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Joined 1 years ago

I like learning about random ass hobbies without ever indulging in them.

I watch an ungodly amount of aquarium / terrarium videos, lurk a ton of aquascaping communities. I owned a betta fish in an empty bowl when I was 12 and that's it. (poor fish)

I read all you could know about book binding fanfiction, never done it.

I read a hundred pages long horse breeding guide for the game black desert online and I have no idea why. I only played the game for a month, spent most of it reading a google doc about horse. I'm not even sure I owned a horse in the game.

Sometimes I try the hobby, for example mini painting, and don't have the patience for it. But I still watch some random dudes on youtube paint for hours and sometimes they don't even talk!

No idea why I am like this

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While I agree with you, I'd really love the possibility of block whole instances, just for me. I don't want my instance from defederating from much, but I'd like for example to block all the porn without having to find myself some christian lemmy instance to move to lol

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Pasta can be desserts.

I make a delicious Mac and chocolate, but can get very few people to try it :(

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These are affiliate link, they are trying to make money, not doing a good faith effort to participate or better the community.

I personally think the purpose of life is to reproduce. Everything we are is just because it made us better at surviving and multiplying. We are merely animals.

I dont think we need to have kids just because that's what we exist for. We're intelligent enough to go against our basic instincts if we wish. In that optic, we all need to find our own purpose!

Apps for desktop websites isn’t a thing

It totally is a thing. But at the same time, you're not wrong, since they all run on electron lmao.

Can't you just skin them and throw away only the skin?

School in general. It was so much work. Homework is torture, at least now once my day is finished I don't have to worry about it until the next morning.

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Now that you say it, actually highschool was pretty chill. I was living on my own in college, so it was your whole list, plus classes, plus homework, and that was the real hell.

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Nah, I did well in school and it's almost impossible to get that diagnosis as a adult around here. I do find the adhd memes relatable tho lol.

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I did that at first, and thought I was dying when I had bright red diarrhea

I now try to vary my consumption :|

I almost pissed myself laughing by watching the let's game it out satisfactory series, loved it.

Holidays and special occasions are sometimes tough, with family shoving food in my face, but I just exercise extra hard afterward, lol.

I think that's the best way to go about it, eating like a monk literally all the time is much harder than eating well the majority of the time, at least for me lol.

The guilt is an enemy as well, I'm the type to go "well, I've broken my diet strike, might as well eat a sundae" in a sort of self hate spiral that makes no sense. If I allow myself to indulge in expected moments I feel much better. Like, literally everyone around the table at christmas goes like, "I ate way too much", I shouldn't feel bad for feeling the same haha

I boil the pasta in sugared cacao water, this might be the most important step as it turns the pasta brown. Yellow pasta looks unappetizing if you skip this step.

Then you make a ganache using your favourite chocolate. For me it's toblerone, I find the little nougat bits add a cool texture. I melt it in a bowl over the boiling pasta and mix with cream, it is very efficient! Everything should be ready to mix at the same time!

You can cover and bake with marshmallows until they're brown. But don't use the broiler or they'll catch fire.

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Le Romano Fafard

It's really insanely good. Took a break after binging the first 50 or so episodes. Looks like I haven't even listened to your favourites yet!

I enjoy Adam Ragusea's podcast. It is a bit all over the place sometimes, but it's mostly about cooking related stuff?

French speakers should check out Mike Ward sous écoute. It's just Québec comedians* getting drunk in front of a crowd. I really enjoy it.

Darknet diaries have been named a few times already, but I will also list it, it's just that good haha.

* Google tells me humorist is a word in english but im not sure? It's mostly people doing comedy, not necessarily movies etc.

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You can totally kill 20 hours on vampire survivor. I just discovered the game with the switch release and it consumed my life for about a week.

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I second Ethan's channel! He has a few videos on how he preps his meals, or how he organizes food around his days so he doesn't need to reach to takeout when he doesn't have time to cook and stuff like that.

Couple ouvert est pas pire mais j'en ai pas écouté beaucoup.

J'avais beaucoup aimé la série sur la sudation du pharmachien, c'est sur l'app de podcast de radio-canada, j'avais binge ça en genre 2 jours.

C'est les seuls autres qui me viennent en tête!