7 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Artist and advocate from Ōtautahi, Aotearoa.

Thanks team - this is a big decision to make and I'm sure it's a challenging one, but I think it's the right one - both for beehaw and its users and the wider fed/lemmyverse as a whole. I'm really appreciating beehaw's values and how we're sticking to them, here.

Absolutely - mastodon had similar moments in the big twitter waves where some pretty large instances defederated from some other large ones (some of them even over moderation policy. Defederation like this is also a means of moderating the fediverse as a whole - if the admins of an instance are unwilling to moderate their users, other instances can encourage action like this.

The issue isn’t that the majority of people are straight (though I’d point to what we saw in the rates of left handedness once we stopped punishing it), it’s how we talk about it and the assumptions we make - and it’s about the disparities LGBTQIA+ people can face because of the specifically heteronormative way society is set up.

Marriage equality is a great easy example - the reason marriage equality was (and is, in so many places) such a big deal wasn’t just so we could marry just like heterosexuals - it’s because there are so many rights afforded to married couples that aren’t afforded to others. Healthcare access is the big one - in so many places, only married spouses are considered ‘family’ and able to make decisions for their partner, or even visit them in hospital.

To use your analogy, it would be like there not being any metal concerts, ever, because everyone just likes pop, right? Why would anyone want to go to a metal gig?

It’s also absolutely incorrect and pretty well documented - 9% of adults on average globally, trending much higher for youth according to some of the most recent data from Ipsos.

But you’re absolutely right - bringing up population rates is unnecessary and kind of odd - and how many of us there are doesn’t negate how poorly we’re treated in many parts of the world, and the deficits we still face in western society.

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Congratulations! I’m so pleased for you!

I think this is actually pretty clear and useful information on Republican support for same-sex relationships - what-abouting between 'moral' and 'acceptable' isn't useful here, particularly when you take this research in the (very important) context of recent lawmaking around rainbow communities.

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I’ve been using it for the last week and really enjoy it - I’m on an m1 air and asahi is so much snappier than macOS, which is saying something because it still sings!

There’s a few key hardware features still missing - mic, speaker, and the thunderbolt port (so hdmi and external displays) that are preventing me from driving it fully because I do a lot of presentations at work, but it’s quick enough to boot into mac when I need to.

Occasionally there’s something that doesn’t want to run on arm architecture, but there’s usually an alternative - and it sounds like 4k paging is close.

Give it a shot! I’m invested cos I wanna hear more people’s take on it 😅

I think what so often gets missed in these conversations (and they're conversations that happen a LOT in lots of social media spaces and off-line spaces) is that this discussion - about inclusion and access in high-end competitive sport - is absolutely having a negative impact on any trans person trying to engage in any sport and recreation at any level.

We know that sport, recreation, and exercise is a great protective factor for our health and wellbeing - and that trans and non-binary folks are engaging in those activities less often than our cis peers. The excessive attention on inclusion in sport (primarily conversations being had by laypeople, i might add) mean that those of us trying to play sport or exercise in our communities are hyper-aware of the discourse, are even more worried about what people might think of us - - and in some cases are experiencing heightened transphobia in our communities as a result.

Lots of sporting codes have introduced some great standards for trans inclusion that really work, and reflect the evidence base - and those decisions have been made by sports medicine experts and experts in those codes - and that's whose opinion i really trust, not people making assumptions based on what they think about sex and gender.

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This is so interesting to me because for the longest time, the only queer stories ever told in Hollywood were the tragedies - happy queer characters are relatively new, and I think space for both is so important. Hollywood can absolutely be doing more in showing some of the current issues our communities are actually facing, but there’s huge benefit in showing possibility models - especially for young people and their parents. So many parents are terrified of what their kid’s life is going to be like, because how they think of queer people has been influenced by decades of tragiqueer storytelling - those positive stories can help a lot.

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Oh great question! I always say everyone should consider whether they might like to change their name - i hear so often people saying they can't or don't have a reason, and you don't need one!

I took my grandmother's first name cos she's real special to me, and took my second from my favourite comic book character at the time 😅 but they sound great together!

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Hey, you're welcome here - so don't worry about that.

No one can tell you who they are, but we can absolutely share and try help you along in that process. Lots of what you've described is pretty common for lots of trans folks, for sure. I spent a long time going back and forth and questioning myself a lot, and a big barrier for me was being really worried about what it would be like to be trans, and how hard it would be - and while it's been challenging at times, my life is so much richer and more full for it.

