Joe B

0 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

@KillaBeez I think we are to used to reddit. You can always sort by new and comments sorting by comments and is interesting.

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@phil299 You realize that the only way through this is to talk about it right? It’s like breaking up with someone you are with for years then they just f up and try to forgive them but it’s too late

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@Nogami Sweet yes I updated my Bio on reddit to point to lemmy and Mastodon. I'm happy here

@dreamsindigital01 @andobando Remember yahoo chat rooms? :P Me and my Ex would use them all the time to stay in communication when she was alive. Many years ago

@Nogami @Jessica You realize that id you delete your account that has all that content the comments and post will be there but the author will say ,[deleted] nobody will know it came from you only reddit will know

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@1chemistdown @AnotherPerson Boost is like a retweet on Twitter it shares to your own followers on your instance and upvote is like Reddit. You like there post comment/reply

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@lethalfeline I just dropped all subs I moderate one with 73k u/spez kileed reddit. I'm in the process of leaving reddit as a whole

@Barack_Ollama @crius All of them. Jeroba, Lemmy website on mobile, lemmy Desktop and mastodon. Why cause i can. Thanks for opening my eyes Third-party apps

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@focusedkiwibear @Graphine After I get all the photos/video from my sub on Reddit I will be handing it over to one of my mods. I'm done with Reddit no matter what happens. Long live the Fedeverse

@c2h6 @nieceandtows They are fixing it should be fixed in next update. To make your feed fun sort by new post and sort by new comments. Makes everything so nice.

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@Zardoz Deleting my Reddit account after 6 years and learning about the fediverse for the first time. I’m never going back to Reddit

@DM_Gold Come June 30th the fedeverse is gonna explode 😁

@Andreas @sebovzeoueb They new going into this that they would be federated. They waited to get enough people then do stuff like this. People will leave then as there content will get old fast. They sell realize like reddit that people want to be able to search and find new content

@Ignacio @WhoRoger I'm from Cali and yes it's ghetto way of saying California. It's a California thing 😁

@zalack @MicroWave I went to today to see what the fuss is all about. Looks just like reddit lol. And it's so clean

@Dymonika @rimlogger Give it some time. Took Reddit 13 years. Mastodon and lemmy are gaining traction. We got to get out of the Reddit mentality to every break free

@ruud Any news when it will be you and running?

@kobra @AnotherPerson @1chemistdown Yep the boost is only for Mastodon. The upvote is on the instance. You have to manually go there and upvote it. Mastsdon and other instances can only comment, reply and view post. You can't create, upvote etc..

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@Dusty @NotBadAndYou Twitter and Reddit are a dumpster fire. Only difference is that Twitter knows already and Reddit is slowly finding out!

@solidgrue Prosecutors are suppose to look or glare/stare at the defendant how else would you acknowledge he is there? That website is clickbait and want's you to believe that Trump was shaking in his boots

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@plumbercraic @lemmyworld But can you exit vim? That's the real question😁

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@joeygibson @IncidentalIncidence u/spez literally looks like he could lick Elon's boots

@z2k_ Holy crap that's amazing. I might need to pull my iPhone out of the drawer

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@Rick look for an Android app here and you should be fine. The scrolling is cause of the site specifically. The apps control it

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@onlyforthisair I don't think you can. It's like I'm commenting on mastadon to you on you can only see and search communities and subscribe to them and see the comments and post coming from them. the front page is all the communities you subbed to. just like reddit

@Goathound @Hurts @Izzent Maybe he was over here a long time ago. Went to reddit. Saw all the popular communities and Created all of them. I would signup for another instance, create the community you want. then link everyone. enough people then they will get bigger then the one on instance. Worth a shot

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@Puffymumpkins @Fizz You might just have to search for I tried the link it worked on the website but not on my instance. I do see it, it has 4 followers

@ulu_mulu Yep. I'm that type of person though, if I do something and really like it i will research it as much as I can so I have no question that i'm doing something. Like a self validation thing. Have you seen this yet I just found it. I'm blown away how big the fedeverse is compared to what we know how. I didn't even know it existed until the blackout on Reddit

@sdrawk @GatoB Welcome. We gotta make fedeverse bigger and better then Reddit!

@hugz @kiriakos
What do you mean as good as dead. I lf you haven't noticed committed are popping up left and right. Give it sometime and the fedeverse will supass Reddit. It just doesn't look like it right now

@CannaVet Wow, Glad you are here now. lemmy, The Fedeverse gotta be the future.

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@dragontamer My bad I didn't know what you meant. I didn't know that they defederated also m people will probably leave beehaw now cause they want to communicate with everyone

e: Found it here Thanks for letting me know. Now i know i have to unfollow them

@ulu_mulu True. There needs to be a user friendly community. I don't know why somebody hasn't created one yet. I've only been here since June 12th cause of the blackout but i'm here to stay.

e: I admit reddit had r/help and r/newreddit

That's what i'm gonna miss about Reddit. I've been on reddit 6 years I still get stumped and got to ask questions in r/help

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@DaughterOfMars True that. I did my own research and now know what the fediverse is about and wish I didn’t jus blindly follow people. I could have joined an instance of what I liked. Oh well lesson learned. There needs to be a faq about the fediverse before people just come.

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@Cameri I came to Android to use rif for reddit. It's gone now and now i'm using the mastodon app chatting with everyone on and other instances. I have a main account on but i just use it to moderate my sub check my notifications and that's about it. I really like my S23 though

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@Hedup Yep. They defederated yesterday.

@Lemmy @anuckols On Mastodon you can just type in the name and press enter and it finds everyone with that instance. Normally though you would type @name@instance.something in search and you can find who or what your looking for. Works like that on lemmy

@100_kg_90_de_belin @arefx That's actually very funny and kinda creepy

@wecalledhimmavis @TipRing Once they get rid of old reddit then I'm gone completely. Old reddit makes reddit bareable. I prefer mastodon and lemmy now. Only been on since the 12th and can say both are hands down better then Reddit