
2 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you answer "yes", you just might be repeating the whisper of a demon."

So, wait... people who have a competing world view from yours are listening to demons? Now who's naive? xD

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Seems like we found turtle's ball licker's Kbin account!

I want to speak with Spez's manager!

Yup. Agree with everything OP said. Been saying it since last week. The 48-hour blackout wasn't going to kill Reddit. Hell, if all 8,000 subreddits had gone with indefinite blackouts, it likely wouldn't have killed Reddit either. The fallout from Reddit's decisions, and their response to the community, is going to take months, and probably even years, to really be visible.

I've been on Reddit for more than 10 years. I started using Reddit regularly after Digg went to shit. I've seen the drama, controversies, and protests that previously have taken place on Reddit. But what's been going on the last couple of weeks, I haven't seen before. As I mentioned in another comment, this is the first time I've seen a concerted effort to find alternatives, not just for a few undesirables (i.e. Voat), but for the community as a whole.

Yeah, the communities here are not going to be nearly as active as they were on Reddit, but people want communities, and just having a friendly place to gather will be enough to slowly attract others.

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The thing here is that we haven't really seen what the actual fallout from Reddit's decision is going to be.... and we probably won't for a few months, at least (or until they do their IPO, whatever happens first).

What will be a better indicator is how many 3rd party app users end up switching to the official app on July 1, and if they don't, how big of a dent they make in the volume and quality of contribution and moderation. Enough decline in contribution and moderation is going to result in less community engagement, but that's something that will take a while to really be noticeable.

As far as the blackout, I think it's a little disingenuous to say that a "two-day blackout" that lasted, checks notes, two days was a failure. Nobody realistically expected that the blackout would kill Reddit, or permanently cripple the site. Yeah, we hoped that'd bring Reddit to the table, willing to be more reasonable, which hasn't really happened; but also, now there's a whole community and team of moderators coordinating further actions, and new responses. The main goal of the blackout was to raise awareness of these issues, and I'm pretty sure that's been raised.

Furthermore, the consequences of Reddit's decisions and policies (not only this month, but for the last couple of years) are going to be felt in the following years, not days of weeks. While I love my 3rd party app of choice (RiF), and wouldn't browse Reddit on the official, I'd still have old.reddit + RES + toolbox to keep me sane for a while; however, me and others are more concerned about the long-term consequences of Reddit going all-in on monetization-only decisions, that don't consider the well-being of, or negative consequences to, the community. That's why I'm 95% sure, at this point, that I'll be deleting my Reddit account this month. Not because of RiF, or the official app, or the porn subreddits; but because I see this as a turning point of the admins of the site completely forgetting the principles of, as the EFF put it in the article, "free and open internet", in order to please investors and chase a good IPO.

I don't remember seeing a single person objecting.

Depends on where you look, I suppose.

We did a poll in r/snowboarding (a subreddit that it's in its off-season, and currently just frequented by our most "loyal" users) about whether to continue the blackout, and after two days of voting, it was literally a 50-50 split, and the majority of the comments were against the blackout. On the week before the blackout, the vast majority of support was there for the 48 hour blackout. If we'd done that same poll in February, I have a feeling that the majority would have voted to not continue the blackout. In that sense, I don't think spaz is too far off the mark.

What the lying piece of corporate crap is ignoring is the fact that alternatives have grown considerably, traffic has gone down, and entire mod teams are quitting in protest. Reddit is going to be around for many many years, but this is the first time that I see a true push to create something different, not just for a few undesirables (i.e. Voat), but for the larger community in general.

I'm gonna set up an instance just for my multiple personalities. What could go wrong?

That argument doesn't hold under scrutiny. Reddit employs about 80 people on their iOS development team. And the app blows fucking chunks, compared to Apollo, which was made by one guy.