All i can recommend is continuing to have an open mind - if you're comfortable with asking this of yourself, and comfortable seeking out and learning more, that will help guide you on the way - and even if it turns out you're not trans, at least you'll have learnt a lot along the way!

This is really interesting to read, thank you! I work in medical education, specifically around gender diversity - so knew a lot of this but not the detail you’ve shared here, so thanks!

Practically speaking - the questions OP mentioned doctors asked are also just the best ways to provide the best care we can. So often we use the sex marker on someone’s file as a shortcut to the kind of care they need, but there are obviously so many exceptions to those rules, and not just for trans and non-binary folks. One of the biggest questions I get asked is about differing care and needs based on sex, and it’s actually so easy - just treat the person in front of you like a whole, individual person, rather than a sex maker on a file.

Absolutely - but please feel free to share some of her posts yourself,!

I think it's still unknown? This article talks about how even the definition and symptoms of long covid are still being debated!

Not sure if this person is in the same place but Aotearoa NZ recently extended copyright from 50 to 70 years after death due to a UK trade deal, so I wouldn't be surprised if the UK have pushed it. We've recently fast-tracked the change due to an EU trade deal, though, so it's not the UK alone.

This is interesting reading alongside the one from yesterday about blue carbon - in Aotearoa one of our fiord regions is looking at farming kelp in the same area, too!

Not a teen, but when I would have been 10 or so we lived out in the country, with a big eucalyptus tree in the back yard. I used to climb it a lot, and was real into building things like platforms and little (shoddy) tree houses. We also had a great trampoline, which I often used to get down out of the tree.

You might be able to see where this is going.

One day, I was up in the tree building a little ladder with the trampoline below me. I went to get down, dropped my hammer to the trampoline, and immediately followed it.

Time slowed, i witnessed it all happening in slow motion as I was thought "oh fuck, that was dumb" as the hammer hit the trampoline, i landed, and the hammer flew in a perfect arc and hit me in the forehead with the head of the hammer.

I stood there, stunned still for a second, and then immediately went "oh god, that could have been so much worse". Thankfully I was completely fine!

This is incredible - I love this style! Really thought it was a photo at first. It’s got such a nice depth to it - nice work!

This statement is an interesting one - we absolutely need to be pushing large companies to reduce their emissions, because they have a huge ge impact. But you’re on the money here - here’s a really good write up about it, but that stat includes “use of sold product” in its emissions - aka us using those companies’ products. We’ve got a huge part to play here - climate action requires both pushing for corporate responsibility as well as individual changes.

My town is so well situated - we're a short distance from beaches, mountains, forests, the whole lot. We had a significant quake ten or so years ago and the rebuild has meant so many new opportunities - for cycling infrastructure, for arts communities, for social infrastructure. We've got a new central library that is gorgeous, and has so many great facilities - sewing machines, laser cutters, 3d printers, a little recording studio, the lot!

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This is great advice! I also think there’s a huge difference in being stealth by choice and stealth by necessity. Making an active choice in this can be great for your wellbeing - the difference between feeling empowered to do this and being required to do it.

I’d recommend being open to letting trusted people in - one of the biggest struggles of going stealth is the isolation and worry about being outed, and having even one person you can share about this with will make the world of difference.

I think this is what I came here to say, too! Bags of MSG are soooo cheap, I have a tiny jar of it next to my oven and it’s so satisfying and so much fun to taste what you’re cooking before and after adding a sprinkle of MSG. Amazing difference!

I’ve learnt to add umami in lots of other ways, but for some recipes, msg really is a good hit.

I think it’s less to do with the traits themselves and more to do with the person and how they’re perceived. As other people have said - people get more of a significant impact from role models they can identify with or look like them. There’s so much room for role models of all types, but if we’re thinking about masculinity specifically, so many young men and boys only have masculine folk in their lives who, for example, don’t share their emotions - and this pattern affirms the idea that it’s not ‘manly’ to be vulnerable.

More people who express themselves in a ‘masculine’ way modeling these positive traits show other people with similar identities and expressions that it’s possible (and good) for them to do it, too.

