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Joined 1 years ago

Pretty vague question.

One assumption that "mathy types" like to make is that the slope be negative-proportional to how far the value (not slope) is from the desired target value... and then you get an exponential decay (buzzword). But there are lots of other assumptions one could make... some of which lead to PID control (buzz; very mathy stuff).

But these days you could use a neural net (buzz; so mathy they don't usually pretend to understand what the NN "learns") or fuzzy logic (buzz; which is ideally intuitive but has many surprisingly mathy assumptions) to make the behavior nonlinear and go to the desired result much faster... so really, there are many many possible answers. Maybe you can watch some ELI5 videos about these buzzwords and refine your question?

While I can understand you wanting autosave on in your situation, I much prefer autosave off because I often open files to see what is in them and do not want to automatically modify them just because I accidentally hit a key and delete it. Automatically changing stuff is a choice you should have to make, not a feature that I have to race to disable.

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Functions don't return... equals goto. Everything must be done by side effects... all variables are global. Global state mutation is inheritance... no grok. Every call is non-blocking and spawns a new thread... atomic bomb for junior software engineers.

??? ... shorting the stock of the company that adopts this.


Jesus. The initial transient used to be about 3%, but now is under 1% for most product being sold. It was never near 20%.

But that doesn't stop idiots from saying "we have optimizers" and installing them in the shade or facing north and acting surprised when they underperform.

Using sudo when it isn't necessary, and the real cannon: sudo su.. Adding sudo to your command lines indiscriminately causes files you create to be owned by root even though they are in your home directory, and then you end up using sudo to make changes to the files... and then the filesystem permissions cannot prevent you from successfully running an accidental "sudo rm -rf /" command.

Seriously... sudo is not a "habit" to develop in order to avoid dealing with filesystem permissions problems.

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Bullshit. That is like saying adding more lanes to a freeway will reduce traffic congestion... it just encourages more deforestation.

If the fertility in a rainforest is in the biomass, learning to live with that biomass in place will be necessary if people are to live there. But there were very few people there before people started their land grab.. it may not be possible even when the biomass is restored.

If the rainforest is valued for the ecological impact it has, then it is more likely that people will have to move out. Not attractive to the people who already moved in, but when they are starving then they will eventually migrate away anyway, and keeping them there with false promises to make cleared land usable will only make things worse.

Samba is a pipe of sorts... those settings only apply to files created using that pipe.

SSH is a different pipe, with different configuration. I think you need to modify the umask of the user connecting via ssh and/or add them to a samba group.

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Noob question?

You do seem confused though... Debian is both a distribution and a packaging system... the Debian Stable distribution takes a very conservative approach to updating packages, while Debian Sid (unstable) is more up-to-date while being more likely to break. While individual packages may be more stable when fully-updated, other packages that depend on them generally lag and "break" as they need updating to be able to adapt to underlying changes.

But the whole reason debian-based distros exist is because some people think they can strike a better balance between newness and stability. But it turns out that there is no optimal balance that satifies everyone.

Mint is a fine distro... but if you don't like it, that is fine for you too. The only objection I have to your objection is that you seem to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater... the debian packaging system is very robust and is not intrinsically unlikely to be updated.

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Yup. Circle the wagons! If ya ain't with us then you agin' us! Don't criticize me! And don't tell me to think! If ya hit my knee, I gonna kick! Twitch

FWIW I have been running with a whitelist for about 15 years. Kind of a calm feeling to enter a new site every couple of weeks and ignore the busy scripts by default. To each their own.

Way too late for that. Every language I know makes some kind of auto conversion for numeric comparisons... and sometimes for strings as well.

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Did you check ownership and permissions for .profile?

There are two wrong sides here... so it can be difficult to predict what anyone will lean further away from. Beware of assuming that means they are leaning toward the other side though.

NPR sez Florida law would disallow him voting, but he wasn't convicted in Florida, so they defer to the law in the state where he was convicted. New York allows felons to vote up until they are imprisoned, which doesn't seem likely to happen before election day since he is appealing. Skin of teeth again.

tl;dr ... it is the web page you are trying to copy from... and the operating system touch screen support... not the browser. You outta luck here... use a different OS or copy from a different web page.

have not. But I like salt on my grapefruit, so maybe I will try it.

... which is why you also need to join the samba group.

Why downvote? This is an often overlooked trap for programmers... especially those of the "data science" variety, but certainly not restricted to that subset.

How do you know it isn't the web page layout? Have you tested the same page with a computer with a mouse?

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There are thousands of programs for Linux... but you should be warned that relatively few programs run natively on both Windows and Linux. In some cases there are ways to run "Windows programs" on Linux, but in general such successes are special cases. If you absolutely must have Windows you can run it in a virtual machine... but you will most likely be happiest with Linux if you aren't chasing after such things.

I use Windows for work because our IT department only supports that... but I use cygwin and wsl to get a smidgen of my familiar Linux tools that I use on my personal computers.