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Search is currently wonky. You can wait a few day for it to be fixed, or you can go to https://karab.in/magazines and use the search bar there. Anything without and @ is hosted in your own instance, and the ones with the @ sign will have the instance they're from after the middle @. For example, this thread should show as @ fediverse @ kbin.social, because you're actually replying to a post on kbin.social :)

the articles from The Verge seem to be very favorable towards the protestors

Because that's what's driving traffic for them right now. Let's not forget that The Verge is also a soulless corporate entity. Peters has been doing a good job at covering the issues, but he wouldn't be allowed to be as thorough if the topic and angle wasn't a good driver of traffic.

Yes, go to yourkbininstance.com/magazines, and in the search bar there type [at]example[at]kbin.social, and you can subscribe there.

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As a Mexican, I am very disturbed by this question. It's not stupid (that doesn't exist in this community), it's just disturbing xD

No, a tamale is not a noodle. Noodles don't have fillings, are longer, and thinner. It's like asking if ravioli is a noodle.

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m/AskKbin is entertaining, and there's obviously m/news. I've also subscribed to m/fediverse, to keep up with news specific to that.

And if I'm allowed a little self-promotion, check out m/snowboarding, if you've ever been curious about strapping a piece of wood to your feet and flinging yourself down a mountain xD

Rebel Galaxy is an exploration/open world-ish space game with weird controllers but a pretty fun gameplay. You get to fine-tune different classes of ships with a variety of weapons, shields, engines, etc. while completing missions to earn money and earn reputation with different factions.

It's basically Sid Meier's Pirates, but in space and with a modern look. I found it highly entertaining.

There are admins who are listed as mods in some subreddits, even if they probably don't do any moderation these days. Spez is a mod of r/HighQualityGifs, for example.

I used to be a mod on r/snowboarding. I'm leaving Reddit, and today I purged my account, and left the mod team over there.

I created https://kbin.social/m/snowboarding/ a few days ago, if anyone wants to contribute to it.

Obviously, June is a terrible month to try and entice people to join a snow-related community, but that's how things happen sometimes, haha.

Think of it as the people in Lemmy being Outlook users, and the people on Kbin being Gmail users. They're just different flavors of the same thing (Reddit-like link aggregators, in this case).

And, as you already know, as a user of one you can interact with the other, and vice versa.

A very deep hole to go into

For sure. Make sure to support them, if and when you can!

Yeah, I think that's what happened. We did it Fediverse! :D

Honestly, as a kid, the first time I beat the Elite Four in the original Pokemon Blue. I felt like I could accomplish anything, at that moment xD

At least from my quick test right now, it limits your home page to posts within kbin.social. Not sure if it works the other way around, too, preventing your posts from going out into the fediverse.

This was my first thought, too. That game is so incredible, and the suicide mission is such a wonderful way to bring it all together.

I assume that's how OP's debate of how many holes a human had ended up being about straws: someone argued that the mouth and the anus are just one hole

What Kbin magazine are you trying to subscribe to? And in what instance?

That's because whoever wrote the article doesn't really know how Reddit works

To add a bit more context, this comment is from a former Reddit dev, who is now the creator and developer of Tildes, one of the Reddit alternatives that's been gaining traction in the last week:

(I used to work as a backend developer at Reddit - I left 6 years ago but I doubt the way things work has changed much)

I think it's extremely unlikely that this is deliberate. The way that Reddit builds "mixed" subreddit listings (where you see posts from multiple subreddits, like users' front pages) is inefficient and strange, and relies heavily on multiple layers of caches. Having so many subreddits private with their posts inaccessible has never happened before, and is probably causing a bunch of issues with this process.

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That's a feature, not a bug. If you find a worthwhile discussion, and have something to bring to it, just do it. No need to marry yourself to just the one instance. That's the beauty of federation, really.

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Will Kbin communities eventually show up in those explorers? Right now, it seems like nothing from Kbin is. I assume that's because federation was just turned back on very recently?

I think it's, like, 50-50. Even with the blackout, I've seen a bunch of morons on Reddit trying to usurp moderation by being admin bootlickers and requesting a subreddit. It's always kinda surprising what people are willing to do for fake internet points, and being "in charge" of something.

What I'd do is hover over the OPs name, or go into the post and check the URL. Yeah, it's different than what you're probably used to, but so is any new platform. It just takes some time to get familiar with it.