I had a similar experience recently - picked up Pulsar because I was getting uncomfortable with VSCode’s telemetry. Found it a bit tricky to config, and then had trouble with atom packages that obviously haven’t been updated for a few years now that are a bit out of date. Switched to vscodium instead!

Oh absolutely- I feel like the best representation we have is characters who just happen to be part of the rainbow community, rather than it being a focus of the plot. Queer-specific stories are important and useful, but it’s so important for everyone - us, allies, young people, general public - to see rainbow characters just living their lives in tv and movies without it being a huge part of their character or storyline.

Thanks for that debloat link, that's super useful!

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This gets brought up a lot and I think so much of the solution is actually just addressing social and structural drivers of crime - addressing housing issues, providing a UBI or other means of effectual social support, addressing social exclusion - a lot of this goes a long way. For everything else, it's looking at transformative justice - it's pretty well documented that incarceration doesn't actually reduce crime or recidivism, but a community-driven model that looks at the whole person as well as the factors that lead to harm can not only provide support to the victim or those hurt, but support those perpetrating harm in not continuing it in the future.

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I currently use nextjs and prismic for my CMS - while there are some nextjs themes and starters, it’ll probably require some coding (which I enjoy!). A benefit of next is that it has incremental static regeneration, so can update pages without having to rebuild the whole site.

I’ve also used Sanity on pretty much every other site I’ve built and it’s fantastic!

I’m looking at rebuilding my blog from scratch at the moment - I kind of have a whole different purpose for it now. I’m looking at Astro instead of Next, and thinking about TinaCMS over sanity - partly to try something new, partly because the speed and simplicity of Astro with a visual builder writing markdown is exciting to me!

Absolutely - I was so worried about finishing Ted Lasso purely because of how good it was and how much I enjoyed it, and I really didn't want it to end.

I've felt the same way about other shows in the past, but Ted Lasso i think is unique in that I really feel it ended perfectly, and even in the leadup to the finale the way the writers handled things made me feel so confident that it would end well, so in the end I started the finale comfortable and happy.

Yeah, I've been out 10 years and for a good five years at least being trans wasn't even a factor in a lot of my decision making any more - that's changed in the last 18 months with all the negative attention on us.

That's the one! We've got at least two libraries with fully fitted maker spaces, it's so neat.

I lived in Tāmaki for 10 years or so and there's a few things I miss (the food!) but Ōtautahi is so affordable, so well situated, and SO flat for cycling!

Butterflied roast chicken was the single recipe from Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat that really nailed home so many of the lessons for me - especially about seasoning your meat overnight! Amazing what a difference it makes - one of my fave easy cooks now!

Thank you, that's super helpful! I'll have a hunt to disable bloat and have a play with adb if need be. I'm the one in charge so I can basically do what I like 😅

Oh my god - thanks so much for this! I’m in Aotearoa and this has been on my radar for the last five years, but I’ve never been able to find a copy!

We're open to productive conversation and discussion here on beehaw (as long as it's in line with our rule - be(e) nice), but this has not been that. People in this community have been incredibly generous in sharing here, and you haven't shown any openness or willingness to learn or listen, so it's time to disengage.

This is such an important point to make - social media is such a double edged sword for our community. Recently the US Surgeon General, when warning about the use of social media in young people, made an exception for rainbow young people, saying it can be a lifeline

I loooove making lasagna and thought mine was good, but I’m so excited to try this bolognese sauce recipe! I use Samin Nosrat’s pomarolla sauce which is pretty great, too.

In my day job i spend a lot of time doing education and professional development around supporting and including rainbow people - in healthcare, education, business, across every sector. We did the math recently, and figured out we've done this with over 15,000 people in the last three years - and I can count on one hand the times someone has been hateful or not willing to learn. Absolutely overwhelmingly people are wanting to know to better support our communities - it's just that the opposition are so good at being very loud and taking up lots of space.

That's something I keep coming back to when it feels overwhelming - there's so much noise and so much hate, but I know it's coming from an absolute minority. I know this is far more complex in the states, where that minority have a lot of power - but they are still the minority, for sure.

Oh, this is so neat, thank you! I've just had a play - especially for a work phone that has real specific uses, Niagara makes a lot of sense! Do you subscribe to pro? Have you found it useful?

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Our stovetop is having issues and I’d had a similar thought, so I’m hanging out to hear people’s reckons on this too!