
0 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago
  1. putting paywalled content onto the internet, where you let bots look at it but try to prevent humans from being able to see it, is plain evil.
  2. NYT lied to get us into Iraq, and countless other times, they are pure evil
  3. NYT did not contribute to the building of the internet in any way. but they see it as their god given right to take the hard work of the nerds they hate and use to make millions of dollars for themselves, while giving nothing back
  4. nobody here seems to understand the difference between a USER AGENT and a BOT. If i ask my web browser to fetch me a web page, that browser is my user agent. of course it does not respect the robots policy. same thing if i ask an LLM to fetch a page for me. that LLM is my user agent, not a bot in this case. NYT is mad because they let all bot-like user agents in, they want to be indexed after all. of course here again we see where NYT wants the benefit of internet resources like being in the search index, but they want to give nothing back and make the actual human people suffer by degrading their experience on the web

i did the work to validate. it definitely is, lady is pretty funny

this fucking guy

but taking credit for others' work is how executives get ahead in the modern corporate hellscape! how else are they supposed to get promoted? working?!

Windows updates used to be seen as upgrades. I remember getting Win95 to run on my 386 with 8MB of RAM (which my buddy said wouldn't be able to handle it). I was so stoked to have it working because 95 had so many improvements over 3.1. Of course each release had its issues but after some service packs they were usually pretty good.

Maybe it started with Windows ME, but it definitely was in full effect by Vista, where new releases became downgrades. XP was the last great version, when I had to move on from that everything started getting much worse UX-wise.

This is my new favorite phrase!

correct me if I'm wrong, but literally the first 3nm computing devices to land in consumer's greedy paws. 12-atom wide transistors. what a SLAP IN THE FACE

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isn't it funny how humans will end up using a trillion times more energy so that the calculator can be less reliable, but acts like a person

because they aren't a smelly nerd ig

VW really marketed their way into every feed on every site by making a big deal about... putting buttons in their cars. All hail our corporate overlords, who give us our buttons and dominate our feeds.

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is there a non-shitty alternative to use that anyone could recommend? would be really interested.

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now your bill will increase to make up for it

shut up!

/s lol

look how they massacred my boy

nassim taleb calls it "over-platonification," expecting everything to meet some platonic ideal. it is absolutely pervasive. this is another great example of it

this just in: kids are worse than adults at stuff! wow!

๐Ÿ’ฏ% accurate. funny how the typescript developer thinks this is some kind of "gotcha!"... like maybe just try a language besides typescript and find out for yourself ๐Ÿ˜†

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spoiler warning: it wonโ€™t

so it's about 20% more for walking based on those numbers.

i would definitely take the breathing! there's been too many times i couldn't walk, that's only going to increase as i age.

imagine getting in a bad car crash the day after starting the walking deal, both legs are broken. now, you are broke two ways! it's like adding insult to injury. that would be the worst feeling in the world.

when it comes down to "enough money to never need to work" vs "enough money to never need to work +20%, with extra risk if you get injured" i'll take the safe bet every time

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remember to re-use failed product names!

yeah a whole extra table is basically rocket science lol

and then boom congratulations you just reinvented time zones except worse, & everyone's gonna do their own way and they're all gonna be slightly different.

but at least your code will be simpler. oh, wait...

i like when my strongly typed language can type itself, why should i have to type extra words because the compiler is stupid?

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the first time someone not expecting this surge pricing finds out they have to pay more because it's lunch time, they will not be coming back to wendys ever again

i might have some bad news for you

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yeah i hated that move. XP was so much better than 7. they went really bland, moved all the most useful quick controls, started the process of destroying the control panel... ugh

Quite humorous

damn, this place is way better than reddit already

and it's only $40,000 to repair a bumper dent! such value!


sad tire

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thanks! I'm lucky today!!

how would they even monetize that? so basic

thanks for reminding me of those. it gave me a laugh to think about people holding those worthless things

"sir this carbon fiber is expired so it can't be used"


"that's just a suggestion. they have to put that. it's still good!"

Arkose does log-in protection for Roblox (and others but that's the one I'm familiar with) where the user has to do something like rotate a picture before logging in.

APAB. Fucking bullshit!

how would you know ahead of time? mostly (in USA at least) you donโ€™t get a choice. when you join a job if they have a union you have to join, even if its corrupt. how can you prevent them from becoming corrupt?

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what babies crave!

seriously, are you gonna baptize that baby in toilet water?!

do you happen to have a link for that image? would love to post it myself ๐Ÿ˜…


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