I do have my eye on a Le Creuset skillet that has a black enamel.

All-Clad often has individual D3 pans on sale on their site, and they regularly have factory seconds and packaging damage on sale at https://homeandcooksales.com/. You can subscribe and get notified when they have an event, they don't go overboard with emails.

Don't feel like you need to buy everything at once, or even stick to one brand. You might get a 9" skillet here from All-Clad, see a Fissler Original-Profi sauce pot on sale there. Then decide you want to splurge on a saucier, because a saucier is worth splurging on, from Falk when they have a 15% sale. There's something to be said for having the bulk of your collection from a single brand for the sake of lid interoperability, but there's also something to be said for sniping the best in class for each piece when you find a deal.

Just don't buy sets, it's a sure way to get stuck with pans you don't really use.

Yeah, trying to use either a soft keyboard for that, or a tablet keyboard while lounging on the couch.

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Hell, even if you don't travel. You never know when something nasty is going to get loose on your network. Especially since most folks have some IoT things, and don't bother to properly isolate them.

Well, it's not something you just institute overnight. Just like with communism, if you try that you'd end up with a pretty big mess, because people will manipulate the framework for their own personal gains. Instead it's something you work towards slowly, through education and efforts to balance the system until it's not really needed anymore.

The keys always have to be:

  1. People legitimately caring about their neighbors, and supporting each other through good times and bad
  2. People working towards progress for the sake of progress and their community, not for personal gain

Our actions weave into the fabric of society, and future generations are formed from that same fabric. It takes time to shift how our nature manifests into actual behavior.

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Huh, I never heard of that one, I knew they licensed iOS.


I'm surprised Cisco let iPhone go so easily, considering the immediate popularity of the brand when Apple released theirs.

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Actually iOS, not iPhone. I think if it were iPhone itself, an actually marketed product from either Apple or Cisco, it would have ended a bit differently. But in both cases, it was just iOS, the operating system of the marketed products.

In both cases, iOS was a selling point of the product, but not the product itself.

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And let's not forget porn.

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I forgot to turn off the stove with some pork and sauerkraut on low heat, and went out drinking. Many hours later I came back to a smoke filled house, with a pot filled with solid charcoal that ended up in the trash because I just couldn't get it clean enough. I had to trash a couple things in the cabinets above the stove, because I couldn't get the smoke taste out.

More recently, I preheated a pan too much to sear a steak. I always wondered what kind of idiot starts a grease fire, now I know. The avocado oil took about 5 seconds to ignite, and it ended up destroying a splatter screen I'd set on the pan from the rapid temperature change. Luckily I remembered to cover the fire to put it out.

You would be very very wrong, since I hardly use my phone.

But to your point, a soft keyboard is very different for conversational input that autocorrect and predictive typing excels at, and command entry and scripting where syntax is critical and you aren't really typing in English or some other language.

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It's annoying enough that Netflix removes my account and watched history, after I go a few months without the service. But I still deal with it a couple times a year. This... this makes me just want to never touch anything Ubisoft ever again.

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No, it's a dangerous, generalized statement that if you're against what the far right is doing, you have to align with what we stand for. If not, you're the far right. That is literally what it's saying, and folks might add on some stuff in their head when they interpret it, or some additional hidden intention when they utter it. But ultimately, it will distill down to the literal meaning.

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Maybe it's not on sale everywhere, but it's the same price as a 256GB Pixel Tablet for twice the RAM, twice the storage, and full Linux instead of Android.

Tablets are traditionally a closed design, with the OS tightly locked down. Even if that price were high, which I'd challenge it's not aside from the CPU choice (probably by necessity), there's bound to be a bit of a premium for early devices to a niche market.

Too late, I now have "GNU/Linux+Steam" stuck in my neck beard, ready to be spewed forth at every opportunity.

Time to invest in coffee.